i never called aby of you a rascist, just said some remarks were rascist and disrespectful.
i actually just wrote an AP US history paper on why we elected a black president. we as americans subconsciously decided that change happened after a war. sensing an end to it, and the usual post war depression that is a shadow of all wars, we chose the more economically pragmatic president. as for him claiming to be black ya he just a douche who wants to be famous. i mean he is half white, was raised by whites, and just tried to be black by marrying a black woman. i dont like him that much either. hes all words and philosophy and no realism.
white people should improve inner city schools and have more metco programs to help blacks learn in suburban areas exposed to white people.
theres nothing wrong with white pride, we dont have enough in my opinion. but disrespect and the notion that blacks are inclined to be criminals is wrong. there is 1 rascist tho, the guy that said theres nothing wrong with disliking blacks. that is the definition, my friend.
and another thing obama sux but is a necessary evil.