

Oct 15, 2004
I haven't seen any posts about what's going on there. It could get very interesting as any change in govt there means change in policy to israel which means change in US policy since israel controls the US.

Funny how the MSM supports the rioters over Mubarak, probably since Mubarak was installed by a previous US regime. Obama is supporting the muslim's, which it typical. What does isreal want, and why isn't the US doing it?
jaxvid said:
I haven't seen any posts about what's going on there. It could get very interesting as any change in govt there means change in policy to israel which means change in US policy since israel controls the US.

Funny how the MSM supports the rioters over Mubarak, probably since Mubarak was installed by a previous US regime. Obama is supporting the muslim's, which it typical. What does isreal want, and why isn't the US doing it?
Obama may be a muslim, but he will support Isreal,
jaxvid said:
I haven't seen any posts about what's going on there. It could get very interesting as any change in govt there means change in policy to israel which means change in US policy since israel controls the US.

Funny how the MSM supports the rioters over Mubarak, probably since Mubarak was installed by a previous US regime. Obama is supporting the muslim's, which it typical. What does isreal want, and why isn't the US doing it?

We may have seen the beginning of that yesterday when the "professional" Mubarak supporters suddenly burst onto the scene in a very organized way in Cairo and Alexandria and immediately turned giant but peaceful protests into pitched running battles. Israel put out the word last week that Mubarak is to be supported and is reportedly lending support through weapons and professional disrupters and hit men. Washington is playing it cool officially, at least until the victor is more clear, but Mubarak has always been one of their sock puppet dictators. But then again, Washington almost always turns on its tinhorn puppets sooner or later.
I just read this at Steve Sailers blog, and people wonder why the US is going broke!

"The deal struck at Camp David in 1978 was, very roughly, that, in return for no more war, the U.S. would give Israel $3 billion per year and Egypt $2 billion per year, or $50 per Egyptian per year. That wasn't bad money back then. "
Don Wassall said:
jaxvid said:
I haven't seen any posts about what's going on there. It could get very interesting as any change in govt there means change in policy to israel which means change in US policy since israel controls the US. Funny how the MSM supports the rioters over Mubarak, probably since Mubarak was installed by a previous US regime. Obama is supporting the muslim's, which it typical. What does isreal want, and why isn't the US doing it?
<div> </div>
<div>We may have seen the beginning of that yesterday when the "professional" Mubarak supporters suddenly burst onto the scene in a very organized way in Cairo and Alexandria and immediately turned giant but peaceful protests into pitched running battles.  Israel put out the word last week that Mubarak is to be supported and is reportedly lending support through weapons and professional disrupters and hit men.  Washington is playing it cool officially, at least until the victor is more clear, but Mubarak has always been one of their sock puppet dictators.  But then again, Washington almost always turns on its tinhorn puppets sooner or later.  </div>

seeing the "professionals" come into play makes me think that something big is about to happen. either Mubarak steps down immediately, or he's going to kick out all the reporters and go ape sh*t on the protesters. personally i don't care. everyone on cable news is weird about the domino effect of all these muslim nations turning on their dictators and against the US in one fell swoop. if that happens, the muslim world is in trouble, not the US. if the "caliphate" Beck keeps blabbering about comes into existence, i'll be the first to cheer...our long range bombers will finally have targets.
johnnyboy said:
i'll be the first to cheer...our long range bombers will finally have targets.

You want our long range bombers to attack Israel? That's some real anti-semitism there.
jaxvid said:
johnnyboy said:
i'll be the first to cheer...our long range bombers will finally have targets.

You want our long range bombers to attack Israel? That's some real anti-semitism there.

Wow. I didn't think you had it in you, johnnyboy.

Sweet. Today Tel Aviv, tomorrow Hollywood (two prongs of the axis of evil
jaxvid said:
johnnyboy said:
i'll be the first to cheer...our long range bombers will finally have targets.

You want our long range bombers to attack Israel? That's some real anti-semitism there.

Caliphate - the era of Islam's ascendancy from the death of Mohammed until the 13th century; some Moslems still maintain that the Moslem world must always have a calif as head of the community
What are the people in Egypt so pissed off about? I have not really read anything about why they are demonstrating. As someone said to me recently: don't those people ever have to go to work? It can't be about "democracy" because people will support a ruthless dictator if their stomach is full and there is beer in the fridge.

And when are we going to get democracy here in america?
One thing Sailer mentioned is that both Egypt and Israel might want cost of living adjustments for their peace bribes, as their annual subsidies haven't kept pace with inflation.
I'm really confused with whats going on. You'd think that the establishment would want Mubarak to stay in power, but then why has the media turned against him? Why is the media so favorable to the
protesters? Perhaps the word has gone out that its time to try something new, and the US Israeli axis will try to bribe/coopt whoever takes over. Still, I can't imagine the new regime being as pro-US, pro-Isael as Mubarak.
Concerning Obama being a Moslem, I'm skeptical on that. Perhaps deep down he has sympathy for Islam of a sort, but if you look at all the social issue type things, like gay marriage, abortion, his supreme court appointments, he rules no different than a typical secular, dereligiousified liberal Democrat. Too quote Mark Steyn (who by the way I disagree with on the middle east, but agree with him on other issues) "Obama is no secret Moslem, he's a secret Swedish style socialist".
jaxvid said:
I just read this at Steve Sailers blog, and people wonder why the US is going broke!

"The deal struck at Camp David in 1978 was, very roughly, that, in return for no more war, the U.S. would give Israel $3 billion per year and Egypt $2 billion per year, or $50 per Egyptian per year. That wasn't bad money back then. "

Another fine example of squandered U.S. taxpayer (fiat) dollars being flushed down the commode of globalist interventionism.
If Murbarack is sacked, I suspect the Brother Hood of Islam and other assorted Jihadists will fill the vacuum. Pretty sure everyone's favorite middle east country will become enemy number 1(Israel). For some strange reason, Jihadists/Muslims/Arab don't mind living the life of a Spartan . Remember terrorists camps in Afganstan.

Then all the women their will sport baby blue berkas and be trolled by the Islam police, riding camels with long whips. Yeah, smart people, rage on for something better!LOL
I understand Mubarack has a grown son. If was him I advise his father to go an ass kicking spree. Tell the Egpytian army to lay waste to most of the maLcontents, after two to three days of beatdowns and 500 deaths, most sane people will go home and gladly bitch about the government while smoking on a Hoka pipe at home. They will start to feel good as they smoke and yell death to Mubarack in the safety of their respective homes. Life will return to sanity with tourists having mental orasmisms over King Tut and the pyraminds.

In the end everyone will be happy. Murbarack will live another 20 years in the palace. His son will take over it's riches and establish a harem with babes from around the world. The citizens content sitting on their dirt floors smoking hookas. LOL
I support the Eyptians right to chose their own leaders. I guess I'm very tolerant of rights of other people who aren't my race or heritage. I won't lecture others who aren't though.
jaxvid said:
What are the people in Egypt so pissed off about? I have not really read anything about why they are demonstrating. As someone said to me recently: don't those people ever have to go to work? It can't be about "democracy" because people will support a ruthless dictator if their stomach is full and there is beer in the fridge.

And when are we going to get democracy here in america?

Speculation is on that the Egyptian people don't have full bellies Reports on a growing food shortage has been being reported for years Austerity programs have been being push on countries for years in order to get more money to the bankers. Even with using White countries as safety values to take pressure off the "Democratically" "elected" (appointed) Dictators (Imperial Governors) by allowing mass invasions of White lands, but it just isn't working anymore.

Basically, these nonwhite countries can't feed their overpopulated lands so are dependent on imports from White countries but as the number of nonwhite mouths go up and the number of producing Whites go down at some point food becomes scarce. The food shortages are hitting the Third World and rebellions are the result.
on a related note, does it surprise anyone here that the US has been the one supporting this dictator? it shouldn't, of course. and Mubarak's not alone in receiving BILLIONS of dollars in US taxpayer "assistance."

here's a list of 7 of the worst dictators the US is backing to the hilt.
Things are indeed getting interesting. Darth Vader aka Dick Chaney is beginning his lobby for Mubarak to stay as long as feasible becuase he has been a great friend to us. BO on the other hand wants him out ASAP. So that the Eygptain people can set up shop, exuding "common values" read; less secular Muslim values. Also read; Isreal not happy at all with Barry.

Isreal having a hard core Muslim country to it's south with the possiblity of luanching rockets into their backyard is worrisome for them to say the least. I anticapate more commericals at O dark tthirty withe some Rabbi
bumming money for the protection for Isreal's old people from the pharoh(s) to south.LOL
I personally could give a rat's @$$ about Egypt or any of the heathen middle east countries. I just don't want 1 dime of U.S. taxpayer (fiat) dollars (or American soldiers lives) being give to help, serve, etc. any side. I'm for total U.S non-intervention financially & militarily. Let the muhamedans & zionists fight it out amongst themselves.
DixieDestroyer said:
I personally could give a rat's @$$ about Egypt or any of the heathen middle east countries. I just don't want 1 dime of U.S. taxpayer (fiat) dollars (or American soldiers lives) being give to help, serve, etc. any side. I'm for total U.S non-intervention financially & militarily. Let the muhamedans & zionists fight it out amongst themselves.

Amen on that Dixie. No help to these foreign countries. Let them figure out their own sh*t. However, these Egyptians do have a right to be Pissed Off! the same guy running the show for 30+ years, come on now give me a break! These people have NO say what their puppet govt' does. Also something the American MSM gleefully ignores the people's fight for workers' rights is a big component of this upheaval.

Also when/if something like this ever happens in America do you guys think our gov't will have their pawns/workers be "paid professional" supporters of the powers in place?? Its no secret that Mubarek is paying the Pro-Gov't protesters.
Here's the thing about Mubarak-he's Egyptian, and, unlike the guy leading our government, identifies with his people. Yeah he's probably been a crappy leader and enriched himself but what is the best you can do as a leader of Egypt? The country has limited resources, is only really inhabitable by the Nile and probably tourism and the Suez Canal are the main income generators.

So under this guy the country is probably doing about the best it can. Will it be better under someone else? No. The only other option is a strict Muslim govt which will return the place to the dark ages. Will the people like that better? Sort of, the religious furor will sweep some crazy cleric into office and for a while they will hoot and holler but reality will set in and the guy will eventually make it worse.

Democracy sucks. It always has and it always will. It's nothing but mob rule, and when your mob is made up of loony muslims (or clue-less self loathing DWF's) then you get a real bad govt. They are better off with the devil they have then the devil they don't know yet. There should be no interference from the usa which is run under a similar one-party system, we just rotate the top figurehead every 4-8 years. And the party that runs our govt hates the founding people and is hell bent in their destruction. Really we should be rioting in the streets.
jaxvid said:
Democracy sucks. It always has and it always will. It's nothing but mob rule, and when your mob is made up of loony muslims (or clue-less self loathing DWF's) then you get a real bad govt....

DixieDestroyer said:
I personally could give a rat's @$$ about Egypt... I just don't want 1 dime of U.S. taxpayer (fiat) dollars (or American soldiers lives) being give to help, serve, etc. any side... Let the muhamedans & zionists fight it out amongst themselves.

jaxvid said:
Here's the thing about Mubarak-he's Egyptian, and, unlike the guy leading our government, identifies with his people. Yeah he's probably been a crappy leader and enriched himself but what is the best you can do as a leader of Egypt? The country has limited resources, is only really inhabitable by the Nile and probably tourism and the Suez Canal are the main income generators.

So under this guy the country is probably doing about the best it can. Will it be better under someone else? No. The only other option is a strict Muslim govt which will return the place to the dark ages. Will the people like that better? Sort of, the religious furor will sweep some crazy cleric into office and for a while they will hoot and holler but reality will set in and the guy will eventually make it worse.

Democracy sucks. It always has and it always will. It's nothing but mob rule, and when your mob is made up of loony muslims (or clue-less self loathing DWF's) then you get a real bad govt. They are better off with the devil they have then the devil they don't know yet. There should be no interference from the usa which is run under a similar one-party system, we just rotate the top figurehead every 4-8 years. And the party that runs our govt hates the founding people and is hell bent in their destruction. Really we should be rioting in the streets.
...This is such a good post, that I didn't want it to get lost at the end of the previous page.
"Holocaust"Â historian says massacre of Egyptian protestors is desirable


A "Holocaust"Â historian and former Israeli kibbutznik, "Professor David Cesarani, floated the idea of there being a Tiananmen Square-style massacre in Egypt as a way of quelling potential post-Mubarak anarchy.
"And there has been no outrage. No Twitterstorm, no blog-based apoplexy, no heated radio phone-ins. Perhaps talking about the massacre of Egyptians is normal these days.

"Professor Cesarani was asked by Michael Portillo about the 'moral dilemma' of how to deal with what comes after Mubarak. What if it's worse than Mubarak? Should it be crushed?

"Professor Cesarani said that if one takes the 'wholly pragmatic view,' then 'the outcome of a Tiananmen Square-style crackdown is desirable and is predictable.' Because, he said, 'if you allow this popular democratic movement to run on unchecked, you cannot predict what's going to happen. But you can predict probably that after a short, sharp, massive clampdown at huge human cost, there will be a sullen stability.'

"Portillo was startled. 'Quite a lot of people would be quite shocked to hear what you said â€" that a Tiananmen-style outcome would be desirable.'

"Cesarani responded that, ‘The West is no longer weeping that much over Tiananmen Square because we're doing a lot of business with China. So, many business interests would say, quietly, that, perhaps, well the way in which the Chinese managed their transition was preferable.'

"Another panellist, Matthew Taylor, former adviser to Tony Blair and now chief executive of the Royal Society of Arts, later described Cesarani's comments on Tiananmen Square as 'incredibly brave' and said: 'In a way, I can see his argument."Â

<DIV style="TEXT-ALIGN: center">â€"Brendan O'Neill
David Cesarani is professor of history at Royal Holloway, University of London, England. He advised the British government office responsible for "Holocaust" memorial day and was a member of the Foreign and Commonwealth Office delegation to the Intergovernmental Taskforce for "International Cooperation on Holocaust Education, Remembrance and Research."Â He is the editor of The Final Solution: Origins and Implementation (1994) and Bystanders to the Holocaust: A Re-evaluation (2002) and the author of Justice Delayed: How Britain Became a Refuge for Nazi War Criminals (1992).
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