european countries need to import arab women - beurettes

Interesting dynamic. Seems Africans and Arabs in France are combining into one culture. Compare this to USA. Most Blacks and Mexicans(our 2 biggest minorities) don't like each other, let alone stand each other.
an article about how soccer players smoking hookah is a big problem in france and amongst french players playing abroad, from yesterday:

to put a little bit of context, the hookah or chicha in france is smoked by arabs and black men
players caught include black and arab players:

hookah bars or "bars à chicha" are places where arab girls go to meet black men
hence the term "beurette à chicha", which means an arab girl who spends a lot of time in hookah bars looking for black men
the most popular french artist, booba, had this line that angered frustrated arab men: "je vais à la chicha pour les beurettes", "i go to the hookah bar for the arab sluts":

an article about how soccer players smoking hookah is a big problem in france and amongst french players playing abroad, from yesterday:

to put a little bit of context, the hookah or chicha in france is smoked by arabs and black men
players caught include black and arab players:

hookah bars or "bars à chicha" are places where arab girls go to meet black men
hence the term "beurette à chicha", which means an arab girl who spends a lot of time in hookah bars looking for black men
the most popular french artist, booba, had this line that angered frustrated arab men: "je vais à la chicha pour les beurettes", "i go to the hookah bar for the arab sluts":

Even the evil (NOI) scientist "Yakub" couldn't create something as loathsome as a hybrid (dune-coon/chimp). That's one link that needs to go "missing." What a toxic brew that's growing in the European Petri dish lab of multi-cultures - literally.
"I'm 27 year old, White Male.

My father is a non-practising Christian and my mother is a practising Christian. I live in Canada, am University educated, and also work in the skilled trades. My life is going pretty good at the moment.

I grew up in Toronto which has a lot of immigrants and is very multicultural. So, when I was about 16 or so, I started dating a practicing Muslim girl in high school, she was from Afghanistan. We dated for almost 4 years, then broke up, she is now married. We had sex with each other, so we took each others' virginity. Then again when I was about 22 or so, I started dating another practicing Muslim girl, from Iran, this time it lasted about a year and a half then we broke up. We also had sex. Then within the past 2 years I've been on-and-off dating another (non-practicing) Muslim girl from Iran, but I am currently single, and we've had sex. I've also casually dated maybe 10 or 20 other Muslim girls, but it's been casual dating and maybe kissing, nothing too serious. Mostly Iranians and Afghans, a few Iraqis as well.

So, because of my experiences with Muslim girls, I've kind of always been around Islam since a teenager, and quite frankly I love the culture and the set of ideals associated with Islam. What really bothers me, as a White male, about Canada is this emphasis on "gender equality" and "feminism" when the reality is that men and women are different and were created that way to have different roles on purpose.

I have always looked up to the Islamic way of life, and even with men, I always respect Muslim guys I meet at work or out socially.

I guess what I'm saying is, I've been thinking about converting to Islam for the past few years, and maybe now it's time I'd like to do it.

The problem, though, is that I don't think I would be a good Muslim. I have sex with a lot of different girls, and sometimes I even pay for it with prostitutes and film it even though I am good looking and can often get sex for free. I'm also a bit perverted sexually. I don't want to change that, it's part of who I am. I know that is not the way a Muslim is supposed to conduct himself.

So, what I'm asking is, if its OK that I convert but still engage in the above? I respect and love the Islamic culture 100%, and I have for over 10 years now.

What does everyone think about this? Would it be OK if I convert but just do so as a "moderate" or slightly non-practicing but still believing Muslim? I wouldn't want to give a bad representation of Islam, so I would keep my views to myself even if I convert.

Thank You,

boxingspecialist2, i thought you were a bosnian muslim, now your parents are both christian?
so you really converted after having sex with a few beurettes? lol
currently trending in france:

arab reality show personality known recently for broadcasting her wedding live on snapchat and periscope :rolleyes:

is being mocked because her wedding didn't last very long

arabs in france are crazy about reality shows
for example recently it surfaced that abdeslam, the terrorist currently in prison for the bataclan killings , watched only reality shows in prison, he didn't even watch the euro champs (expected since france got criticised so much for not calling benzema and ben arfa)

have a look at some of her pictures on instagram
the trending musician mhd (who does african rap music), one of the biggest celebrities in france lately, makes a song about his relationship with an arab girl, amina:

it was discovered that this same rapper insulted algerians multiple times on twitter before he became a celebrity
algerian hackers took control of his official youtube and twitter accounts and deleted everything
the black guy has answered saying that it won't stop him and he didn't take back what he said about algerians
black rapper from paris threatened after insulting arab women in a song and claiming they are worthless whores and he would not even pay for a hotel room for them he would just have sex in a car or building entrance

at the root of these threats is an arab loser with a big following amongst other arabs, who did the same to many rappers

can you believe that benzema, who is from the same city as him, said he supported this racist loser
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