Hall of Famer
Have you guys noticed how a good number of players wear a 4 point chin strap with 2 points unbuckled? The straps just flop around all the time. It is very distracting and angering to me. I see it as a sign of no discipline or code enforcement. The refs do nothing about it, unless someone takes their helmet off while on the field. If you have a 4 point strap and you never use 2 of them, why not just use a 2 point strap? Watching those straps flying around during a play and afterwards hacks me off as much as the excessive and idiotic end zone celebrations that most blacks do these days. Is this a pet peave of mine? You bet, but I think it says a lot about where the NFL is right now. All they have to do is require that all straps be buckled and throw a penalty on it and the problem would be solved. You'd see a massive switch to 2 point straps then. By the way, I have noticed a few more players wearing 2 point straps over the last couple of seasons, even linemen. What do you guys think about all this?