ethnicity and bases on balls


Nov 13, 2005
I've always been fascinated by how on base percentage is overlooked in baseball stats, and thus was thrilled to read money ball and see how Billy Beane was putting some of my theories in action. To wit, who cares how you get on base, just get on base alot and you will score. Anyway, did some research on the National League walk leaders, and surprise, surprise, its one category dominated by whites. Of the top 46, 27 were whites, 13 Latins, and American blacks. Of the blacks, only Derrick Lee was high ranking, coming in about 9th, with three white guys one walk behind him. After him there was a drop off to about number 25 for the next American black. Next project, the AL.
Gee refer, this is kind of do I put this?

The one person I've ever read who claims to have come up with this same exact theory is a certain guy named Steve. If this is that same Steve, then you must understand, no one here gives a flying fart what you have to say. And if it's not, sorry buddy, no offense, but some other guy got the theory into print before you...

Now that we've gotten that formality out of the way, I'd check I.Q. scores for the quick and easy explanation for this anamoly.

Edited by: White_Savage
White Savage, rest assured I'm not Steve Sailer, though I do like his political articles and immigration reform ideas (the buyout idea of bribing non-europeans to leave Europe and return to country of origin is fascinating). I've always been amazed at how baseball offensive stats are configured with team tables listing teams by batting average rank, not runs per game or runs per nine innings which is a much more meaningful stance then mere batting average. Beane has taken this idea (of the importance of overall on base percentage ) and run with it, with an amazing year in and year out performance.
Having consumed a few adult beverages while watching the MNF game, I find thatthere seems to be something I am missing with the above posts or I had more to drink than suspected.


Think about mental processing time. On average, Whites are going to be the most intelligent people on the baseball field, and that helps with certain things. When I was watching the series, it was amazing to me to watch the slow motion replay of the pitches. Several times I saw this: A white player would be at bat, the pitch would come down the pipe at 90 mph. In the slow motion replay, it was almost like you were watching the players "hard drive" work. When you watch a guy prepare to swing, make the choice not to swing, then ascertain that he's got to lean out of the way of the pitch, all in less than a second, that sort of blindingly fast reaction is amazing.
If you are researching OBP, then why are you looking
at walks, when OBP is listed by itself in the stat tables.
When looking at OBP, Whites still do quite well. I think to
promote the best spirit of the forum, we should stick to the
truth, and the truth is that non-whites do about as well as
Whites in all Baseball Stat Categories, but no better.
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