
He should be describing himself as a game-changing playmaking receiver like a Marvin Harrison or a Torry Holt.
You're absolutely right about that, 301. Matt Leinert described himself today as a "Tom Brady type of quarterback" and no one will condemn him as boastful for it. It's ridiculous for the best wide receiver in the country to describe himself as potentially no better than a second-tier NFL receiver. That's not a slap at Proehl, he may have been an All-Pro if used as a team's true number one receiver, but the reality is he never had as much as 900 yards in any of his 16 seasons.
Black Cleveland Browns head coach Romeo Crenell(spelling) was asked yesterday if there was a game changing linebacker in the draft similar to last years pick Shawne Merriman and he said that there was a "guy just down the street" and his "initials are AJ". He's obviously talking about AJ Hawk. Cleveland may just trade up to get this guy because it would be a very popular move with Brown fans. On a side note..it seems sometimes that black coaches have more of a appreciation for the white athlete than white coaches.
It is notable that Hass is describing himself as a "Ricky Proehl" type receiver. As I mentioned in a post above, Cris Collinsworth (in 1981) insisted on being compared to the top (black) receivers. It's not a good sign that Hass is already resigning hinself to second-tier status.
Here's a short DraftDaddy interview with Hass where he isn't so limited in describing himself. In this one he says he can "make big plays for my team." He's been working out twice a day in Orlando since the beginning of the year. Let's hope he really turns the heads of the close-minded anti-white bigots at the Combine.

If he meant Proehl of the early 90's that's good the recent Proehl and you are asking to be a 4th rounder or higher........
Has ran a 4.6 first run
Jay Cutler lifted the bar 23 times! which is unheard of for a QB... good stuff
Vince Young scored a 6 on the wonderlic test. It is a 50 question test and he only got 6 right, so much for him learning the complicated intricacies of a pro offense and learning how to read defenses...it made my day.
are you kidding me??? a SIX? oh wow, now here's a guy i wouldn't want to run my offense...
Ed Hinkle ran a 4.50 which is a very good time, I think he opened some eyes. Hass ran a 4.61 which is right around what scouts expected him to run, all he has to do is show off his amazing hands and he will be a first day lock. Denney is a guy I didnt even hear of before seeing him on TV, he has real nice size so I hope he leaves an impression on coaches and personnel people today. Does anyone know what David ANderson ran in the 40? Yea a 6 is pathetic on the wonderlic...i read somewhere on a sample wonderlic that one of the questions was "What is the 9th month of the year?"
I haven't been able to find Anderson's times yet. Hass's two times were 4.61 and 4.62. Hinkel's were 4.50 and 4.51. Why is Hinkel being completely written off as draftable material? He's strong in all areas. No need to answer. . .

DraftDaddy says that Hass "has clearly been the best so far" at the WR drills. On the NFL Network, even Mike Mayock gave grudging recognition to Hass, though he kind of spit his name out, last name only, and pronounced it "Haas". Typical.
Hinkel is so underrated it pisses me off. He can be a return man, makes the tough catches over the middles, blocks and is just an all around tough wr. I hope he gets a late round chance because he will stick with a team.
Kudla had 45 reps of 225
Isn't that a new bench press record for the Combine?I'm pretty sure it is.Mike Kudla is a beast!!
pittbc7 said:
Vince Young scored a 6 on the wonderlic test. It is a 50 question test and he only got 6 right, so much for him learning the complicated intricacies of a pro offense and learning how to read defenses...it made my day.

From the JB Cash column:

Smarter White Players Ignored
(7/10/05) It's no secret that white football players score better than blacks on the NFL's pre-draft "IQ" test known as the "Wonderlic" test. The test is given to all athletes that are eligible for being drafted. The average person reportedly scores a 21 on the Wonderlic; a score of 10 represents basic literacy. According to those who created the test, professional executives average 28.

In the NFL, offensive linemen have the highest average score, about 26. Running backs average 16, the lowest. Teams want quarterbacks to score in the mid-20s and a score in the mid-teens is generally acceptable for the other positions.
Another reason why Vince Young should be a 4th rounder at best........ I remember taking a partial test back on ESPN.com back a few years ago and getting the first 12 questions right and rushing the 13th because I would have had to think about it for 5 minutes.,,,,,,
I looked at a Wonderlic test on another site today and it is very easy. Guessing on a purely random basis should generate a score of at least 10. Not to sound cruel but Young's IQ can't be much above the level of retarded.
NCAA | V. Young scores low on Wonderlic test
Sun, 26 Feb 2006 14:11:01 -0800

Mark Curnutte, of the Cincinnati Enquirer, reports there was word around the NFL Combine that Texas QB Vince Young scored a six on his Wonderlic test and scored another six on his second attempt at the test.
4.6 is very disappointing. I was hoping he'd get in the 4.5 range, like Hinkel did. Another thing that works against him is that he looks like a normal guy, not "built" like some of these guys. I couldn't care less, but others do.
4.6 is what most expected him to run. Their is track speed and game speed and Hass knows what to do on the football field. Whatever team ends up with him will be very happy because he can play.
I agree with pittbc7 on this one.Mike Hass has never had a problem getting open at any level of football.He is very smart,and very strong.His moves are quick and on cue.Mike will be an excellent reciever in the nfl despite his 4.5-4.6 speed.There is just too much emphasis based on your 40 time.You can ask Emmitt Smith that question and he is the nfl's all time leading rusher despite running a 4.5-4.6 just like Hass.
I'll predict that one of the few NFL teams that give white receivers opportunities will draft him in the 3rd round -- the Colts, Rams, Panthers or Titans. Even if they draft him as a "possession receiver" he has so much talent. Watching the Combine today, it is pathetic how often the black "studs" drop the ball in drills where they're not even being covered. J. B. Cash is right about the spacial cognition advantage whites have. Generally speaking it's a huge one. That, along with better hand-eye coordination, is far more important than pure 40 speed.

The WR position should be as white dominated as the QB position.
From my point of view the combine has been a disaster for white guys so far. All the fastest times are being posted by black players. Stagnation is still the prevailing theme.
The NFL spin/caste-meisters have sprung into action.

Word now is that Vince "Copernicus" Young actually scored a 16 (not a 6) on the Wonderlic. The Houston Texans' GM calls a 16 score "adequate." (Question: Adequate for what - a third grader?)

Something tells me that Mr. Young's performance - or lack thereof - has caused more than a little embarassment to his hype-meisters, and now they're playing CYA by reporting a higher score (albeit one that is still friggin' miserable). And doesn't the University of Texas look like a pack of dopes right now. Given what we now know, I doubt Young could pass any academic course at UT.

Bottom line: If you want a Michael Vick-type QB, except slower and dumber (how is that even possible?), then Young's your man!
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