Does American Airlines hire an unusually high number of gay males?

Jerry Reb

Aug 3, 2021
Something I've noticed over the years in my travels. American Airlines seems to have something against normal female air hostesses (excuse me, "flight attendants"). From my experience about 60% of their flight attendants are dudes and most of them are gay in an in-your-face way. Delta and United have a more normal ratio of about 75% female air hostesses.

The politically incorrect fact of the matter is that men and women are better at different jobs. Women make better secretaries, elementary school teachers, and models. Men are better at jobs that require strength, innovation, or balls (literal and figurative). Air hostess is one of those jobs that women are more suited for. The Asian airlines get it right, and air travel is one of the very few areas where I wish the government would allow foreign corporations to displace American ones.

Just rambling here, but I figure I'd ask in a place filled with like-minded, politically incorrect guys.
Male flight attendants have always been mostly gay. I don’t think straight men are allowed.

If you’re noticing more of them it may just be that there are less of the women. Flight attendants in the US are heavily unionized and because of airline business compression there are less jobs open. You also rarely see a young female flight attendant, just about as rare as a straight male one.

At this point they are probably retiring out or moving to land jobs.

And yes an Asian flight attendant crew is a thing to behold. They definitely restrict those slots for the good looking ones. One of the pleasures of my frequent flyer days was seeing a bevy of Asian flight hostesses strolling through the terminal. Man those ladies were/are classy!
The one female AA flight attendant I know is a dyke. The last time I flew American a gay male flight attendant was Johnny on the spot telling me to pull my mask over my nose.
Something I've noticed over the years in my travels. American Airlines seems to have something against normal female air hostesses (excuse me, "flight attendants"). From my experience about 60% of their flight attendants are dudes and most of them are gay in an in-your-face way. Delta and United have a more normal ratio of about 75% female air hostesses.

The politically incorrect fact of the matter is that men and women are better at different jobs. Women make better secretaries, elementary school teachers, and models. Men are better at jobs that require strength, innovation, or balls (literal and figurative). Air hostess is one of those jobs that women are more suited for. The Asian airlines get it right, and air travel is one of the very few areas where I wish the government would allow foreign corporations to displace American ones.

Just rambling here, but I figure I'd ask in a place filled with like-minded, politically incorrect guys.

I don't remember what year exactly "stewardesses" became "flight attendants," part of the near-complete deconstruction of English by the communist subversives as "feminism" kicked into high gear, but it wasn't long after that the female attendants on U.S. domestic flights began to get older, fatter and uglier, and of course many "men" began to be hired. Asian airlines are still like U.S. airlines once were in spite of the best efforts of the NGOs, foundations, the UN, and the rest of the humorless control freak busy bodies whose life mission is to make as many people as possible as miserable as they themselves are.

A little before my time, especially because I didn't fly much while young, but flying in America used to be a fun thing -- men, women and children dressed well, passengers smoked and drank, there was minimal security, it was a fun experience to look forward to rather than one dreaded as is the case now. Though I will give credit and say that airplanes and air travel itself is safer than ever. How often is there a major airplane crash in the U.S. other than small private planes? Almost never, and that's pretty amazing.

Speaking of dressing well, compare any TV show or movie or crowd scene from before roughly the mid-1960s to how people dress and look now, and the difference is beyond startling.



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The Wal-Mart picture always get's me about a picture being worth a thousand words.
Lol. That middle pic on the right, captioned "Today". That woman is terrified of probably just about everything. And then we have Major Tom in front of her, ready for retro rocket firing and Earth reentry.
I don't remember what year exactly "stewardesses" became "flight attendants," part of the near-complete deconstruction of English by the communist subversives as "feminism" kicked into high gear, but it wasn't long after that the female attendants on U.S. domestic flights began to get older, fatter and uglier, and of course many "men" began to be hired. Asian airlines are still like U.S. airlines once were in spite of the best efforts of the NGOs, foundations, the UN, and the rest of the humorless control freak busy bodies whose life mission is to make as many people as possible as miserable as they themselves are.

A little before my time, especially because I didn't fly much while young, but flying in America used to be a fun thing -- men, women and children dressed well, passengers smoked and drank, there was minimal security, it was a fun experience to look forward to rather than one dreaded as is the case now. Though I will give credit and say that airplanes and air travel itself is safer than ever. How often is there a major airplane crash in the U.S. other than small private planes? Almost never, and that's pretty amazing.

Speaking of dressing well, compare any TV show or movie or crowd scene from before roughly the mid-1960s to how people dress and look now, and the difference is beyond startling.



I thought of this thread and those pics while browsing through an old Sports Illustrated from May of 1968. On Page 2 (the inside cover) is a full-page ad from TWA titled "TWA introduces 'Foreign Accent' flights inside USA." The accompanying photograph is of four very attractive young stewardesses representing the countries mentioned in the ad copy, which reads thusly:

"Announcing the end of routine air travel: Now, when you fly non-stop from New York or Chicago to California (or back), you can fly one of our new 'Foreign Accent' flights!
"They come in four styles with hostesses to match: Italian (see toga), French (see gold mini), Olde English (see wench). And Manhattan Penthouse (see hostess pajamas -- after all, hostesses should look like hostesses, right?)
"You'll find a whole new atmosphere throughout the plane, first-class and coach. Foreign music. Foreign magazines and newspapers. Foreign touches all around. And the best in foreign cuisine. (Yes, you may still enjoy a steak cooked to order. That's a TWA speciality).
"All in all, TWA's new 'Foreign Accent' flights bring you the best the world has to offer. And if you're as bored with routine flying as we think you are, you're ready for it. Call us, or Mr. Information (your travel agent). He knows all about it. P.S. Get ready in Philadelphia, Washington, Baltimore and Boston. 'Foreign Accents' flights coming soon."

That's not only from a far different and better time, it might as well be from a different galaxy compared to what this country and the West have devolved into since 1968, the infamous year the Permanent Cultural Revolution took off with a blast and never slowed down.
I thought of this thread and those pics while browsing through an old Sports Illustrated from May of 1968. On Page 2 (the inside cover) is a full-page ad from TWA titled "TWA introduces 'Foreign Accent' flights inside USA." The accompanying photograph is of four very attractive young stewardesses representing the countries mentioned in the ad copy, which reads thusly:

"Announcing the end of routine air travel: Now, when you fly non-stop from New York or Chicago to California (or back), you can fly one of our new 'Foreign Accent' flights!
"They come in four styles with hostesses to match: Italian (see toga), French (see gold mini), Olde English (see wench). And Manhattan Penthouse (see hostess pajamas -- after all, hostesses should look like hostesses, right?)
"You'll find a whole new atmosphere throughout the plane, first-class and coach. Foreign music. Foreign magazines and newspapers. Foreign touches all around. And the best in foreign cuisine. (Yes, you may still enjoy a steak cooked to order. That's a TWA speciality).
"All in all, TWA's new 'Foreign Accent' flights bring you the best the world has to offer. And if you're as bored with routine flying as we think you are, you're ready for it. Call us, or Mr. Information (your travel agent). He knows all about it. P.S. Get ready in Philadelphia, Washington, Baltimore and Boston. 'Foreign Accents' flights coming soon."

That's not only from a far different and better time, it might as well be from a different galaxy compared to what this country and the West have devolved into since 1968, the infamous year the Permanent Cultural Revolution took off with a blast and never slowed down.

Yes and these liberal fools wanted to destroy all of what we had and replace it with a communist dystopia.

Liberals are completely insane.
I thought of this thread and those pics while browsing through an old Sports Illustrated from May of 1968. On Page 2 (the inside cover) is a full-page ad from TWA titled "TWA introduces 'Foreign Accent' flights inside USA." The accompanying photograph is of four very attractive young stewardesses representing the countries mentioned in the ad copy, which reads thusly:

"Announcing the end of routine air travel: Now, when you fly non-stop from New York or Chicago to California (or back), you can fly one of our new 'Foreign Accent' flights!
"They come in four styles with hostesses to match: Italian (see toga), French (see gold mini), Olde English (see wench). And Manhattan Penthouse (see hostess pajamas -- after all, hostesses should look like hostesses, right?)
"You'll find a whole new atmosphere throughout the plane, first-class and coach. Foreign music. Foreign magazines and newspapers. Foreign touches all around. And the best in foreign cuisine. (Yes, you may still enjoy a steak cooked to order. That's a TWA speciality).
"All in all, TWA's new 'Foreign Accent' flights bring you the best the world has to offer. And if you're as bored with routine flying as we think you are, you're ready for it. Call us, or Mr. Information (your travel agent). He knows all about it. P.S. Get ready in Philadelphia, Washington, Baltimore and Boston. 'Foreign Accents' flights coming soon."

That's not only from a far different and better time, it might as well be from a different galaxy compared to what this country and the West have devolved into since 1968, the infamous year the Permanent Cultural Revolution took off with a blast and never slowed down.
You’re right that it seems like a different galaxy, especially for someone of my age (born in the 80s). Steak cooked to order? Now you get a lousy snack, even flying NY to CA. Of course, you can pay for food but it’s overpriced garbage. At least in the 90s they’d feed you the awful food for free. And now you better put your mask on the second you finish your peanuts, or else you’ll have the bitchy, karen “flight attendant” breaking your balls. And one would think that bringing back the feminine and pleasant stewardesses of yesteryear would do wonders for an airline’s bottom line. Of course that would have to mean that profits were the primary motivation of these Marxist corporations.

Commercial airlines went from a luxury experience to something akin to transporting cattle. Appropriate considering that’s what the communists consider the masses.
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