I am amazed with the level ofknowledgeand information one can find on this site, i am truly thankful to all of you and what you do in here. I wonder if any of you goes to Yahoo Answers. I go to boxing and MMA sections of Yahoo Answers and i think people like you should be all over the place there, spreading the truth. There is one guy in boxing section who is named Knight De La Barre and sounds like he could be one of you in here. He has mad knowledge and doesn't care to sound pro-white, but all those black racist trolls attack the poor man and they evenattackedme once for standing for him.<div>
</div><div>Does any of you go there? If no, you should guys, we need to be more vocal.</div>
</div><div>Does any of you go there? If no, you should guys, we need to be more vocal.</div>