White_Savage said:"Since I don't use drugs the drug war will not effect me"
Hmmm...sorry friend, but that's a bad road to go down.
"Since I don't hunt, gun control won't affect me."
"Since I'm not a racist, "hate speech" laws won't affect me."
"Since I'm not a terrorist, the (un)Patriot Act won't affect me."
It's not just negros and hop-heads who get hurt by the Drug War, anymore than it was only Italians and speak-easy customers during Prohibition
I did not mean to infer that the drug war does not effect me at all, certainly all of the various abuses of freedom by the government effect me. What I meant to indicate is that the relative value of being effected by the War on Drugs, is for me, much less then many other of the governments "wars".
If this particular drug war falls disproportionally on black males, many with other criminal tendencies, then it may be considered, in light of all other abuses, the lesser of evils. And the lesser of evils is, as we all know, the only choice available.
Imagine if those that were able to end drug prohibition did so but the rest of the state apparatus was maintained. You would have the unfortunate situation that many hardened criminals would be able to roam free with no check upon their worst natures. This may free those unfortunate people that have found themselves behind bars for lesser drug offenses yet would loose those desperate creatures as mentioned above.
I am not in favor if the drug war, and in truth of fact would most actively oppose it in an all white society, as I believe that our race would not suffer the great societal pathologies from drug abuse as our mixed society does now.
In present circumstances however I am forced to admit that the jailing of crackheads is, for myself, a positive result, and one that I must look upon favorably. I cannot see how another commonsense person, such as yourself, would not see it as so.