Elementary School Tutoring Program...White Kids Need Not Apply


Hall of Famer
Jan 19, 2007
This might be good for the white kids. There are all these programs for the minorities and the kids are still stupid.I do not know what they are doing wrong, but keep white kids out of this program or better yet out of school.
This might be good for the white kids. There are all these programs for the minorities and the kids are still stupid.I do not know what they are doing wrong, but keep white kids out of this program or better yet out of school.

Yeah, these classes are going to be empty. Blacks don't attend any more classes than they are legally required to. Which is why we should allow blacks to pull out of school earlier than other races.
well, there will not be empty seats now. After tons of parents were outraged and embarrassed the school/people who were doing the program, they decided to let in all children.

I don't know about elementary school, but for high school on Saturdays its pretty much mandatory for most black football players, and most black students in general. They usually goof around and then realize that they are going to fail and some tutor holds their hand while they finish all the work they ignored for the entire previous week, and they are allowed to make up tests they did poorly on. Now this is in a setting of about 100 students and 12 tutors, some of them teachers/coaches and some of them from college. Surely there is no cheating to go on (sarcasm).

There are a few White kids in there, but they get work done, some don't have access to a computer/internet a home and can't do it there and some might have missed a few days during the week do to sickness and need to make things up, or they just didn't want to be in a concrete jungle and decided not to come to class.

as for a rant on a similar subject, why do these coaches go out of their way to help out black kids like they are some hero? Do they not realize that there are many White kids who have crappy if not crappier situations with their home life and are struggling in school just as well? These coaches I have met seem like they do want to help, the one I talked to about this didn't realize that White kids would have it bad...wtf? Yeah more blacks might not have fathers but they have mommy (man they have some mommy issues), granny, a bunch of aunts all helping (I have seen terrible situations but if a black kid has made it past freshman year he usually has a big support group outside of school, I am sure all of them in hopes for a pay day if their son,grandson or nephew makes it, which is slim but they feel he is entitled to), meanwhile the divorce rate is pretty high for White couples as well, and the typical White kid who is struggling might have two homes he goes back and forth from, parents don't take any interest in their lives (the only parent I met with didn't even know the kid was playing football or that his grades were poor). Then there are White kids who might live right next to the black kids but they are just forgotten all togetherl.
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