Exactly, but whites in Indiana are constantly being berated because they don't go all ape-$hit crazy over a boring, pretty much all-black Pacers team? According to the Jewish media, the rancid Pacers should be selling out every game and the white retards in the state should not only fork over tons of their hard earned cash to watch these turds, they should worship them.
But if the Indianapolis Racers (Wayne Gretzky's first team - WHA) were to ever return to the major league level, it's just assumed blacks in Indiana would have every right to reject hockey?
Speaking of Gretzky, I remember going to see him play at the end of career with the Los Angeles Kings and had seats about ten rows in front of a group of 20 to 30 "urban youths" (about ages 10 to 15), who were no doubt brought in with free tickets.
Being intrigued, I would frequently look back to see what the young heroes of the Jewish people were up to during the hockey game. Where they riveted to game, knowing Gretzky was on the ice?
Not at all. It seemed most of the time the male of the species were hitting on the few "hood-rats" allowed in with free tickets. And, it appeared 90% of the time they were all standing in front of their seats (not sitting down) with their backs to the rink.
As I recall, the only times these precious "youths" actually turned around to watch the game in unison, was when a fight broke out on the ice.