
Trump will have to send his AG lawyers down there and into FL and AL to stop these crimes. Unreal how f**king vile the Dem party has become. From the very top to loser welfare mamas and irresponsible black men. God Help us.
I always wonder about these type of things. You'd think when these political hacks are planning to steal an election or money or what ever other dirty business they're up to that there'd be one person in the room who would say, [ wait a minute, maybe we're going too far with this]. It seems not though. What I fear is they will reach a point of no return and the entire nation will blow up. Then it won't matter who did what. There'll just be kill or be killed - you're either with me or against me - no one will be allowed to be neutral.
Wow! Interesting list.

Demonic activity heavily in that area? Some theologians believe demons are more active in coastal areas. Not sure of the scriptural support for that but if you look at where all the "coastal elites" live it makes one think it's at least plausible...
Looks like the Democrats stole the Senate election in Arizona.
Looks like the Democrats stole the Senate election in Arizona.
Yep, stolen under the cover of the California wildfires. Complete voter fraud. She's a "Code Pink" Communist as well. Good god, this is Arizona. The GOP establishment does nothing about it because they are complicit in it. McSally was a MAGA candidate, anti-McCain and anti-Luciferian, so she had to go, by hook or crook.
The obese black sow from AL finally gave up. the black socialist finally conceded in FL. Those states better fire a dozen of corrupt election workers with the next month.
I'd like every single CF poster, seasoned or newbie to read this article and respond with your thoughts. I've seemed ominous in posts before. Ok, fine. I've evaluated the author's points and see no reason whatsoever to disagree. You guys' thoughts please:


Alright I read it. Yes we have problems and serious ones. I don't think all is lost though. People need to start to wake up and start acting. Unfortunately so many are brainwashed, seemingly intractably so but with worsening conditions things may start to change.

One thing's for sure. Whites need to start standing up for each other. No one else will.
I'd like every single CF poster, seasoned or newbie to read this article and respond with your thoughts. I've seemed ominous in posts before. Ok, fine. I've evaluated the author's points and see no reason whatsoever to disagree. You guys' thoughts please:

Great article. It summarizes how we got here, and what the future may hold. One thing, White Americans who are conservative will need to have the courage to save America or forge a new state. Also, with academia, media and hollyweird, its a powerful club to hammer and brainwash ppl with.
I'd like every single CF poster, seasoned or newbie to read this article and respond with your thoughts. I've seemed ominous in posts before. Ok, fine. I've evaluated the author's points and see no reason whatsoever to disagree. You guys' thoughts please:


Spot on article. Trump and Whitaker need to go after the Democrat fraud machine immediately and full throttle, or else the Dems will just ramp it up even worse in 2020. If the Wall was built, Antifa was not allowed to act lawlessly on the streets, Muslim immigration was cut off, and more left wingers were able to unfu$k their minds, America would be salvageable. Unfortunately it appears that division of the country into Real American and Communist nations is the only way the Real America is going to survive.
hard choices will need to be made, either before the shots are fired and reason reigns among (hopefully) reasonable folks or after the shots are fired and the (former) USA as we knew it becomes something else.

either way, if anything of our heritage as a free and independent nation (and people) is to be saved, White men will need to stand up and be counted. however, as Don so often says (if i may paraphrase poorly), signs of a White resistance are virtually nonexistent aside from the anonymous keyboard commandos whose braggadocio never seems to materialize into anything more. and the few White men (and women) with the courage to speak up from front-and-center are either ignored or besmirched by the very folk they’re trying to help.
I never thought this would happen. Nigel Farage cucks-out and quits UKIP party, considering it too extreme now.

Mr Farage, who played a huge role in the Brexit referendum, added: "Under my leadership of Ukip, the party banned former members of the BNP and EDL from joining.

"Many accusations of racism and extremism were thrown at us, but I strongly maintain they were untrue.

"Under Gerard Batten's leadership, however, the party's direction has changed fundamentally.

"He seems to be obsessed with the religion of Islam and not just Islamic extremism and Ukip wasn't founded to be a party based on fighting a religious crusade.

"He's also obsessed with this figure Tommy Robinson who is seen by some to be a great hero standing up and fighting for working class people, but who has a pretty suspect record - and who brings with him a group of people amongst which we see scuffles, violence. Many have criminal records, some pretty serious.
The last two posts could easily be put in DD's White Misery thread because it all adds up to bad for Whites as a whole. Women gaining power and "people" think it's good, Whites cowering to PTB because of other Whites seem a bit too gruff and non-PC. Oh my, can't be too close to anyone even perceived as standing for White interests and traditional White culture, oh no, can't have that.

God, give Whites a spine. They've become invertebrates.
"Right-wing" Party Wins Power in Canada's Oil Region, Attacks Trudeau on Environment

The United Conservative Party (UCP) of Jason Kenney, which had led in the polls for months, crushed the left-leaning New Democratic Party (NDP) government of Rachel Notley amid frustration over the economy and a beleaguered energy industry.
Sadly, the Swiss just voted today to disarm themselves (even though violent crime and gun crimes are almost non-existent there) by enacting strict gun control laws so they could still be a member and conduct business in the EU Schengen Zone. It was probably the Swiss women and migrants that voted overwhelmingly for it.

On a more positive note, Australia's Liberal-National Coalition "shockingly" defeated the Marxist Labor Party yesterday in a national election. Fake News and "celebrities" down there are in a state of mourning (like they were here in November 2016) and are chiding the results, calling Australians "dumb" with, of course, the obligatory, "racist, homophobe..." blah blah accusations.

Continuing on the positive side...

France's Le Pen predicts "historic vote" for populist parties in upcoming EU elections this week.
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The last two posts could easily be put in DD's White Misery thread because it all adds up to bad for Whites as a whole. Women gaining power and "people" think it's good, Whites cowering to PTB because of other Whites seem a bit too gruff and non-PC. Oh my, can't be too close to anyone even perceived as standing for White interests and traditional White culture, oh no, can't have that.

God, give Whites a spine. They've become invertebrates.
Civilizations rise and fall. The question is, when will whites begin to rise again? Clearly, the boomer generation has to die out or lose power to younger generations before it's possible. But just how long will whites remain in this downward spiral? Surely, a time must come where whites start back on upswing and start having large families again. Unfortunately, all of our lands have been overrun. The future of our descendants is bleak at best. Even once an awakening begins, they will have to fight for lost territory against extraordinary odds. Or is the future of whites like that of Jews where whites remain a small enclave that wields power far beyond what their numbers suggest? Or is a future like in latin america where a small percentage of the population remains mostly white and the masses are mixed? At this point in time, the best thing whites can do is try to ignite the fire of brotherhood and pride amongst fellow whites. Unity and common purpose is the first step to restoring our people. Right now we have so many traitors, total disunity, cowards, and no sense of shared heritage or purpose at all.
American Freedom News