There arefour major team spectator sports in North America.Two of these sports,football and basketball are majority Black (75 and 80%)in spite of the fact Blacks are only 13% of the American population. Baseball is a mix of people of several different races.
Only ONE of the four major sports is mostly White, that being hockey. You would think people would look at the fact that a 75% majority White populationcould have at least ONE out of the four major sports that they could call their own. In a sane and just society, efforts would be made to keep hockey White, not try to make it multi-racial like the other three sports.
We don't live in a sane and just society. In fact for White people, it is just the opposite. People can see that not only is hockey a White sport, it is also a pan-Aryan sport with White men from several different nationsaround the globe (Canada, USA, Russia, Sweden, Finland, Chech Republic,Slovakia, Germany)comming together to play the sport they love. The enemies of the white race (jews) see this as much as anyone and want to thow a monkey wrench into this. They then set out to attract Blacks to the sport of hockey by any means they can think of like inner city hockey programms and other BS.
Make no mistake about it, this push to increase the number of Blacks in hockey is bald faced anti-White hatred!!!