Divisional playoffs


Hall of Famer
Feb 6, 2005
Most of the sports gurus arepciking Baltimore over Indy. This is one of those great defenses against great offenses matchups. I'm going against the grain and picking the Colts. I heard today that Manning's QB rating is about 125 when blitzed. If the Ravens throw the kitchen sink at em, he might be able to make some hay. If the Colts defense shows up like it did last week, it could be interesting.To be honest, my mind says Baltimore, but my heart says Indy for obvious reasons in this game.

I'm going with Philly only because I want to see them advance without McNabb at the helm.I like Brees, but hate Nawluns and the hype. The way Hass was treated still bugs me.

Chicago and Seattle doen't interest me at all. Lovie wins or Holmgren wins, not something to get excited about. The Bears D is overrated (in my opinion) and Grossman can be downright awful, so I'm going with the Seachickens.

New England is supposed to lose to San Diego, but of course, you know I am picking them to win. Marty doesn't have a great post season record, but Bel and Brady have been awesome. I must admit to being surprised that the Pats have gone as far as they have. They should have fallen off the radar screen, but they somehow fill in the gaps and keep chuggin.

Geez, all the teams I hope to win are playing away from home. That can't help.


Hall of Famer
Jul 30, 2006
Im really hoping Manning wins against baltimore, I am sick of the fans who always bad mouth him and hate him because he is so good (and hate him because he is white). Hopefully he can expose a vastly overrated Ravens defense and the Colt defense can expose overrated Steve McNair who is Trent Dilfer plus melanin but all the weenies in the media and idiotic fans think has played to some all pro level during the season.

White Shogun

Hall of Famer
Mar 2, 2005
I'm with you all the way, Bart.

Heart says Manning and the Colts, head says Ravens and McNair, although I haven't seen the Ravens play one game this season. I'm basing my opinion of the Ravens on the articles I've read on the web and the ESPN idiots on the radio. I hate to say it, but I'm also concerned about Manning and his reputation as a choker in big games. I'm really, really hoping that the Colts win this game.

I'm taking New England over the Chargers, both to win and because I like them. I think Belicheck and Brady will find a way to beat Schottenheimer and LT.

I don't like the Bears or the Seahawks. No matter how great Urlacher is, the credit will go to Lovie Smith. I will watch the game but don't really care who wins.

I'm rooting for Garcia all the way to the Super Bowl. If not the Igles, then I'll take the Saints over Lovie Smith or Holmgren.

Best matchup for CF: Colts - Eagles. Worst matchup for CF: Ravens - Bears.

A Ravens / Bears Super Bowl will have it all - a veteran black quarterback vs a black head coach. That's all we'll hear about before the Super Bowl, and for months after. Years, even. If you think there is pressure to recruit and play black quarterbacks and hire black head coaches now, just wait til that dream caste matchup!

Go Colts!
Run, Jeff, run!


Edited by: White Shogun


Hall of Famer
Feb 6, 2005
White Shogun said:
I hate to say it, but I'm also concerned about Manning and his reputation as a choker in big games. I'm really, really hoping that the Colts win this game.

Shogun, some folks are saying Manning choked last week and played poorly. Well, if that is true ( though I don't agree) he will probably play great tomorrow. Two bad games in a row? Nah.


Dec 15, 2005
The Colts will probably win with Manning on track as long as he hits Dallas Clark. Lets hope Clark has a huge game!
If Manning just keeps playing so well under pressure when he is rushed and the Colts' defense plays mediocre, then they're in the AFC championship.
The Pats have had trouble against Tomlinson in the past so the coaching staff will adjust accordingly and they should also win.Edited by: Freedom

Lance Alworth

Nov 18, 2004
Portland OR
I'm actually gonna go against the grain here and root for Baltimore. I've never liked Manning (he's a namby pamby daddy's boy born with a silver spoon in his mouth) and McNair is probably the only black QB that i do like. Plus with the whole angle of how the Colts left Baltimore, I'm definately pulling for the Ravens to extract revenge. I also don't think i could ever root for a team from Indiana either. I've been there, and they were some of the rudest, most unfriendly people i have ever met

White Shogun

Hall of Famer
Mar 2, 2005
You gotta be kidding me, Alworth! How can you come to this site and say you despise the caste system but root for a caste stronghold like Baltimore, with a black quarterback and and an accomplice to murder running their D, against a guy like Peyton Manning?

You complain about the people of Indiana, but think Baltimore is a nice place to live???? W-T-F DUDE?? Have you ever been to Baltimore???

The Colts' players had nothing to do with the team's departure from Baltimore. How many years ago was that? That was like two decades ago. There are guys playing on these teams who weren't even BORN yet when the franchise moved out of Baltimore. Do you hate Al Davis for jacking the Raiders around between LA and Oakland?? How about losing the Rams to St. Louis?

You going to root for Lovie Smith and the Bears, too?


Dec 15, 2005
There are rude and nice people everywhere, even in Albania!
I have largely stopped rooting for teams. The NFL is so depressing now with all the hype around players. It is so crapped out and corporate and what the media calls "capitalist"(I hate communists too), that it is just a product or service now. Why should we root for a product? but The best football is sandlot!

White Shogun

Hall of Famer
Mar 2, 2005
There are plenty of threads in the NFL section already that break down the playoff match-ups from a caste perspective. There are numerous reasons to root for Manning, Jeff Garcia, and other players instead of McNair, Love Smith and Mike Holmgren.

I'm rooting for the players on the teams I choose, not the teams per se. But if the teams lose, the players lose, don't they?

White Shogun

Hall of Famer
Mar 2, 2005
On the Colts - Ravens pre-game right now, Shannon Sharpe (of all people) is interviewing the defensive stars on the Ravens. They're talking about how they like to hit people, they talk trash, get in their opponent's face, and so on. Ray Lewis is the player most prominently featured, of course.

If anybody wants to root for these a**holes, be my guest.

Lance Alworth

Nov 18, 2004
Portland OR
i understand Baltimore is a caste system stronghold, i'm just such a big time colts hater, that i would root against them regardless of whether they were all white or all black. I'm actually rooting for either Philly or New Orleans to win the Super Bowl. I would love it if Jeff Garcia actually got that team over the hump where McNabb couldnt. It would make for a great story and would be a huge blow to the caste system. Same thing applies to Brees as well after years of misery with Brooks. I actually wish Indy was all black that way i would be justified in my rooting against them
Edited by: Lance Alworth

White Shogun

Hall of Famer
Mar 2, 2005
Alright, Lance, I'll cut you some slack.

I don't dislike any team or any city enough to hate them if they fielded an all-white team. For me, it's all about who or what will do the most damage to the caste system.

I still don't see how you can stomach rooting for Billick, McNair and Ray Lewis though. They make me sick.
Edited by: White Shogun


Hall of Famer
Feb 6, 2005
Lance Alworth said:
Plus with the whole angle of how the Colts left Baltimore, I'm definately pulling for the Ravens to extract revenge.

The person to be angry with over the Colts departure should be Robert (Rat) Irsay.


Hall of Famer
Jan 9, 2005
The Deep South
Oh boy! We're subjected to the horrific duo of Greg Gumball and Dan Dinkdorf. I thought (hoped) Dorf had retired. Gumby needs a hairdo update about 20 years ago. Edited by: Colonel_Reb