Dizzy Dean


Hall of Famer
Feb 6, 2005
With St.Louis in the post season the name of Dizzy Dean popped up from the recessesof my mind. He was something else until he got hurt. Ever hear him broadcast a game?http://www.dizzydean.com/
<BLOCKQUOTE>Quotes by Dizzy Dean
"Son, what kind of pitch would you like to miss."

"It ain't braggin' if you can back it up."

"I never keep a scorecard or the batting averages. I hate statistics. What I got to know, I keep in my head."

"Anybody who's ever had the privilege of seeing me play knows that I am the greatest pitcher in the world."

"All ballplayers want to wind up their career with the Cubs, Giants or Yankees. They just can't help it."

"I ain't what I used to be, but who the hell is?"

"I won twenty-eight games in 1935 and I couldn't believe my eyes when the Cards send me a contract with a cut in salary. Mr. Rickey said I deserved a cut because I didn't win thirty games."

"It puzzles me how they know what corners are good for filling stations. Just how did they know gas and oil was under there?"

"Let the teachers teach English and I will teach baseball. There is a lot of people in the United States who say 'isn't' and they ain't eating."

"Mr. Rickey, I'll put more people in the park than anybody since Babe Ruth."

"Son, what kind of pitch would you like to miss?"

""Sure I eat what I advertise. Sure I eat Wheaties for breakfast. A good bowl of Wheaties with bourbon can't be beat."

"The doctors x-rayed my head and found nothing."

"The dumber a pitcher is, the better. When he gets smart and tries to experiment with a lot of different pitches, he's in trouble. All I ever had was a fastball, a curve and a change up and I did pretty good."

"The good Lord was good to me. He gave me a strong body, a good right arm and a weak mind."

"He slud into third."

"Well what's wrong with ain't? And as for saying 'Rizzuto slud into second' it just ain't natural. Sounds silly to me. Slud is something more than slid. It means sliding with great effort."

Quotes about Dizzy Dean
"When ole Diz was out there pitching it was more than just another ball game. It was a regular three-ring circus and everybody was wide awake and enjoying being alive."
-- Pepper Martin

"You were attracted by the graceful rhythm of his pitching motion; the long majestic sweep of his arm as he let the ball fly; the poised alertness after the pitch. That was what counted and you knew it when batter after batter swung ineptly at pitches they couldn't even see."
-- Editor of the New York Times

"As a ballplayer, (Dizzy) Dean was a natural phenomenon, like the Grand Canyon or the Great Barrier Reef. Nobody ever taught him baseball and he never had to learn. He was just doing what came naturally when a scout named Don Curtis discovered him on a Texas sandlot and gave him his first contract."
-- Red Smith </BLOCKQUOTE>
They made a movie about him. It was called "The Pride of St. Louis." I saw it by chance and ended up really liking it.
Thanks for the heads up GWTJ.Found good reviews for the movie, posted one below. Will have to check it out.

I love this movie. I always avoided renting it and ran out of choice one night and reluctantly picked it up. Wow, was I suprized. I laughed and really enjoyed this movie thoroughly. I especailly like the part when they are in the world series and Dizzy calls a time out to talk to the pitcher. You think it's going to be something big, but he says, "Does your dad still have the shotgun for sale?" The pitcher is like..."what???" And then when he becomes an announcer at the end of the movie....fabulous good movie. By all means rent, buy or borrow this movie. Good clean fun for the whole family. You won't be sorry, unless You've somehow distroyed every once of goodness in you.
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