ESPN World Cup Coverage

free-safety said:
What genocide are you talking about ? This is classic chicken little, the sky is falling logic that extremists use to justify their actions. Hitler used similar logic to brainwash Germans. Genocide against white Europeans. ? Ha ! It would be laughable were it not tragic. And what the Police in Europe doing while this genocide is occurring ? have the nazis now assumed the work that should be done by the Police ?

"Genocide" is hyperbole. But the white race is declining, there is absolutely no question about it. The police can't do a damn thing about 1.2 birth rates or mass 3rd World immigration.

Mass Immigration + High Non-White Birth Rates + Low White Birth Rates = The Reduction and Replacement of White People

free-safety said:
To me showing pride in your culture would be something like a St Patrick's day parade or a Mardi Gras parade. This is what most normal people consider taking pride in their culture. Some of you need to ask yourselves why your views are so far off the mainstream. Oh I forgot. Its because the mainstream is all so dumb and so scared of showing white pride and so PC and deracinated. What nonsense !

Of course the mainstream is dumb and scared. Of course they're PC. Of course they're afraid of white pride. How do you not see that?

As for St. Patrick's Day and Mardi Gras being about pride in white culture, you've got to be kidding. Those are drunken parties, nothing more.

free-safety said:
Anything that involves overt aggresiveness, demeaning other races, brandishing hate symbols, running around shouting racial epithets etc is loutish uncouth behaviour. Only insecure people do such things.

Yeah, keep telling yourself that we're merely insecure, that we have no other motivation. If that makes you feel better. And while you're at it, you might as well proclaim that everyone who opposes homosexuality is a "latent homosexual." Whatever comforts your liberal mind.

free-safety said:
Most extremists have cant seem to differentiate between what is a true hate crime and whats is not.

It's very simple. If a white person beats up a non-white person while using epithets, it's a hate crime. If a non-white person beats up a white person while using epithets, it's not a hate crime. That's the way it works in America. Get it, liberal?

free-safety said:
But racists always end up on the wrong side of history.

Like the Founding Fathers?

free-safety said:
IQ as a measure of intelligence has been discredited by most scientists.

Yeah, the ones who want to deny ALL differences between races- except skin color, of course.

free-safety said:
But guess what. It also means that most white Americans and Brits are race traitors.

Of course they are. That's not news.

free-safety said:
In fact last year the entire England team wore armbands to make a stand against racism in football.

Including that metrosexual whigger David Beckham? I'm not surprised.

free-safety said:
Diversity is a fact of life. Deal with it. A race of people is not just going to die out.

Diversity is a fact of life! And there is PLENTY of diversity within the white race! More than enough.

The white race won't die out completely, but, like I've already pointed out, we're being reduced and replaced- and that's bad enough.
free-safety said:
Kaptain Poop said:
I guess you stand corrected Free Safety. Just in case you don't believe the eye witness accounts of black fan behavior mentioned in the above posts I will remind you of the Andrew Golotta vs. Riddick Bowe riot that took place. The blacks in the crowd rioted and severly beat many white fans in the crowd all because they had to watch a white man beating the crap out of a black man for 12 rounds. Can you name one similar case of white fan violence against blacks? Just one???

No I dont stand corrected. The ESPN segment was about race based misbehaviour not about riots. I myself have participated in sporting riots dring my younger days. I have no problem because I understand that sometimes when your team loses you can be overwhelmed by emotions.
The crux of the matter here is the behaviour of fans who seek to demean, insult and threaten other people based on their race.
Most civilized societies consider throwing bananas, making monkey chants, using racial epithets and other similar bahviour uncouth.
If you and others dont then you might want to resign from this society and create your own. Otherwise the frustration will kill you.
And yes this kind of activity is unique to European sports because for years its been condoned.

So namecalling is considered "misbehavior" but groups of blacks beating white fans over the head with chairs is acceptable because they are "overwhelmed with emotion"?
I think the Golota/Bowe example qualifies as race-based misbehavior. You have "no problem" with people getting beat senseless simply because they are white, but you have a big problem with name calling? How warped are you?
Name-calling is "unique to European sports"??? Gimme a F'in break! We've already given plenty of examples to refute that stupid statement.

As far as me and others resigning from this society and creating our own; my white forefathers already created this society. Yes, they did it by crushing and kicking out people of other races that wanted them to leave just as you are hoping I and others like me leave now. Don't count on us always running to create a new utopia for the rest of the world to leech off of; we just may stay and fight and if we do we surely will kick you and people like you and their asses back to where they belong.

On a final note, of all the ridiculous ranting I read in your post I was particularly touched by the story of the tough guy you claim to have been when you laughed at two black guys who supposedly threatened you and then you became butt-buddies. How heartwarming. Stick a feather in your hat! Befried a guy who threatens you instead of punching him in the mouth (real tough). Did they make you an "honorary brother"? Did you feel cool when they called you their homey?

Edited by: Kaptain Poop
Gee guys, the troll does not see anything wrong with hoolaganism or rioting along as you don't do it because of _racism_. Lovely. And of course, the fact that the vast majority of interacial crime (According to the F.B.I. uniform crime statistics)are committed AGAINST Whites by non-Whites has no meaning. Free-Safety can look into the minds of those mostly-black criminals and tell that they had no racial motivation. And of course, rape, murder, and robbery are excusable as long as they are not motivated by that horrid racism, greed and sheer-bloody-mindedness are ALOT nobler impulses. But throwing a can at somebody because of their race? Horrors.

Kind of tells you all you need to know about the fellow doesn't it?

According to Free-Safety, there are no intrinsic difference between the races (Except that blacks are better athletes.) Every I.Q. study and every sort of standardized tests shows the large gap between blacks and the other races in mental ability. The difference between American blacks and Whites is consistently 15%, it seems. But that has no meaning. And all the evidence that I.Q. correlates very strongly with success in many fields, as well likelyhood of criminal activity, is wrong. Ignore the fact that blacks are vastly more likely to commit violent crimes than Whites, according to the uniform crime statistics. None of that has any meaning. That South Africa has among the highest rape and murder rates in the world, that the vast majority of these crimes are being commited by blacks, often against Whites, has no meaning. They just got some new factories in, now that the world has quit making economic warfare on South Africa for the great sin of being ruled by Whites.

I suppose the fact that we "evil racists" do not claim that say, East Asians, are less intelligent or more criminal than Whites, does not register with FS. I suppose the "Evil White Power structure" which cooks the books in regards to intelligence, academic achievement, and crime has gone out of it's way to make Asians appear slightly better than Whites on those numbers. That makes alot of sense.

But while the 15% I.Q. gap or the fact that a black is 900% more likely to commit murder than a White has no meaning for FS, I'm sure he'll defend the proposition that because the trained black sprinter can exceed the average trained white sprinter by about 2% over a short, straight-line course justifies Whites being vastly under-represented in all manner of sports, right up to certain positions in the NFL being 0% White. Isn't that right?

Allright FS, heres a little truth for you. You won't accept it, because you are hopelessly brainwashed or merely a troll, but I must try. The races of man, objective evidence and honest observation suggests, are culturally and genetically different, esp. Blacks and Whites, to the point of being intrisically incompatible, again, especially blacks and Whites. Without trying to go into the foolishness of proving whose lifestyle is "right" is some grand ultimate and objective sense, the incompatiability is obvious. In nature, one animal is dominant and the other is not. One wolf pack eats, the other starves, one species passes on it's genes, the other perishes. All life is made up of conflict like this. The different races have different strengths in this sort of struggle.

Blacks, despite having low I.Q.s and not, in contrast to popular opinions, being stronger than Whites physically, do enjoy some strategic advantages, in the peculiar circumstance that is modern society. They include criminality and violence so pervasive and random that Whites have trouble predicting and dealing with it (except by the sensible expedient of avoiding/excluding blacks whenever possible). Their quantity-over-quality reproduction strategy is equivocal in a primitive enviroment where mortality is high but devestatingly effective within a White society where mortality is slashed by various modern White technological innovations. And blacks have a tendency, you might even say a talent, for non-criminal behavior so obnoxious and threatening that spaces which do not specifically exclude blacks as a policy become blacks-only by default. Whites have tremendous physical courage when put to it, but strangely, this often doesn't help when dealing with black agression. The White mindset is binary-friend/foe, total peace/total war. Whites are not talented in literally annoying other races out of public spaces, despite our young soccer hooligans, they are not well temperamentally suited to handle the grey area between being friendly relations with someone and trading right crosses. On top of it all, Whites do not typically travel in packs, and in our age of White deracination and cowardice, can expect no help in physical conflict with any pack of non-Whites. So exclusion/avoidance remains the best policy. Most importantly, blacks have a sense of loyalty to their own blackness so strong that the average White man, or even the racially-aware White man, cannot comprehend it.

Whites of course, have tremendous useable talents in the realms of organization and technology, as well as policy. In former times, we engaged in something you would call "holding the black man down", which no doubt produced plenty of incidents which wound your tender (rioting?) anti-racist heart, but did at least put enough fear into blacks to mostly prevent their natural behavior (Los Angeles, Chicago, New Orleans, South Africa) and spare White society their more annoying quirks, for the most part. Unfortunately, the Achilles heel of the White race would seem to be a combination of individualism and dedication to intangible ideals so strong that it is possible to brainwash the vast majority of Whites into giving up the struggle for dominance of the society they live in, something which no other race ever has or ever will do.

And the fact that great numbers of youths like free-safety can see their skin-tone in the mirror every morning while shaving and yet still protest "White dominance" fills me with sadness for belonging to a race whose members embrace their own marginalization with such enthusiasm.
Edited by: White_Savage
DANG! WS as usual hits a homerun. I know it won't mean much to FS but geez guy you nailed how I feel about the whole mess completely.

This particular mention:

"But while the 15% I.Q. gap or the fact that a black is 900% more likely to commit murder than a White has no meaning for FS, I'm sure he'll defend the proposition that because the trained black sprinter can exceed the average trained white sprinter by about 2% over a short, straight-line course justifies Whites being vastly under-represented in all manner of sports, right up to certain positions in the NFL being 0% White. Isn't that right? "

could be on the front page of the website. It sums it all up very nicely.

and you are dead on, 100% right about your observations of racial societal relations. Great job, again!
I have not had a chance to check in for a couple of days and was not surprised to see FS reply. He did a fairly good job of repeating the party line of those that feel so good helping out others at the expense of their own.

Others have replied effectively so I don't feel it necessary to repeat them. I will address something he related from my post. He seemed to indicate that the personal incident I mentioned was a) made up; or b) indicated that my feelings at the time were of fear or cowardice.

Let me say that the story I related was absolutely true in the Detroit Public School leagues of the 1970's. There were two white majority high schools left in the city at that time, made up of the children of parents who could not afford to flee the black invasion. Oh excuse me, I mean the children of parents that enjoyed diversity and wanted to remain in Detroit for it's "renaisance".

This thing was typical of the times and only ended, not because of police or government involvement but because the white population was ethnically cleansed out of the area and it was no longer necessary for blacks to express "black pride".

As for being scared, sh*t yes I was scared, as was every well raised, well behaved, white kid on that bus. Those blacks were acting like (*racial warning*) primative savages. I could not then and cannot now, imagine white people behaving in the same manner.

But for all that it was an important learning point in my life. I wish all white people could experience it. There would certainly be a lot less "free_safety's" in the world.

I agree that free_safety has the moral "high ground" on this discussion. That is because our "morality" sees the destruction of white people and our culture as a moral good.

Free_safety can also always fall back on the familiar refrain of us being marginal, fringe, lunatics, with no real public support. I'm not so sure but does it really matter? Not to me. I know wrong and write. I can see black and white. No amount of twisted words and partisan statistics will ever be able to change what I can see with my own eyes.

As to my original comments that he was a particularly strong strain of the virus that infects some white people all I can say is: I had no idea how strong!!!
A point of interest:
I have not always held a racial view. In fact, looking back, I used to hold the most vocal racists visible on T.V. and what have you contempt. (I realize now that they hand-picked these ignoramuses, and that many of them were almost certainly charachter actors.) I have known Blacks I actually liked *gasp*, believe it or not.

(An aside:I've always had a willingnes to fight not to deep under a polite demeanor, which helps with dealing with all creatures that can smell blood and fear.)

It's easy to meet a black you like, particularly at work (In many parts of the country, blacks who actually have jobs are the cream of the community.) Whites have this tendency of judging blacks by a different standards, in that any black who is a-typically non-heinous for a black will be such a relief that he is considered a Saint...but I digress.

However, at some point, enough hard evidence and personal experience must get through. For every black you may meet on the job who seems nice enough, there are ten in the ghetto who are criminals, who hate Whites, who will make your neighborhood a hell-hole if they move in, etc. And the thing is, you can let one into your neighborhood, your club, your anything, without by and large admitting the rest. Would Thomas Sowell make a good neighbor? Probably. Does he have family members who are likely to steal my hubcaps? Again, probably.

How much evidence does one need? Why are some Sri Lankan and Pakistani store owners I know so desperate to move into a WHITE neigborhood (They expressed it in this exact manner) and think "The Black is a cancer on America" (verbatim quote). Is it because they have so much historical prejudice against blacks, even though they never saw blacks and never considered blacks until
they got to thiscountry? Is it because they have so much love of Whites, despite not sharing the same skin tone, religion, native language? Or is it because they know, through hard-won experience, that they'll be ten times safer in a White neigborhood?

My mother marched for Civil Rights people. In this case it was on behalf of (native, old settler stock) Hispanics in Arizona. Not the Black South, but she was definitely afellow traveler with that movement.

She's been working in a covenience store near a black "hood" for about four years now, she no longer argues with me about the evils of racism, dislikes blacks with a passion even I find excessive, and carries a .38 revolver loaded with +P ammunition. Now either this formerally liberal woman was suddenly possessed by Satan or there is something to what I'm saying after all...

I have enough Libertarian tendencies in me that I think I would simply like to end all forced association with blacks on private property and government theft of money from Whites to blacks. The public school system I don't think should exist at all, so segregation is a non-issue to me. Like groups with like, left to it's own devices. But sometimes I must wonder if that's enough protection for decent living conditions by White standards, even though I have this impulse that I want to make the same laws for all men.
The UNITED NATIONS released a report two years ago showing that blacks are worst of today in South Africa then they were in 1992.

The intelligence of the average black American is 85, i believe. Note that the average black American is 20% white.

The anti white media in Europe tells Europeans that white Americans are racist. The American media says that white Euros are racist. In 20 years the liberal media will claim that all whites were racist in 2006. This to explain why blacks were not able to progress. Of course they will ignore the fact that Japaneese Euros and Japaneese Americans outperform their white counterparts. Probable because whites discriminate against blacks and not asians, it has nothing to do with IQ.

The LA times recently reported that only 97 blacks got into UCLA this year, this because affirmative action was ended in California. 97 being the lowest number since 1956. At least with the Aparthide system the blacks were free to establish there own institutions that they could actually get into. However they failed to establish effective colleges. The Aparthide system was "two countries within a country" type of mentality.

Blacks immigrated to white areas of South Africa because they like to eat. They were free to establish there own cities but were not able to do so. Rememeber that South Africa has always been Africas premiere economy, no thanks to the Brits of course.

We will see in 50 years after Africas population has doubbled and they are all starveing to death/killing each other/rapeing each other/warshiping false gods why aparthide was nessasary. In the United States the average black man has one dollar for every 13 dollars the average white man has in net wealth, the highest difference since the end of the civil war. And the south african middle class, thats only because of affirmative action, and while some whites are comming back to South Africa, a larger numeber still leave every year. South Africa is a lost cause.
The French team is almost all black.
It dawned on me watching Beckham's proclamation against
racism. Proclaiming to be against racism is conceding political
defeat to minorities. The BS civil rights movement has gone so
far in the US it is now a disadvantage to be a white male. This
proclamation is a ticket for whatever action, charity or program
minorities feel like having. These programs will benefit
minorities and only minorities. It makes me puke.

Please help me answer these questions.

1) What are some counter arguments to white privilege?
2) What is the rhetoric for opposing minority defined racism?
Edited by: C Darwin
C Darwin said:
It dawned on me watching Beckham's proclamation against
racism. Proclaiming to be against racism is conceding political
defeat to minorities. The BS civil rights movement has gone so
far in the US it is now a disadvantage to be a white male. This
proclamation is a ticket for whatever action, charity or program
minorities feel like having. These programs will benefit
minorities and only minorities. It makes me puke.

Please help me answer these questions.

1) What are some counter arguments to white privilege?
2) What is the rhetoric for opposing minority defined racism?

What is "white privilege"?"White privilege"benefits rich whites and those in positions of power, who are less than one percent of whites in this country. How does the average white in the U.S. benefit from "white privilege"? The system is dedicated to submerging whites economically and demographically while preserving the wealth and status of the very few, in other words the U.S. is rapidly becoming a Third World totalitarian banana republic. It is the vast sea of white "dittoheads"(followers of Rush Limbaugh and other "conservatives') that enthusiastically enable their own extinction.

South African whites voted overwhelmingly in 1994 to turn over their country to "black rule." And they were a small minority numerically! There are so many whites in America so viciously dedicated to opposing "racism" that it is difficult not to forecast the same "democratic outcome" for this madhouse down the road.
C Darwin said:
1) What are some counter arguments to white privilege?

I would mention the large number of poor rural Whites. Look at places like West Virginia and some parts of The South. Remember all those White Coal miners who got trapped? Where was their White Privilege? Going into a coal mine and barely making ends meet is a Privilege now?

2) What is the rhetoric for opposing minority defined racism?

Well that is a good question. Probably the reason one is asking it is because no one has come up with an effective opposition yet that has solved the problem. The tactic I have been using lately is to just turn around their own buzz words on them. I have heard Michael Weiner (Savage) suggest this. (but he is only motivated in mobilizing people against Arabs only since he is a zionist jew) They call me a 'White Supremacist' I call them a 'jewish supremacist' (note that this is what David Duke calls many of them). They say I am a 'hater' I call them a 'hate hater' (like they are motivated by love? lOL!)
C Darwin said:
1) What are some counter arguments to white privilege?

There are many. The media plays them all of the time when they want the white middle class to support some program that they are pimping. Here are a few I can think of right off the top of my head.

The Depression. Bad times for whites as I hear it right?

"White trash", the trailer park whites that fill up the Jerry Springer show all of the time. Where is the white privilege for these people.

Appalachian whites. Poor rural whites, the stereotype is that they are inbred moonshiners. Still I don't see the privilege of their white skin doing much for them.

"Whiggers" the Enimem crowd. Acting and living and suffering like black folk. White privilege not much good for them.

The white working class neighborhood where I grew up was DEVASTATED by Viet Nam and the drug era. Nearly all of the kids from my hood were drafted and fought in Nam. Those that weren't killed came back f'cked up in the head and turned to drugs, like virtually everyone else in the post hippie era. Most of them ruined themselves doing or selling drugs. Dead, in jail, or with wrecked lives I don't think they feel much "privilege" in being white!

And the largely white military carrying the current burden of empire building is not enjoying much white privilege either.
The 700 Club ran the ESPN Racism in Euro Soccer piece. The only change was an update to report there was taunting of French players by Spanish fans before the game that France won.

One size fits all media, I guess.

The best part is when it's claimed there is racism in
Europe because there are so few blacks. 20+ million Muslims, but few blacks. Uh, okay. Phantoms must have burned all those cars in France.

Rather than spending one's time attending games and being part of a firm it would be better to try and get rich and one day put together a syndicate to buy a professional team and stock it with whatever type of players you want.

Mark Cuban owns the Mavericks. Glazer owns Manchester United. Kraft owns the Patriots (and the stadium they play in). That really young guy owns the Redskins. Anschultz owns MLS (really, he owns the entire league and sells franchises to other 'owners', he also owns the largest movie theater chain in the U.S., interesting as he's a true-believing Christian). Imagine the influence one could have being in a similar situation.

That's the key, I think. Owning things, however small or large. Otherwise you're just a victim of a thousand things; globalization, immigration, EEOC, affirmative action, minority crime, etc. At least when you own things (or 'own' a high-barrier-to-entry career) you have a chance to adapt.

It's better to be in a position where street fights and name-calling are unnecessary. How much sweeter to deny employment, welfare, housing and credit to people you have contempt for. Or to charge higher prices and higher interest rates. Or to pay lower wages and demand more work. Or to be altogether self-sufficient and not have to deal with 'infidels' at all.

That, I think, is the better game to play.