Doris Burke and Billy Packer


Dec 22, 2004
These two color announcers receive awful grades from me. Burke is a little worse because she divides the world into two players. Unathletic white girls and ultra-athletic black girls. Not once did she vary much from that POV. It was pathetic. Packer was awful as usual. Packer was his usual snide self when describing "slow" whites. He a receives a D grade. Both of these jerks have an agenda. It doesn't help that the play by play guys they work with--whiny Mike Patrick and enabler Jim Nance basically back up the two jerks. Like I said earlier this tournament coverage was the worst in terms of snide picking on whites athletic abilities--and conversely pumping up black atheticism. At least Packer once in a while would comment on a black players lack of--etc but not full bore Burke.
This needs to be addressed in a public manner so these media types can be exposed . It isn't only anti-white. frankly it is anti-human to pick on a race the way they do.
I should add I just watched Burke along with Nancy Lieberman announce the wnba first round draft. She was even worse-----this has to stop.
sunshine said:
I should add I just watched Burke along with Nancy Lieberman announce the wnba first round draft. She was even worse-----this has to stop.
Sunshine...this caste nonsense has really been pissing you off and getting to you lately. No comment other than that..just something I have noticed in your posts the past few weeks.
I think Jim Nance is as close to neutral in his announcing as anybody who does national broadcasts. He also has an easy-on-the-ears style that I like.

Personal anecdote: For two years at college Isat in the booth and fedstatsduring home TV broadcasts of basketball and football games and had the opportunity to work with a number of announcers, some nationally known, others local. They were all nice, friendly men, with one exception -- Billy Packer. He impressed me as an egotisticaljerk and nothing since then has changed my opinion of him.
After all the tournament media coverage I have developed what I believe is media induced rabies. I have had trouble keeping an even keel--probably should at this rate or I will be dead in no time--and I get overheated like you wouldn't believe.. I should try and chill for a bit before I blow a gasket for good..
Don Wassall said:
I think Jim Nance is as close to neutral in his announcing as anybody who does national broadcasts.  He also has an easy-on-the-ears style that I like.

Personal anecdote: For two years at college I sat in the booth and fed stats during home TV broadcasts of basketball and football games and had the opportunity to work with a number of announcers, some nationally known, others local.  They were all nice, friendly men, with one exception -- Billy Packer.  He impressed me as an egotistical jerk and nothing since then has changed my opinion of him.

"Fudge" Packer is one of the biggest SOB's in sportscasting IMO.Edited by: DixieDestroyer
sunshine said:
After all the tournament media coverage I have developed what I believe is media induced rabies. I have had trouble keeping an even keel--probably should at this rate or I will be dead in no time--and I get overheated like you wouldn't believe.. I should try and chill for a bit before I blow a gasket for good..
The last thing you need is a stroke. Just make a difference where you can, speak the truth and chill about the rest. My mom had a stroke five years ago and it was all stress related. Since that time she doesn't let as much get too her and she's doing fine. I'm no doctor, just a little friendly advice.
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