Elections-more of the same, or worse?


Nov 2, 2004
Which Democrat will:
- Champion the elimination of the Patriot Act
- Push immediate US withdrawal from Iraq and the whole Middle East
- Spearhead elimination of TSA and airport Grandma searches
- Propose abolition of the Department of Homeland Tyranny
- Appoint a new 9-11 Independent Investigation
- Audit the Federal Reserve Banking system
- Repeal "No Child Left Behind"
Ain't holding my breath


Hall of Famer
Feb 6, 2005
The Chairman of the Republican National committee is gone. He was alsothe campaign manager for Bush/Cheney 2004. I've read reports that he diverted campaign funding from anti-amnesty candidates. Apparently everyone in Washington is aware he is homosexual. And the Republicans wonder why their base is apathetic.

This just in !! The post as party chief has been offered to Maryland Lt. Gov. Michael S. Steele.



Nov 25, 2004
Bart said:
This just in !!  The post as party chief has been offered to Maryland Lt. Gov. Michael S. Steele.

class=centerpix style="WIDTH: 89px; HEIGHT: 107px" height=179 alt="Lieutenant Governor, Michael S. Steele" src="http://www.gov.state.md.us/images/ltgov2.jpg" width=95>[/QUOTE]

Why do Republicans even try to get the minority vote? They must know that they haven't got a snowballs chance no matter how many minorities they appoint. They even lost ground on the Jewish vote (87% dems). Could have they done anything more to appease the Jews than what they've done the last 6 years?
Republicans lost because they betrayed the white voter. Affirmative action, amnesty, immigration, crime- they've promised but have done nothing for years and have finally been exposed for the phonys that they are.

Their Christian right wing bible bangers all-turn out to be gay and cheer when christians are bombed in Lebanon. What has that republican congress and presidency ever done for christians? Nothing. Phonys.[b]Edited by: Kaptain Poop [/b]


Hall of Famer
Feb 6, 2005
Kaptain Poop said:
Why do Republicans even try to get the minority vote? ...Republicans lost because they betrayed the white voter. Affirmative action, amnesty, immigration, crime- they've promised but have done nothing for years and have finally been exposed for the phonys that they are.

The Republican rank and file haven't got a clue, but the leadership espousing the -Big Tent- theory knew it would destroy the party, transforming it into an anti - white pro minority twin sister of the Democrats.

Mehlman quote: "We rely too much on white guys for our vote," Mehlman told reporters yesterday. He professed to be thrilled at the 24% percent of the African American vote won in California by Arnold Schwarzenegger. He admitted he was a little concerned by the party's poor showing among Latinos this cycle, down several percentage points from 2002

During the party's internal debate over immigration, he did not hide his distaste for rhetoric and policies that he found divisive. He recruited several African American candidates for statewide office and spent more than half of his time on the road at black and Latino voter outreach community events. His candidates did not win, and the conventional wisdom, correct or not, is that the Republican brand has not improved in the minds of African American voters.


Oct 19, 2004
KG2422 said:
But part of me says let everyone in. It makes a civil war more likely if there is a mass influx of third worlders. I don't think politics is going to solve our problems, and I don't want to be 70 years old when a war comes. I want to be able to do something. Besides, the longer it takes the weaker our position will be.

I think about that quite a bit. I can't bring myself to wholeheartedly endorse it, but it may be our last chance. White people may need to get much weaker economically, politically, demographically, and culturally, before we feel compelled to fight back. (Or will we ever fight back?) We have it too good. We need to suffer.

Or it could simply lead to our demise. But we're on our way there anyway.

It's such a frustrating, powerless situation to be in. We have no control whatsoever over what happens to our society, our communities, our future, and what type of country our posterity will live in.


Hall of Famer
Jan 9, 2005
The Deep South
We may not have any control now, but I hope one day soon we will. I won't hold my breath for that day though.


Nov 26, 2004
Gabrielle Giffords. Jewish? Well, only after the election in Arizona's 8th Congressional District is over.

I could not understand why so many Republicans were so supportive of Democrat Giffords. Retiring Congressman Jim Kolbe (who was there at the victory rally to shake Gifford's hand). Long time AZ Attorney General Grant Woods.

All the newspapers supported Ms. Giffords even though she had no more political experience than Graf with both having served in the Arizona Senate. Arguably Graf was the more effective operative as he was instrumental in getting Prop 200 passed.

Graf was very solid and did well in the debates. Had a lot of support in the churches. But he was outspent by 3 to 1, largely because Ken Mehlman withdrew a promised $1 million from the RNC.

Giffords looked and sounded kind of weird. Receding forehead. Bad dye job. Odd teeth. Shrill speaking manner. Claims to be engaged to a former Navy SEAL no one has ever seen. Always read from a script.

During the debates the candidates were given an opportunity to ask one other candidate a question. Graf naturally asked Giffords a question. But Giffords asked the Libertarian candidate a question. Huh?

So now we find out Giffords is a Jew. According to her letter to JewishTucson.com her grandfather was so traumatized by anti-semitism in NYC(?!) during the 40's that he changed his name to Giff Giffords and moved to Tucson to open a clip shop/tire shop. It may be wishful thinking but I think had this fact been known it would have made a difference. The pretty large Jewish population was clued in and was already voting for her, but not everyone is Jewish or even amenable to Jews.

This just gets my goat. I really think this is lying.


Nov 2, 2004
Howdy Charlie
Thanks for the fascinating piece about Arizona politics. It sounds so familiar it could be any state in the union. How are my buddies Kyl and McCain doing?