Dumb and Dumber


Hall of Famer
Feb 6, 2005
<B style="FONT-SIZE: 14px">WASHINGTON (CNN) -- The Bush administration will announce plans to spend $674 million for "humanitarian emergencies" in Africa during a visit by British Prime Minister Tony Blair, according to a U.S. official.[/B]

An extensive aid package for poverty-stricken African nations is expected to top the agenda for Blair when he meets with U.S. President George W. Bush on Tuesday in Washington.

The $674 million will come on top of about $1.4 billion the White House is spending on humanitarian needs this year, a National Security Council official said.

Boy oh boy, when is enough enough? Our cities are becoming third world hell holesand our jails filled with latins and africans who are destroying our country and Tony and Bush are still robbing us to give it to the ETERNAL black hole. Americans work two jobs because of outsourcing are taxed to deathbut can't afford health insurance because of all the freebies given to minoriities.

Africa is rampant with disease, poverty and stupidity... guess why?I'm tired of being robbed having my hard earned money thrown down a s***t hole. And oh yeah, Bush hasn't provided morefundsfor border patrol agents because we can't afford it.. he says.
Good point Bart. If we don't get a handle on our border and getting rid of these entitlement programs, we are going to collapse in a hurry.
And remember, this is being proposed by the "conservative" party. I
don't know when white working-class Americans are going to wake up and
realize that both the Evil Party (Democrats) and the Stupid Party
(Republicans) agree on every issue of substance. Still, they seem
content to get fired up over the "differences" between the two dull
candidates chosen for them every four years. It's just amazing that any
educated person can be satisfied watching Tweedledum and Tweedledee
"debate" issues like gay marriage, prescriptions for senior citizens
and flag-burning. Boy, do we really need an alternative political
You got that right bigunreal. We do have a few minor choices, but no major ones at this time. It needs to change quick!
Outside of Tanzania, Africa is unstable. Zaire is a mess. Rwanda
and Burundi are constantly in civil war. South Africa and Angola
are in anarchy. Americans are disliked there. Bush and
Blair want to bring stability to Africa so they can move US jobs there
where they can order people to work for 6 cents an hour, furthering the
gap between have's and have nots.

I'm not a global warming guy, but one thing that needs to be protected
in Africa is Mt. Kilimanjaro(spelling). It is one mountain with
desert, Rain Forest, and Tundra. It has every climate type on the
mountain enabling people to learn about many fields, which are useful
to humans.

Money should be going to protect that spot.
Even Rush is talking today about the money we have wasted in Africa over the past humpteen years. You think we'd realize we are throwing our money away by now, but I guess some people never learn.
The whole concept of foreign aid is bizzare to me. there seems to be little gain for the people that propose it. Since all political money is used to buy votes I don't get why so much money is spent elsewhere, who does it please? Only a few ultra liberal altruists would vote for more money to be sent anywhere and only a few conservative hawks want to use it to control other people. I guess it is just a good way to move cash out of the country and into off shore accounts and to pay off foreigners for various things. Why else?
Jaxvid, how many petty African leaders have been given huge amounts ofcash from our government which was confiscated from tax-payers? They take the loot for themselves and give littleto their people. It is not uncommon for the big Uga Buga to buy fleets of luxury cars, jewelry, concubines, palaces, planes and everything else under the sun. Of course a huge chunk of coin gets skimmedby all the big money boys who re-distribute it back to their own pockets. When Mike Tyson finally gives up boxing, he could run forpresident of some backward African country, he has the perfect resume.
<DIV id=byline>By Mark Schlabach Washington Post Staff Writer
Saturday, July 24, 2004; Page D01 PHOENIX</NITF>
<DIV id=article_>

<NITF>"At the height of his popularity and fortune, Mike Tyson owned six mansions, two white Bengal tigers and 110 cars, including garages full of Bentleys, Mercedes and Rolls Royces.</NITF> "

It 's been reported Tyson made nearly 400 million bucks during his run at the top and he is virtually broke. Brilliant fellow! Sending money to Africa is like pouring perfume on a pig... there's no point in doing it!
South Africa, experiences 1.5 million rapes a year. Hey, isn't black rule grand. They terrorized the white farmers, stole their farms, tortured and mutilated their bodies and now find the entire country has reverted to stone age conditions in the blink of an eye. The Africans are starving to death and those left are filled with disease and aids. Go figure?


Anti-rape campaigners in South Africa are outraged about a new invention intended to catch rapists.

The device, designed for a woman to insert, attaches itself to a rapist and has to be surgically removed.
LONDON â€â€￾ Building on an accord between Britain and the United States, finance ministers of the world's wealthiest nations agreed Saturday to wipe out $40 billion in debt owed by 18 of the world's poorest countries as part of a major assault on global poverty.

Yeah, there has been a major assault all right, white people have had their wallets assaulted for years. Not to worry though, we will be allowed to retire at the age of 75- 80, somebody's got to pay the bills !
Two South African men showed a film at the AR Conference last yearabout the epidemic ofwhite South African farmers and their families being slaughtered.It was sickening to watch. It is even worse in "Zimbabwe," which was one of the most admirable countries and best places to live in the world when it was run byits white minority but now it's as bad as any of the other black-run hell-holes in Africa. Virtually all of the whites who haven't been murdered have had their land confiscated from them.

The government-sanctioned killing and dispossession of white Zimbabwean farmers qualifies by any definition as attempted genocide, but there is absolutely no sympathy for them anywhere in the Western world, especially from the media. Many of the white Zimbabweans who are left stay there because no other country will take them. Instead of the ongoing Third World immigration invasion of the U.S. championed by both Democrats and Republicans, we should have brought productive and grateful white South Africans and Rhodesians here instead.
That last sentence is a really good one Don. I met a guy last year who is from South Africa. He told me about the end of apartheid and how all law and order fell apart. He was a Policeman there during the last few years, and he told me how it changed and then when blacks took over, it was like a nightmare. Rapes and murders all the time, with nothing being done to stop them. Whites there have to resort to vigilantism and heavily arming themselves just to survive. He said his world turned a complete 180 over the course of just 10 years.

I live in the Mississippi Delta, which is the closest thing you'll find to the current South Africa in the United States, with whites being a minority and an ever increasigly opressed one, but the things this guy told me literally shocked me. I was almost in disbelief that something like that could be allowed to take place and nothing be done to stop it. To me it was a wake up call as to what might happen here in the future to not only whites, but Christians, if we don't wake up. I'm sure some of you guys don't see the Christian part of that, but that's my take on it. I think you'd all agree about the other parts though.
£220bn stolen by Nigeria's corrupt rulers
By David Blair in Abuja
(Filed: 25/06/2005)
The scale of the task facing Tony Blair in his drive to help Africa was laid bare yesterday when it emerged that Nigeria's past rulers stole or misused £220 billion.
That is as much as all the western aid given to Africa in almost four decades. The looting of Africa's most populous country amounted to a sum equivalent to 300 years of British aid for the continent.
[url]http://news.telegraph.co.uk/news/main.jhtml?xml=/news/2005/0 6/25/wnig25.xml[/url]
I am finally starting to realize whites may be even more dense than blacks. We have been falling all over ourselves to see who can givethe most stuff to the New Orleans residents. If that's not bad enough we beg them to to live in our communities, give em keys to the city and shower them with money. Most blacks are clever enough to take advantage of these nit wits. Of course, all the while we arebeing taxed to death to provide these gimmies.

[url]http://www.wect.com/Global/story.asp?S=3835315&amp;nav=2gQce Oa5[/url]

A Wilmington woman was arrested on Saturday, for claiming she was a victim of Hurricane Katrina. She received money from the Red Cross and the Cape Fear Volunteer Center before she was caught.

Authorities say Felicia Glover went to the Red Cross on Friday, saying that she just arrived from Mississippi.

They say she received a credit card from the Red Crosswith over $600 dollars on the card.

After that, we're told the Cape Fear Volunteer Center paid for three nights in a hotel for Glover, and gaveher $100 to buy food.
Colonel_Reb, for what it's worth
I know of no large group of non-Whites I would call Christian in the same way you and my neighbors are. White men have shaped the foriegn religion over the past 2,000 years even as it sought to shape them. True Christianity is no longer compatible with the mindset of most non-whites.

Since for practical purposes, Christian=White, the war on Christianity is part of the larger war on Whites, not the other way around.
Yes, this is really going to turn into a mess in every conceivable way.
Since many of these displaced people are not likely to have any
identification, how will authorities across the country necessarily
identify them as victims of Katrina? Couldn't this very easily turn
into a situation where dishonest poor people just masquerade as
hurricane victims in order to get something?
GeorgiafemaleHogg--scams$1300.00 from dupes but gets busted.

http://www.9news.com/acm_news.aspx?OSGNAME=KUSA&amp;IKOBJECT ID=513bcea1-0abe-421a-00c2-ea2a581dd586&amp;TEMPLATEID=0c76d ce6-ac1f-02d8-0047-c589c01ca7bf


MARIETTA, Ga. - Police in Georgia arrested a woman who posed as a hurricane evacuee and took money from the American Red Cross.

Thirty-six-year-old Beretta Jo Hogg, seen above,was arrested Saturday, and charged with theft by deception. She remains in jail in Cobb County, Ga.

Edited by: Bart
wow! you couldn't make that up, or make it any funnier! ha!
i find it hard to believe she's missed many meals...
At the risk of seeming harsh, I believe this news story belongs in this thread.After giving 40 years of their lives to the betterment of blacks at the expense of whites, these foolish, naive peoplewererepaid,being slaughtered by African gunmen.


Dick and Enid Eyeington, who were murdered in Somaliland last week, were stalwarts of the internationally renowned Waterford-Kamhlaba School in Swaziland which educated the children of many South African anti-apartheid activists. http://www.sundaytimes.co.za/2003/11/02/insight/in16.asp

The Eyeingtons were deeply committed to Africa and to the fight for justice in South Africa.

Eyeington made June 16 a school holiday to commemorate the 1976 Soweto uprising. Pupils were free to honour the day in their own way, which usually meant marching to the Oshoek border post and singing freedom songs.

He invited activists from the ANC in exile and the United Democratic Front in South Africa to address pupils. Once an invitation to Archbishop Desmond Tutu was vetoed by the Swazi government, which didn't want to upset the South African government. Eyeington was furious and went to see the king. He overruled his government and Tutu spoke.
American Freedom News