Donald Trump for President

To force everyone in America and the world into the cashelss society with cryptocurrencies. These central bank backed digital currencies as well as stable coins will be programmable teling you what, when, where and how to buy. The BEAST SYSTEM. This is only the beginning as
we move to the One World Govt, One World Currency and One World Religion(false religion).
Yep, that's why Trump signed an executive order overturning Biden's EO 14067 and prohibiting federal agencies from establishing or promoting Central Bank Digital Currencies (CBDCs) in the U.S. Just what I would do if I wanted to go to a BEAST system.
OK. If that's true then Christians like JD Vance, Mike Johnson, and probably half of his staff are all in on it. I find that difficult to believe unless they're naive or they just don't understand. Vance and Johnson are two very intelligent Chistian men. They either don't know the Bible or are just out right faking their faith! I find both of these difficult to believe.
But who knows George Washington was in the Masonic Cult as were many of the founding fathers. Maybe they've all been in on this since the inception of the United States?

Trust me I would love to be wrong but I've been seeing so called conspiracy theories come true my whole life. The Holy Bible is true and even though they try to hide the truth those with the eyes to see and the ears to hears shall know through the Holy Spirit. We must pray for this understanding that can only come from the Most High God. Don't want to get off track too much in this thread but the hour is late in my honest opinion and our FAITH is the most important thing we have on earth.
I call bs on all this. Trumps stupid tariffs have decimated my stocks and now I will end up paying more for everything. He is purposely crashing our economy.
The alternative would just be to let things lie and continue to have virtually every country on earth hitting the US with massive tariffs on most everything that we export.

This market correction is long overdue with the terrible fiscal and monetary policies of the last 50 years. Also it shows how much the market is dependent on federal largess to prop it up.
I don’t pay much attention to politics. But, my understanding of the tariffs are aimed at countries who have tariffs against the U.S. Thus, the end game would be to mutually agree to stop tariffs, benefiting everyone.
The alternative would just be to let things lie and continue to have virtually every country on earth hitting the US with massive tariffs on most everything that we export.

This market correction is long overdue with the terrible fiscal and monetary policies of the last 50 years. Also it shows how much the market is dependent on federal largess to prop it up.
I agree. But it sure is hurting many seniors who are trying to retire along with folks buying power which hurts business. Fortunately, if my health holds out, I can climb out it of over the next 5-6 years. It comes with ripping the band aid off as they say. The good news is interest rates are coming down and gas prices are as well. Inflation should follow. Hopefully, this will spur the economy again by the third or fourth quarter.
Seniors should not be in growth stocks that is investing advice 101 from a planner. 13 week bills are over 4%. Good lord after the year 2000 pump and dump by the Federal Reserve when it finally crashed out by 2003 the final wipeout of my growth stock portfolio took me into my capital.
It would be nice if Trump controlled the border and took care of the economy but he goes wild about tariffs and picks fights everywhere. Trump being Trump. Saying and doing stupid things.
Seniors should not be in growth stocks that is investing advice 101 from a planner. 13 week bills are over 4%. Good lord after the year 2000 pump and dump by the Federal Reserve when it finally crashed out by 2003 the final wipeout of my growth stock portfolio took me into my capital.
Agreed, but I'm talking about the average senior who invested in their 401K. Investing in other assets with tax advantages. They may not understand stocks and wanted to put in the safety of a 401K. If you saved $250,000 over the course of your employment you have lost around $50,000 in the last 2 weeks if my math is correct, and it, the market continues to slide it could be like 2008 where you lose half. You could put it in T-bills or park it in CD's when you pull it out at retirement. Right? I know several folks. Average people who lost anywhere from $250,000-$500,000 in 2008! I lost half of my 401K. Fortunately, I had only been putting away very little the time and although I lost half of it, it didn't affect me much at that time in my life. The last two weeks has had major impact on my savings!! As I said, this will take me at least 2 years to make up, if it stops now, but there's NO indication of that. I hope I'm wrong. Alot of people are losing their life savings as we speak. It's very sad.
The S&P is down 7.1% since Trump took office in January and is down 8.6% from its record high on Feb. 19th. I disagree that we're talking about "years" for the market to get back to where it was. It goes up and down all the time and could make up this slump in a week or two.

What's called for is patience. Trump has a plan and part of it is for there to be pain initially followed by lots of prosperity. I like what he's doing and believe we need to give him considerably more time. His second term is in but the very beginning stages; let's see how things look headed into the 2026 midterms at the earliest before drawing conclusions.
The S&P is down 7.1% since Trump took office in January and is down 8.6% from its record high on Feb. 19th. I disagree that we're talking about "years" for the market to get back to where it was. It goes up and down all the time and could make up this slump in a week or two.

What's called for is patience. Trump has a plan and part of it is for there to be pain initially followed by lots of prosperity. I like what he's doing and believe we need to give him considerably more time. His second term is in but the very beginning stages; let's see how things look headed into the 2026 midterms at the earliest before drawing conclusions.
I tend to agree with this. The S&P 500 has grown roughly 20% per year on average over the last 5 years, literally doubling in value (largely due to inflation) despite the recent sell off . A correction was long overdue, and despite a ~10% dive we're hardly below pre-election levels. I'd also argue that we've entered a new normal in terms of higher stock market volatility - leverage and retail traders are a bigger factor than ever before as the meme stock and crypto mentality has seeped into the large caps as well. The president can't allow short term market movements dictate long term policy goals.
I'm not disagreeing with what Trump has done. In fact, on post 655 I agreed with Footballdad about what's happening and Trump's policies. Just stating the obvious. Alot of Seniors who've invested in their 401K's have lost alot of money including myself. Fortunately, as I've said, I can make it up at my age. 65-70 year olds may not DEPENDING on how much lower it goes.
For myself, I went back and looked at my investment in 2021, the last time there was a drop and stagnation in the stock market. It took almost two years considering what I had lost to make it up. 2022-2024 was indeed good times in the stock market, but the fact is alot of it has been lost in the last 2 weeks. At least it has with my investments.
Again, I agree with what has to be done, but it's painful in the short term.
The S&P is down 7.1% since Trump took office in January and is down 8.6% from its record high on Feb. 19th. I disagree that we're talking about "years" for the market to get back to where it was. It goes up and down all the time and could make up this slump in a week or two.

What's called for is patience. Trump has a plan and part of it is for there to be pain initially followed by lots of prosperity. I like what he's doing and believe we need to give him considerably more time. His second term is in but the very beginning stages; let's see how things look headed into the 2026 midterms at the earliest before drawing conclusions.

Also if I may add some unsolicited advice. If you are heavily invested in stocks, you are gambling. Someone close to retirement should likely change their 401K into safer or more conservative investments. I just checked my 401k (not that it matters for me now) and it’s only down 1.8% from last year. That’s a negligible amount considering it went up significantly the year before. So I guess it makes a big difference what your 401k is made up of. I’m also a big believer in precious metals and Bitcoin / some other cryptos. Those are both doing very well. Basically don’t have your eggs all in one basket, especially in times of volatility.
As usual Trump thinks he knows everything. 99 percent of ceos are saying this is terrible but we are supposed to trust the guy with how many bankruptcies and failed companies?
Our house we purchased in 2018 has increased in price by nearly 40% since and basically as well as my wife has decorated it it is 6 years older. This stupid money printing cannot continue just because some seniors wish upon a falling star crap. Curse Trump all you want because it does not matter the one advantage the USA has which is the reserve currency and the ability export inflation thru cheap debt are coming to an end.
Our house we purchased in 2018 has increased in price by nearly 40% since and basically as well as my wife has decorated it it is 6 years older. This stupid money printing cannot continue just because some seniors wish upon a falling star crap. Curse Trump all you want because it does not matter the one advantage the USA has which is the reserve currency and the ability export inflation thru cheap debt are coming to an end.
Very true. I’ve owned my house for 4 years now and has had similar increases on paper. Absurd. I’ve aged out of “young person” and could barely afford my house 4 years ago. At current prices, how could a truly young person or family afford to buy a home? This is terrible for the younger generation and for family formation. This system needs to end, and I’m sorry if some seniors are hurt too, but don’t look past the hardship our future generations are under.
The destruction of the value of the $ will end one way or another. To prop it up or to put the brick on the gas pedal to sustain one industry is beyond irresponsible. Now of course the fed gov has made it easier for the non-whites and protected classes to out bid our progeny and while some are fortunate to have a leg up many don't. Regardless if anyone here is bootstrapping ditto head or a flaming commie fool why should we entitle the protected classes and new colonizers over our progeny? Is it to sell another tract house to some colonizer or lay about protected class "American" so one's company can make the quarter?
Alexander Dugin is Russia's leading nationalist intellectual and he has a very positive view of what Trump is doing:

Trump Goes Even Further

Alexander Dugin reveals the key levers of influence.

Donald Trump’s dissolution of the U.S. Agency for Global Media (USAGM) is an event of paramount importance, one whose significance can hardly be overstated. But why did this happen? First and foremost, it is crucial to recognize that Trump, in his second term, is not merely a successful politician — he represents an alternative strategy. This is a strategy of anti-globalism and realism in international relations.

For Trump himself, only American interests matter — specifically, the interests of the United States as a nation-state. He categorically rejects the idea of America as a tool for globally advancing liberal democracy. He simply does not care whether liberal democracy exists in other countries or not. His sole concern is the fate of the United States.

Accordingly, global media, whose purpose has been to promote liberal-democratic values and a globalist agenda, appear to Trump as an unprofitable, meaningless, and even hostile entity. After all, these media outlets propagate the narratives of his opponents: liberals, globalists, and the deep state. This is precisely why he is dismantling what he sees as unnecessary, wasteful, and politically adversarial. In other words, he is acting entirely logically, reshaping America in accordance with his vision of great power politics.

As for the broader significance of this event, one must remember that a person’s environment is language. Aristotle called man a zoon logon echon — a living being endowed with logos, meaning a being that uses language. This is our defining characteristic. Language, the word, constitutes the human world. Accordingly, various totalitarian ideologies have long sought to control human existence through language. One of the primary tools for such control is propaganda — media that are ideologically oriented and create multiple discourses, all directed toward the same goal, thereby transforming the linguistic field in which people exist.

Media are instruments of power. It is no coincidence that they are called the “fourth estate” — they control discourse, shape narratives, and in doing so, create the linguistic reality that becomes people’s natural habitat. Through this, they exert influence over society. There is nothing new in this; globalists have used media under their control for decades to advance their ideology.

Today, Trump is not so much waging war against mediacracy as he is dismantling the aspects of it that contradict his vision of the world order. There is nothing surprising about this. Those who speak of “independent media” are simply lying. This is a liberal cliché that does not correspond to reality in any way. Every media outlet has a guiding authority; all media serve a particular ideological paradigm, which depends on their source of funding.

In other words, every media organization has its own “ideological master.” This master either directly finances the media’s existence or supervises this financing on behalf of a higher-ranking master. This applies not only to traditional media but also to social networks. Depending on their ownership, these platforms establish their own criteria for weighing the relevance, permissibility, or prohibition of certain topics, authors, and experts.

Thus, there is nothing extraordinary in this development. The closure of Voice of America, Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty, and other globalist media institutions is simply part of Trump’s plan to reshape the linguistic landscape and the geopolitical reality of the world in a different direction. We must respond to this with composure, focusing on strengthening our own civilizational discourse and ensuring that our media serve Russian meanings and the Russian paradigm. Whether state-run or private, the key is that the discourse remains Russian.

Likewise, anti-American or globalist discourse has no place in America — something Trump is demonstrating in action. This brilliant example of shutting down toxic media is more than relevant for us as well. And indeed, we are gradually implementing similar measures ourselves.

(Translated from the Russian)
American Freedom News