England and the caste system

Usain Bolt wants to play for Manchester United

There is no modesty with them. He sounds like he wants to start at the top. Speed means nothing in soccer if you don't have footballing skills. Ben Johnson tried to do it and failed.
I agree completely, Matra1. I would be a beautiful thing if it's a trumped-up event by the media, with the godlike Usain Bolt lending his other-worldly skills to the sport of futbol, and then being incapable of making a minor-league team, let alone a top-tier team.
Europe said:
Rebajlo Said , "but only four White English players walked out on to the field. Sad, eh?"

The really sad thing is that I'll bet most white people in England don't even care.

Europe - There's the key to the problem: the people's blind acceptance of all this rubbish.

The football fans' "culture"is based around one great paradox - a thoroughly illogical juxtaposition of bellicose pride stemming from rabid parochialism on the one hand anda willingness tosupport any mercenaryblack or foreignerwho wears the club shirt on the other. In a sane world, theformer would automatically prevent thelatter from occuring but, as we all know...

If You have been to the football in the United Kingdom (or anywhere in Europe, for that matter), then You shall have experienced the abovementioned rabid parochialism at first hand. Let's use a prominent English example - Leeds United.Leeds fans have a particular reputation for hard-core fanaticism, positively bursting with aggressive pride, viewing their club as being the flagship of both their city and of Yorkshire (and west Yorkshire in particular). Their Yorkshire versus Lancashire rivalry with Manchester United is legendary - the sheer hatred on display during these occasions is off the dial.

The White Leeds fans have no problem with hating fellow White Englishmen from outside of their territory, yet they'll enthusiastically cheer any black or foreigner who wears a Leeds shirt on the pitch. Back in the mid 1990s,when I was still football mad, I was utterly disgusted by the hero worship the Leeds fans lavished upon the Ghanaian striker Tony Yeboah - they even voted him player of the year in his first season. The ugly black stench-monster is still a cult figure among Leeds fans today.

I always use the example of the Newcastle United supporter who was distraught when the club sold the black Andy Cole to Manchester United in 1995, as the mindless sap had named his infant son after the schwartzer. Imagine that, eh? He named his child after a black football player. Sickening stuff. The saididiot was obviously a Geordie fanatic (Howay the lads!!! and all that), who in all probability would disown his son if as an adultthe boywished to marry a hated Sunderland-supporting White "Mackem"girl, but naming him after a black was acceptable - after all, Cole was a Newcastle United player, so that made him some sort of god.
It's a bloody strange world...

Anyway, here's a link to the so-called 25-man Premier League squads for the first half of the season:


I won't paste in the squads themselves, as it will take up way too much space, but take a look at Arsenal's "home grown" players - spot the Englishman
. Pay attention to the lists of Under 21 players - the sheer volume of African and "Jamaican English" names is staggering. The future looks very dim indeed...
Ah, yes, I forgot. Bolt claiming to be capable of playing football at elite level is a damn joke. I guess that he'd also double as a boxing world champion...
Next thing we know,Bolt may even learn to spell his own surname...