

Apr 16, 2005
I was watching college hockey last night on CSTV (the college station) . U of Minnesota vs Denver. A commercial came on by USA hockey, basically just promoting the sport.The commercial featured a father and son playing, and they were black. I thought here we go again, these diversity nuts wont be happy until 90% of an athletic eventis non-white. (their definitionof diversity) I have no problems with blacks playing I just thought it was a bit odd. The only black guy I knowofin the NCAA is Robbie Earl of the Wisconsin Badgers, there is probobaly acouple more, I am not familiar with the hockey east teams.


Nov 2, 2004
Howdy KJV1 !! Thanks for the excellent info

Absolutely, it's Diversity-nutz at it again. It's great that you monitor college hockey ... trust me, it's as white as college baseball, despite the efforts of the PC Police. Would that it will stay that way

A major NHL East Coast team, who will remain nameless (har-har), had for several years touted a grass-roots inner-city learn how to play street hockey initiative. After a year of virtually no participation and lots of lost bucks, they gave it up. Hockey has Zero chance of catching on in any American black inner city. Heck, the blacks have forever given up on baseball (requires too much discipline!), and in not too many years it will be hard to find a true American negro ballplayer.
Apr 30, 2005
I've noticed that most "African-American" Hockey players are actually Canadian-born children of immigrants usually from the Carribean that grew up in Toronto. So much for American diversity... Now will the media please cover the actual players on the ice instead of wondering Hockey would be like in a magical Liberal fantasy land.

You can't force someone to play a game if they don't WANT to play it, just because their skin color would make it a great story. Hockey can be played by a person of any race AS LONG AS THEY HAVE BEEN RAISED IN A HOCKEY CULTURE. That's right Johnny if Joe Negro doesn't want to play you are not going to get skates on him. Deal with it.

Oh and while we're speaking about diversity in Hockey, around here when a mostly White Junior team plays a mostly Native Junior team from up North, it's a F***ing war!!! Great fun to watch just make sure you're sitting on the right side of the stadium and watch for flying whisky bottles. Glad I'm not a ref.
Aug 5, 2005
North Carolina
Like all pro sports leagues, the NHL has a jewish commissioner (Gary Bettman), and jews have been pushing blacks into White society every chance they get.

The push to get more blacks into pro hockey has reached absurd levels. The NHL actually has a program in place to provide incentives for teams to put blacks on their rosters at the minor-league affiliate level. I recently read a newspaper article about a lousy black player who was "brought up" onto a minor league active roster to replace an injured player. He played a few garbage minutes, contributed nothing, was immediately deactivated, and yet he was featured in a half-page article for being a "pioneer." It was sickening.

Several years ago, when I lived in South Florida, the Panthers had a goon named Peter Worrell. He is 6'7" tall, coal-black, and completely devoid of any talent. He was an unqualified token, and his only apparent purpose for being on the team was to be a goon (and he was lousy at that because he wasn't fast enough to catch the puckhandler). The guy could not even skate, for Pete's sake! (One of the Panthers announcers once said "he'll be a good one once he improves his skating!"). WTF?!? HE'S SUPPOSED TO BE A PROFESSIONAL HOCKEY PLAYER!

I just noticed that he is still in the league -- I guess he must have learned to skate. But, hey -- merit means nothing in today's jewnited States, right?


Oct 15, 2005
British Columbia
There arefour major team spectator sports in North America.Two of these sports,football and basketball are majority Black (75 and 80%)in spite of the fact Blacks are only 13% of the American population. Baseball is a mix of people of several different races.

Only ONE of the four major sports is mostly White, that being hockey. You would think people would look at the fact that a 75% majority White populationcould have at least ONE out of the four major sports that they could call their own. In a sane and just society, efforts would be made to keep hockey White, not try to make it multi-racial like the other three sports.

We don't live in a sane and just society. In fact for White people, it is just the opposite. People can see that not only is hockey a White sport, it is also a pan-Aryan sport with White men from several different nationsaround the globe (Canada, USA, Russia, Sweden, Finland, Chech Republic,Slovakia, Germany)comming together to play the sport they love. The enemies of the white race (jews) see this as much as anyone and want to thow a monkey wrench into this. They then set out to attract Blacks to the sport of hockey by any means they can think of like inner city hockey programms and other BS.

Make no mistake about it, this push to increase the number of Blacks in hockey is bald faced anti-White hatred!!!


Nov 7, 2004
I don't follow hockey as much as I did 30 years ago, when I followed the Flyers closely. What's the analysis of their current enforcer, Donald Brashear? He's black.



Apr 16, 2005
Brashear is one of the leagues best brawlers, and to his credit he is one of the few guys who can fight and also play the game. I saw him get taken down by Matt Johnson of the Minnesota Wild in 2004, but other than that I never saw him lose, but then again I have not seen most of his fights.


Nov 7, 2004
How about Brashsear's other skills (skating, plus/minus*, etc.)? I don't follow hockey (or basketball) much anymore beyond the scores and standings (more the latter than the former), although once in a while I'll look at the stats. Baseball and football, now those I pay more attention to.


*Plus/minus, IIRC, for those who don't know, means goals scored when a) a certain player is on the ice and b) both teams are at equal strength. That may be my favorite hockey statistic.


Mar 8, 2005
United States
c'mon diversity is our strength, we are all Gods children.


Nov 2, 2004
They Tried to Deracinate Hockey, but Failed

The Hockey Club in DeeCee, some years ago, tried to promote a major push for Street Hockey in the capital city. The program failed so utterly, so miserably that its existence was eradicated from their internet pages.

Negroes in hockey are, overwhelmingly, Canadian-born, fully assimilated into the white Canadian culture. And their numbers are extremely thin. In my observartion, thinning every year. One must strain mightily to find the dozen or so blacks in the NHL. The phenomenon of few hockey blacks is similar to few baseball blacks: The modern black community has become so barbaric that extremely few young black men have the discipline or inclination to work in an exacting sport like baseball or hockey.

The occasional breast-thumping by Mr. Iginla is irritating to long-time white hockey fans, while exhilirating to the Zionista Mainstream media. "The Nigerian Miracle" is the centerpiece of the NHL !!" What a bunch of hooey. I see smaller and smaller numbers of blacks playing in the NHL and in hockey altogether. Despite whites in Canada and northern U.S. states enjoying ever-increasing levels of poverty and uncertainty, the white family institution remains healthy enough to produce an ever-burgeoning crop of aspiring white male hockey players.

The mainstream media must be pulling out its hair with the explosive success of the rejuvenated NHL. The new rules and new attitude and lack of easy money has quickly corrected the game back towards 1970s quality levels. Mr. Bettman has been and UTTER FAILURE at destroying the game despite his best efforts. We can forsee him getting the axe soon from his Rothschildefeller handlers. Some new maggot will arrive on the scene with orders to rape and destroy the NHL.

But hordes of blacks piling into the ranks of professional hockey? No more likely than a new outburst of young black males showing prowess in Partial Differential Equations, Plasma Physics, microcircuit analysis, or Finite Element Analysis.Edited by: Realgeorge