Dylan sucks


Hall of Famer
Feb 6, 2005
I was flipping channels, watching Monday Night Football and a documentary about Bob Dylan on PBS. It just dawned on me what a media creation he was. Hisvoice was always sh***yand nasal as a young man, but as he aged it became even more irritating and repulsive.Somebody was needed to pave the way for the sixties revolution and I guess he andthat othertalentlessbeauty, Joan Baez were CHOSEN to lead the way. Oh... but they were poets and wordsmiths. Yeah right.
Bart, come on, you know they were both just musical expeditionaries!
I agree. Everything about the Sixties was a government-directed,
media-sponsored, neatly-packaged destruction and reformation of our
society, disguised for the ignorant masses as a "cultural
revolution." It was a revolution, all right; one that guaranteed
the breathtaking expansion of the federal government machine, the utter
demolition of the Anglo-Saxon/European culture on this continent, and
the ruin of Western civilization.

Dylan, nee</span> Zimmerman, was (and is) indeed one of the CHOSEN. Everything his ilk produces is second-rate, at best.
I saw that documentary as well. Funny how jewish guys from Minnesota and New Jersey (Springsteen) take great pains to sound like sh*tkickers from Texas and Oklahoma.
Bronk, you're not gonna believe this, but Springsteen is Catholic. Now, I can't be sure that his family didn't convert from Judaism sometime in the past, but he was raised Catholic.
Sorry, have to disagree about Dylan. Up until his motorcycle
accident (back in 1965), he was a prolific artist who wrote many
classic songs. Yes, he couldn't really sing, but his band (once he went
electric) was great, and somehow the voice fit. His early lyrics were
as good as anything ever produced by anyone in the rock and roll era.
"Highway 61 Revisited" and "Blonde On Blonde" are two of the greatest
rock albums of all time, imho. Dylan never did anything that approached
these early works following his accident (except for the album "Blood
On The Tracks," which was very good, and his work with the Traveling
Wiburys), but he remains an important figure in the history of pop
music. He has become really ridiculous in recent years, alternating
between born-again Christianity and flirting with the despicable Jewish
Defense League, and he looks about as burned-out as Keith Richards, but
the guy was great in his prime.
I don't like alot of his politics (mainly the part where he was a big black-praiser) but I like some of his songs.

And he WAS right about that great waste of American lives, Vietnam.
I will not disagree with the fact that he was an important cultural figure or even with the fact that he was good, he was both. he was also part of a movement (folk) that rekindled an interest in great American music, a very elemental music that flowed from the people.

BUT, Folkies like Dylan were generally lefty creeps who latched onto this art as a way of giving their plastic selves some identity.
Plastic, now that was a 60's codework for fake. I remember the Steve Miller song, Living in the USA. There's a line in there that says, "we're living in a plastic land, somebody give me a hand, yeah!" The Doors sang about it in 20'th Century Fox: "she's got the world, locked up, inside, a pla...stic box." I think its a very good description of the liberals from those days.
Col. Reb, I am OLD! I am 44 and I remember that our neighbors across the street from us in the 1960s were very much into folk music. I can still see the sheet music scattered around their piano: Peter Paul and Mary, Phil Ochs, Tim Buckley etc., etc.

Yeah, phrases like plastic stick in my head like old telephone poles jammed into the earth.
White_Savage said:
And he WAS right about that great waste of American lives, Vietnam.

It's amazing how many of the anti-war radicals of the sixties were Jews, whether in universities or studios. When they were in danger of being drafted to fight a war against communism they went ballistic organizing opposition at every turn. Peace man, let's give peace a chance! Demonstrations, self-serving folk songs and anarchistic violence filled the land.Do any of us still remeber the bombings and innocent people blown up? I doubt it. Or that most of the leaders such as Abbie Hoffman, Jerry Rubin etc.all were members of the same tribe?

Nowsoldiers are fighting in Iraq andmany of these peaceniks have become Neo-Con hawks. Onlya very tinynumber of them have spoken in opposition. I wonder why?Where are the demonstrations, riots, sit-ins, marches and campus takeovers? Now that we are fighting a war many believe was planned by Jews for the benefit of Israel, the lefties have suddenly been smitten with patriotism and beat the war drums loudly! By the way, when is Jane Fonda going to be seen cavorting with the Palestinians behind the security fence?Sing with me now: "All we are saying, is give peace a chance." Or how about this: " Go ahead and hate your neighbor go ahead and kill your friend, do it in the name of freedom, we can justify it in the end." Now that their sorry fleshly buttocks are safe in Hollywood and Wall Street they conveniently forget how to sing, marchand protest.
Bart said:
White_Savage said:
And he WAS right about that great waste of American lives, Vietnam.

It's amazing how many of the anti-war radicals of the sixties were Jews, whether in universities or studios. When they were in danger of being drafted to fight a war against communism they went ballistic organizing opposition at every turn.

Now soldiers are fighting in Iraq and many of these peaceniks have become Neo-Con hawks. Only a very tiny number of them have spoken in opposition. I wonder why? Where are the demonstrations, riots, sit-ins, marches and campus takeovers? Now that we are fighting a war many believe was planned by Jews for the benefit of Israel, the lefties have suddenly been smitten with patriotism and beat the war drums loudly! By the way, when is Jane Fonda going to be seen cavorting with the Palestinians behind the security fence?.


You're doggone right on that part, Bart. But really, one war to convert brown people to a political system they don't have the ability or desire to understand, costing lots of American lives in the process, is the same as another to me. If our government had actually tried to WIN in Vietnam, maybe I'd think differently. But they didn't, they treasonously fought a war where our forces had their hands tied, using our boys as cannon fodder in the process, just like Korea. Me, I'd just like to DEFEND OUR %$@%%$# BORDERS and let the rest of the world go to Hell if it wants.
White_Savage said:
But they didn't, they treasonously fought a war where our forces had their hands tied, using our boys as cannon fodder in the process, just like Korea. Me, I'd just like to DEFEND OUR %$@%%$# BORDERS and let the rest of the world go to Hell if it wants.

We're riding in the same buckboard. I agree with you entirely.
Yes, they were against an invasion of Vietnam, but were all for an invasion of Mississippi or Alabama or any place where people held a different view of things from them. And they actively participated in that invasion and advocated force, force, force.

These types will go to the ends of the earth to understand the drives and the desires of those with whom they sympathize but they will causually dismiss and disregard the drives and motivations of those with whom they disagree.
Darn right Bronk.

Though I've always felt that the Southern parents who didn't want integration did us a disservice in one regard. They should have refused to send their children to the new integrated schools. If large numbers of Americans had pulled out of the gubment school system en masse, it could have begun a move to seperate School and State, which thing would do alot more to save this country than any putative seperation of Church and State.
Maybe they should have grabbed their guns and fought the second Civil War. That might have ended me and mine very quickly.
Nope, violence tends to alienate, except in the last resort, but it's hard to argue with peacefully parting ways, though as the Civil War aptly demonstrates, tyrants will do that too.

See though, public education makes our schools the battleground for every sectarian conflict in this country. Do you want your kid going to school with blacks, what should the rules be in school, what should they teach about life, the universe, and everything, etc? These questions should be answered by individuals, not by who evers in charge of your local re-education facility, I mean. I mean, I don't want what my kids learns as "The Truth" to be dictated by the "wisdom" of 51% of the population, or far worse, judicial fiat.
Oh absoloutely! I am responsible for MY children's education and I do my job, too.

Funny, they are getting an interesting education in the DIFFERENCES between people as well. One very similar to the one I received in public school as well. Ah, the laws of unintended consequences!
Getting back to the topic, I didn't see the PBS Dylan special, but my mother is an avid 60 Minutes watcher. Last spring I watched her watch 60 Minutes' story on Dylan. There he was, several bags under each eye. My mom said he looked so spaced out.
I agree(d). Thank God we're both opposite his lefty politics.

As for his music, I like "Lay Lady Lay" and "Knockin' on Heaven's Door". Also "Don't Think Twice It's Alright" as sung by PP&M.

Well White_Savage, a fairly large number of people in the South did pull their kids out and form private schools. Almost everyone who could afford to except for the liberals did pull out. There are still over 15% of Mississippi students going to private schools, the public school population of whites is roughly 45% statewide. That's about 1/3 of all white Mississippi students going to private schools today. Of course, there were some areas that weren't affected much by integration, i.e. Northeast Mississippi and the Gulf Coast. Still there are private schools in these areas, some religious, some not.
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