Eric Holder

And why would anyone watch the news except the whether? Other than CNN, it is all a bunch of garbage appealing to douche rednecks and pompous self hating whites. And if you move to san diego or arizona theres no need for that cuz its sunny every day.
ABsprinter, are you familiar with rural Appalachia? Do you realize that there are millions of Whites in this country totally bewildered and without access to resources or opportunity? As bad as things may be in "inner cities" there are always powerful politicians and organizations reaching out with scholarships and myriad programs (from academic to athletic and so on) to help black city kids do something with their lives.

The Whites in Appalachia have no such assistance or outreach. They're probably far poorer than any city black and have no athletic facilities, no money pouring in to improve schools, no academic scholarship awards, no politician speaking on their behalf, scant if any health care, and generally no realistic hope of ever participating in American life in any meaningful way. Most will be forced to do hard, long, dangerous labor just to earn a wage which hardly qualifies as decent.

The fact is that anti-White policies span the spectrum of America's institutions. Humiliation of the White male has become the central theme of almost all pop culture. Top-40 radio stations play almost no music by White men, instead promoting women and blacks. Advertising, television, Hollywood have all been portraying White men as inferior in every way and promoting the idea that Whites have no culture or value to offer the world for quite a long time.

You say blacks were slaves. You have to understand that most White ethnic groups faced a plight not dissimilar to that for some time before they were able to make inroads into the upper levels of society, to the extent that they ever did. We've still never had a Slavic president. One could very well argue that there are very low glass ceilings for Whites not of the firmly entrenched power structure (think Ivy League, preppy tennis playing Muffy and Buffy type old money Anglo-Saxons and Goldman/Schwarz type Jews).

I think that you're probably a nice person and just trying to be "reasonable" but I'd suggest questioning some of your assumptions and prior education about race. Not that long ago, I probably would have agreed with you on most of your points. However, after going through the anti-White brow-beating of a university education and looking into certain issues with an open mind I've concluded that the Cultural Marxism that underlies the offensive things we see today is far more radical and far more institutionalized than I ever imagined.
you are the first to make much sense latspread and not only because you didnt call me an idiot, what is this cultural marxism/communism that ive heard and how does it effect white institutuionalized thinking?
Absprinter, if you don't want to be called names then you shouldn't come on a board and accuse most of its members of being "racists" or "rednecks" least of all the site moderator. For a blogging board about race this board is amazingly civil but at the same time blunt and real.

What's the expiration date on the "my great-great great grandpappy was a slave" excuse to commit crimes and other social ills? I asked you what you would suggest we do as white people to further help blacks get "opportunity." I'm still waiting for an answer.

Are you a sprinter? If you feel it's unfair for blacks to artificially replace whites in sports, then why is it OK for blacks to artificially replace whites in the workplace or elsewhere? Why should we bend over to help them take our jobs and destroy our culture but God forgive they take our sprinters?

Now I just watched a country that is 70% white listen to a 1/2 black president (who happens to embrace only his blackness while rejecting his whiteness) give the state of the union. It was followed by the Republican party (which is now lead by a black man) response given by an Indian. Seems like us whites are already bending over an grabbing our ankles. Do we also need to sit passively by while our jobs are taken, are streets made unsafe, and our daughters are raped? I'm not a racist - I'm a realist. We don't to spend too much time on this website trying to convince some new guy with preconcieved ideas that we aren't racist. That's an exercise in futility.
i never called aby of you a rascist, just said some remarks were rascist and disrespectful.

i actually just wrote an AP US history paper on why we elected a black president. we as americans subconsciously decided that change happened after a war. sensing an end to it, and the usual post war depression that is a shadow of all wars, we chose the more economically pragmatic president. as for him claiming to be black ya he just a douche who wants to be famous. i mean he is half white, was raised by whites, and just tried to be black by marrying a black woman. i dont like him that much either. hes all words and philosophy and no realism.

white people should improve inner city schools and have more metco programs to help blacks learn in suburban areas exposed to white people.

theres nothing wrong with white pride, we dont have enough in my opinion. but disrespect and the notion that blacks are inclined to be criminals is wrong. there is 1 rascist tho, the guy that said theres nothing wrong with disliking blacks. that is the definition, my friend.

and another thing obama sux but is a necessary evil.
also we should cut funding to inner city schools that dont give results. and/or have tests to place smart blacks in better schools because they want to learn.
whiteathlete33 said:
Also AB sprinter my other issue in sports is in boxing. Ever since the Europeans started dominating boxing they are constantly put down. Klitschko get's no credit after smashing everyone he faces. He is not considered a "real champion." All this while thugs like Tyson, who was constantly in trouble with the law, were praised constantly. Tyson was a one dimensional fighter who wouldn't be capable of packing groceries in Shoprite if not for his fighting career. Meanwhile a true hero like Klitschko who can speak 5 languages, has 2 PHD's and is a class act all the way get's badmouthed by the media. This is what upsets us. It should upset you too.

I was listening to ESPN local radio in Chicago and a the host Chet Coppeck, was interviewing Jim Lampley about boxing. Coppeck said the fighters of today aren't as good as the fighters of the past sticking with the party line. . But Lampley actually disagreed with him and said they are as good and I think he mentioned Klitcho specifically. I don't know anything about boxing, but I thought I would mention it.At least someone in the media is giving the white fighters credit. I don't know about the other boxing media.
i tryed boxing and dont like it. its the most tiring thing ive ever done. i called off the fight in 2nd round due to fatigue. it combines a lot of endurance, quickness, explosion, strength, and when you get to the elite levels: how much hits you can take. white people, being the most versatile athletes, would make more sense being better boxers. i would much prefer real fighting. i remember, being a football player, having the urgeto tackle my opponent, but ended up swinging and missing.
ABsprinter said:
also we should cut funding to inner city schools that dont give results. and/or have tests to place smart blacks in better schools because they want to learn.

ABS, increasing the number of blacks in a school or school system has been met with declining test scores. There are plenty of suburban schools that are majority black. To provide for the new majority black students, they hire more black teachers, guidance counselors, administrators, coaches and principals. Social activities like dances, bands, and other things completely change at these schools to reflect a black culture.

Trust me, I used to believe the same way you did almost exactly. I figured that if all black kids where equally distributed to all schools, then everything would be fine. But social experiments like this don't work. It started with the school busing disaster where in select urban and suburban school districts federal judges, under lawsuits from the NAACP, forced white kids to go to schools in black neighborhoods, and forced black kids to go to schools in white neighborhoods. Many of the families of the white kids who were forced to the black neighborhood schools moved to a school district without the forced busing, thus changing lowering home values, increase of blacks in those neiborhoods, and an overal increase of blacks in the school system combined with lower academic output. It just doesn't work. They should just let people live and do what they want without government social experimentation. In the long run society will solve the problems at a natural pace.
ABsprinter said:
i never called aby of you a rascist, just said some remarks were rascist and disrespectful.

i actually just wrote an AP US history paper on why we elected a black president. we as americans subconsciously decided that change happened after a war. sensing an end to it, and the usual post war depression that is a shadow of all wars, we chose the more economically pragmatic president. as for him claiming to be black ya he just a douche who wants to be famous. i mean he is half white, was raised by whites, and just tried to be black by marrying a black woman. i dont like him that much either. hes all words and philosophy and no realism.

white people should improve inner city schools and have more metco programs to help blacks learn in suburban areas exposed to white people.

theres nothing wrong with white pride, we dont have enough in my opinion. but disrespect and the notion that blacks are inclined to be criminals is wrong. there is 1 rascist tho, the guy that said theres nothing wrong with disliking blacks. that is the definition, my friend.

and another thing obama sux but is a necessary evil.

We actually elected a black President because he wasn't a Republican connected to Bush. And of course 95% of blacks voted for him. That's all. Anybody with a D by their name and a pulse would have beaten McCain.

As far as schools, as mentioned in another thread black schools already recieve more funding than white schools. As far as I know blacks are free to move to the suburb. The blacks that have moved to Minnesota and are thus "exposed to whites" still perform poorly. The answer isn't tweeking education or race mixing. The answer is somewhere between making people take responsibility for their actions and realizing that there are some differences and being OK with that. Frankly, I could care less how educated someone is - but I do care about behavior.

Shouldn't black people improve inner city schools? Not whites.

I also don't care about who is "inclined" to commit a crime. I do care about who is commiting crimes. No need to be foolish and pretend that blacks aren't commiting crimes much much more than any other population.
my paper called for a reason that wasnt negative based- in other words not why did people vote against mccain, but for obama.

and blacks may performm worse or not in suburbia but you strayed from the point that the suburbian crme rate is lower. thats a fact.
ABsprinter said:
and blacks may performm worse or not in suburbia but you strayed from the point that the suburbian crme rate is lower. thats a fact.


the most accurate method of predicting how much violent crime is in an area is to find out the percentage of the population that is black. it is a linear relationship. the higher the percentage of blacks, the more violent crime.

this has been thoroughly and extensively documented by the FBI with the work "The Color of Crime."

the only reason there is less crime in the suburbs, is because there are fewer blacks there. if the blacks all moved to the suburbs and the whites moved back to the inner cities, it would be the suburbs that would have a rampant crime rate while the inner city would be nearly crime free.

as non-politically correct as it is to say, EVERYWHERE that has experienced an influx of blacks has seen an increase of crime that is disproportionately higher than their numbers in the population. this isn't only in the USA, it is world-wide. take a look at Canada and England for examples of nations that have experienced this fact despite not having the oft-cited reason for American blacks criminal tendencies (ie. slavery).
ill look that up and get back to you guys you seem more researched in this than me jimmy. i hope ur wrong.
also ABsprinter, with regards to your point about boxing...

you are absolutely correct, mate. i have an uncle who was a Silver Gloves boxer, and he has told me several times that boxing three 3-minute rounds is tougher than running 20 miles.

i was stunned when he told me that, but after sparring a time or two, i believe him. boxing is exhausting! i thought i was going to die!
Most combat sports can gas you out a (recent) BJJ Purple belt, I can attest to that. Training Muay Thai, MMA, wrestling, boxing & BJJ are MUCH more taxing that running a 5K, cross-country, etc. You utilize anerobic & aerobic energy. The first few times I rolled BJJ I gassed out under a minute! I still don't have "great" cardio, but know how to pace myself now & work technique (vs. just all brute force...from my White belt days).
Edited by: DixieDestroyer
As a former college distance runner I'd have to say running is a really difficult sport.

I remember one of the first things our coach told us when we were running the 10,000 meters:

"Run one lap as fast as you possibly can, until you feel like you're going to black out and your chest is going to explode. Then after that, do the same thing again. Twenty-six times."

Several people, after a while, requested to be moved to the 1500 or 5000 (in my opinion those races are just as hard, though) because the 10k was just too difficult for them to basically treat as a protracted sprint.

And it IS hard, after already being tired, to try to balance your tactics to have something left at the end, and actually speed up when the race is almost over.

Having said all that, though, I'd rather sprint a hundred laps at top speed than have someone punching me in the head.

jaxvid said:
I think it's fine for white people to dislike black people. People like and dislike all kinds of things. Its called being free. It's also natural and normal. Blacks have made such a cesspool of our formerly white country with their crude, and ignorant behavior. Only a COWARD would not acknowledge that and admit that it's true.

The evidence is overwhelming. And if you are willing to ignore the obvious, that white people are targeted for crime and death by negroes, that our women are specifically hunted down by them, that the ruling paradigm wants to see white extermination, then you are an ENEMY to every thinking white person in this world and especially this board.

Bump!! Man alive,when jaxvid gets his Irish up you just gottapay attention and take notes.
JaxVid's (valid) rant conjures up WN legend David Lane!

have you had a chance to look up that info on crime yet?

the truth is out there, mate. sometime it ain't pretty, and often people want it hidden.
Here in NJ blacks are about 14 percent the population which is close to the national average. They also make up 60 percent of inmates. It is pretty much like that all over the US. Anyone who denies it is a fool.
whiteathlete33 said:
Here in NJ blacks are about 14 percent the population which is close to the national average. They also make up 60 percent of inmates. It is pretty much like that all over the US. Anyone who denies it is a fool.
Tell that to the Liberals, they are in absolute denial state. The GOP is no better on this issue.
I dont care enough to look up the statistics on crime and blacks. I bet you are right, but there is no way to be sure of the statistics on why they commit so many crimes. I honestly don't care, my in depth knowledge of history just goes until the beginning of the Cold War which I'm learning now.

Subconscious counterarguments to your theories have probably been hammered into my head at a young age through movies and etc.

I know enough about current evnts to guess that Obama is about to financially f**k us over. Not to mention setting us up for WW3 with China.
Hallelujah, praise the Lord!!

Obama can try all he f**king wants, but NOTHING will ever change in the world political landscape, I guarantee that!

Things have been virtually the same since Clinton's time. There is now way he can ever bring peace to the Middle East, even it means breaking up with Israel!
ABsprinter said:
I dont care enough to look up the statistics on crime and blacks. I bet you are right, but there is no way to be sure of the statistics on why they commit so many crimes. I honestly don't care, my in depth knowledge of history just goes until the beginning of the Cold War which I'm learning now.

you don't care? really, you don't care? you repeatedly disagree with more knowledgable folks in multiple threads and you don't care?

i take the time to answer your question thoroughly, respectfully, and insightfully, and you don't f@rking care enough to look up what i told you and learn for yourself!?

you admitted your lack of knowledge and ask for clarification, so in good faith i honestly tried to provide some information that would expand your educational awareness. then you thumb your nose at my help? boy, that is some bull-s-h-i-t-e right there...

you have displayed a total lack of respect.