Diversity-Israel style!

C Darwin

Mar 29, 2006
New York
New Interior Minister: Bring only Jews to Israel

Newly elected minister Meir Sheetrit slams Israeli policy of bringing great numbers of 'quasi-Jews' to country, wants to introduce new criteria that will allow only 'bona-fide Jews' to make aliyah

"It's time to bring only Jews to Israel," newly elected Interior Minister Meir Sheetrit said Friday in an interview with Yedioth Ahronoth, and called for a new discussion on the Law of Return. "If we don't discuss these issues now, within a few years Israel will no longer be the State of the Jews."

Sheetrit said he was shocked to discover statistics about the number of non-Jews living in the country.

"Seventy percent of emigrants from the Former Soviet Union are not Jewish, the Falash Mura continue to pour in from Ethiopia, Jewish organizations roam the world and bring here quasi-Jews from all sorts of tribes, thousands of illegal residents from the Palestinian Authority live and work here uninterrupted, and thousands Africans infiltrate to Israel, when only a minority are Darfur refugees," he stated.

Sheetrit, who took up the position last week, said it was time for Israel to decide who it wants to see living here. "We retuned to our homeland after 2,000 years in exile in order to build a Jewish, Zionist state here, not a Foreign Legionaries country. Entrance to the country should not be automatic." His main concern, he stated, was that Israel might lose it Jewish majority due to reckless immigration policies.

According to Sheetrit, Israel should institutionalize a mechanism that would examine candidates for aliyah and make sure they are Jewish, and also that they have a clean record.

How would you decide who should be allowed in and who shouldn't?

"The way I see it, it is our duty to accept every Jew who wants to and is capable of coming here, on the condition that he feels he shares our destiny and wants his children to live here. Additionally, other criteria must be set, for instance 'criminality tests.' I don't want any criminal being imported here."

Sheetrit stated he was considering introducing citizenship tests in Israel, as well as obligating new immigrants to swear allegiance to the state. However, he added that he opposed using financial criteria, because "the Jewish and Zionist element is till the most important one."



Hall of Famer
Jan 7, 2006
C Darwin said:
New Interior Minister: Bring only Jews to Israel

Sheetrit, who took up the position last week, said it was time for Israel to decide who it wants to see living here. "We retuned to our homeland after 2,000 years in exile in order to build a Jewish, Zionist state here, not a Foreign Legionaries country. Entrance to the country should not be automatic." His main concern, he stated, was that Israel might lose it Jewish majority due to reckless immigration policies.

I agree with Sheetrit's position and the last sentence of the post above could easily say "that America might lose it's white majority due to reckless immigration policies". Few politicians have the guts(probably political suicide) to put it that way. They instead say we are changing the demographics of the country and/or we are losing our culture and what it means to be a American. But we know what they mean. Being part of the tribe myself, it's a shame that some of my people don't practice what they preach but it is ironic that Israel is facing the same problem we are facing, so maybe Jews don't look out for themselves as well as some here might think.


Jul 7, 2005
Outside North America
So not only have the Moslem and Christian Palestinians had much of their land stolen from them, now Israel will not even allow them to buy back the land that was taken from them!
When Israel was formed the Palestian people who lived there were an inconvenience, and the solution was thought to be to swamp the area with jewish immigrants and quickly outnumber them, but alow them to be citizens.
Now it would appear you have to be Jewish to be a full citizen.
Still you can always go and live with your own people in a refugee camp totally surrounded by Israeli Tanks and totally dependant on the Israeli goodwill to allow water, fuel, food and goods in and out. The biggest such camp?
The Gaza strip.


Hall of Famer
Jan 7, 2006
We can go around and around about what land was stolen from who. The American Indians certainly have a lugitimate gripe. The Palestianians have plenty of Arab countries that they can live in but those Arab countries care even less about the Palestianians than suppossedly the Israeli's do. Go a little further back in your history Devans, about 4000 years back. The Bible will tell you about what land belongs to what people. Whether you or anybody else here attaches any relevance to that is up to you.Edited by: guest301


Apr 6, 2007
guest301 said:
We can go around and around about what land was stolen from who. The American Indians certainly have a lugitimate gripe. The Palestianians have plenty of Arab countries that they can live in but those Arab countries care even less about the Palestianians than suppossedly the Israeli's do. Go a little further back in your history Devans, about 4000 years back. The Bible will tell you about what land belongs to what people. Whether you or anybody else here attaches any relevance to that is up to you.

I thought that Zionism was political in nature but I realize from a traditional Christian viewpoint a lot of people will argue that Israel belongs to the Jews. One thing about that premise though is that Muslims will/can argue that the Jews lost their land with the destruction of the second temple and have no legitimate claim to Palestine. History has shown that people with superior technology and the means to use it now decide what the borders will be. Religious appeals tend to gain a lot of emotional support, but like Stalin once asked; "how many divisions does the Pope have?"


Dec 15, 2005
Anybody who treats a human like an animal is an animal himself. Humans refuse to work together too often and resort to war all too frequently, especially easily solvable issues such as land. To claim land as yours because of a mandate from God is a lie and enough to make oneself sub human. Weren't the Canaanites there first.


Hall of Famer
Jan 7, 2006
Freedom said:
Anybody who treats a human like an animal is an animal himself. Humans refuse to work together too often and resort to war all too frequently, especially easily solvable issues such as land. To claim land as yours because of a mandate from God is a lie and enough to make oneself sub human. Weren't the Canaanites there first.

There are no sub humans. What's your next category of human beings? "Mud people" perhaps.
Find a way to make your point in the future without resorting to that kind of nonsense. If you are going to be a bigot, at least be a sophisticated one.


Dec 15, 2005
My username is Freedom, freedom is all that I want.
If humans are fighting over land, refusing to seek truth, and adamantly embracing hedonism and nihilism, then how are they different from animals?
You want sophistication fed to you because you're brainwashed and consumerist. You're a drone, a cogwheel, a machine. We all are unless we try not to be. Isn't that sub human?
I am far more philosophical than you think.
You think that I'm now a Nazi or a racist for that statement. You are justified in your assertion perhaps, as my rhetoric does mirror the rhetoric of many racists. However, fundamentally, I assure you that I espouse a much more humane view than the view that my lexicon implies.
The people I term "sub humans" are not "sub humans" for being born, but for their sense of entitlement and other viewpoints that are harmful. They truncate beautiful abstractions to demean life. They concede that they are like animals through their actions. They degrade themselves. All humans do this. I wish only to end their beliefs in the inherent supremacy of some over others. The bottom line is, I wish to free people.Edited by: Freedom


Hall of Famer
Jan 7, 2006
Freedom said:
My username is Freedom, freedom is all that I want.
If humans are fighting over land, refusing to seek truth, and adamantly embracing hedonism and nihilism, then how are they different from animals?
You want sophistication fed to you because you're brainwashed and consumerist. You're a drone, a cogwheel, a machine. We all are unless we try not to be. Isn't that sub human?
I am far more philosophical than you think.
You think that I'm now a Nazi or a racist for that statement. You are justified in your assertion perhaps, as my rhetoric does mirror the rhetoric of many racists. However, fundamentally, I assure you that I espouse a much more humane view than the view that my lexicon implies.
The people I term "sub humans" are not "sub humans" for being born, but for their sense of entitlement and other viewpoints that are harmful. They truncate beautiful abstractions to demean life. They concede that they are like animals through their actions. They degrade themselves. All humans do this. I wish only to end their beliefs in the inherent supremacy of some over others. The bottom line is, I wish to free people.

Ahh! You are a little bit more sophisticated than I thought. Oh well. You said in your post that you "wish only to end their beliefs in the inherent supremacy of some over others" Question..do you wish to "free" similar beliefs of certain members of Caste Football, or is it just the "sub human jews" you are concerned with. Won't be back online till Monday, so I won't be able to engage you in a tit for tat on this.


Jul 7, 2005
Outside North America
guest301 said:
We can go around and around about what land was stolen from who. The American Indians certainly have a lugitimate gripe. The Palestianians have plenty of Arab countries that they can live in but those Arab countries care even less about the Palestianians than suppossedly the Israeli's do. Go a little further back in your history Devans, about 4000 years back. The Bible will tell you about what land belongs to what people. Whether you or anybody else here attaches any relevance to that is up to you.
I don't care if it says in the Bible who owned what land 4000 years ago. I know the English didn't live in England then, but I wouldn't appreciate some pre-celtic broze age descendant trying to posess my home and land back from me because he was brandishing a book that said God had promised it to him.


Nov 25, 2004
guest301 said:
Go a little further back in your history Devans, about 4000 years back. The Bible will tell you about what land belongs to what people. Whether you or anybody else here attaches any relevance to that is up to you.

It's funny how Jews refer to muslims as religious extremists, but when it really comes down to it they are the ones talking about reclaiming land by waging war because they "think" the Bible said it was theirs 4,000 years ago. Who are the real extremists?

Unfortunetly zionist have convinced some of our so-called Christian "leaders" to agree with their extremist views and in the process have brain-washed our dull-thinking nation. Does it make any sense that God would promise the holy land to a group of people who consider his son a heretic? Of course not.

Guest 301, when you refer to 4,000 years ago and land that was supposedly promised to Jews you do realize that Semitic Christains, Muslims, and Jews all trace their ancestory back to those Jews of Abramham's covenant? You do know that Jesus changed many of those "Jews" into Christians - ohhh about 2,000 years ago?

If you believe in the New Testament, you also should know that God established a New Covenant with those who accepted Jesus Christ (regardless of ethnicity)as their Savior (not Jews). Apparently many Christians these days don't read the New Testament - it's as plain as day.

Guest 301, I can see why you would think the holyland belongs to Jews, but don't try to convince me or any knowledgable Christians that Jews should own the holyland. Jesus would never condone a violent take-over of "holyland" - have you read any of his work?

Lance Alworth

Nov 18, 2004
Portland OR
Israel belongs to the Jews, not subhuman moslems. The moslems have the entire middle east, but apparently thats not big enough for them. The fact that Israel has survived this long is nothing short of a miracle and it is these types of things that are prophesized in the bible. The six day war was an example of this.

My ethnic homeland in the Balkans was taken over by moslems through Turkish invaders and converted 70% of the population to Islam. Wherever you have muslims, you have trouble and I can see why Israel wants to rid themselves of them. Muslims are like blacks in the sense of their violent and anti-social behavior. Why else do you think so many blacks are attracted to Islam?

However the only problem I have is how the Jewish lobby here in America tries to push blacks, homosexuals, and other types of abnormal people on to white christian America. Blacks have become the new Gods of the 21st century and its all thanks to Jews. If the truth were told about blacks, we would recognize them as being the Sons of Ham, hewers of wood, drawers of water, and the servants of servants that they were meant to be according to the Bible. The fact that the Jews have taken this lie of black superiority and turned it into the truth speaks volumes on how you can take just about any turd you can find and if you polish it enough, it will become a diamond

White Shogun

Hall of Famer
Mar 2, 2005
The meme is strong in this thread.


Hall of Famer
Oct 15, 2004
Lance Alworth said:
Israel belongs to the Jews, not subhuman moslems.

I don't get how arab moslems are "subhuman"? Apart from that comment being a serious racial slander what makes them subhuman? Do they have low IQ's? not particularly. Lack of advanced culture? Not really. What then. You don't like them? I guess so, it's the only way that comment can be explained. Is their religion filled with violent madmen that treat people of other religions like subhuman's yes, in that they are just like Jews. So I guess you think that Jews are subhuman madmen.

Lance Alworth said:
The moslems have the entire middle east, but apparently thats not big enough for them. The fact that Israel has survived this long is nothing short of a miracle and it is these types of things that are prophesized in the bible. The six day war was an example of this.

Israel has survived because the United States is it's guardian puppet state. Nuclear weapons and the sixth fleet are why they still exist and neither of those are "miracles" and the result of biblical prophecies but rather the result of rational men of science.

Lance Alworth said:
However the only problem I have is how the Jewish lobby here in America tries to push blacks, homosexuals, and other types of abnormal people on to white christian America.

Gee, God sure picked a rotten bunch of miserable miscreants as his "chosen" people. I sure wish he would've picked a group that didn't push blacks, homosexuals and abnormal people on white Christian America. Odd that God would select such an anti-Christian group as his special ones and protect them with nuclear weapons and the full force of the US military. It seems more like a choice the devil would make.

This subject is all old ground for us who have been here on this site for awhile but I guess since we haven't had any blood letting on this subject for a while.....here we go again.
Oct 24, 2005
One of the 250 prisoners that Isreal has released refuses to go. He wants to stay in prison and receive medical treatment for diabetes.
Curse you Isreal! Put these people in prisons not resorts!
BYW, which one of the 249 prisoners released will assassinate the leader of Palestine? I bet that is what is going to happen.

Lance Alworth

Nov 18, 2004
Portland OR
I don't get how arab moslems are "subhuman"? Apart from that comment being a serious racial slander what makes them subhuman? Do they have low IQ's? not particularly. Lack of advanced culture? Not really. What then. You don't like them? I guess so, it's the only way that comment can be explained. Is their religion filled with violent madmen that treat people of other religions like subhuman's yes, in that they are just like Jews. So I guess you think that Jews are subhuman madmen.

Jews have never been a majority an any other state but Israel, and if Israel were to die where would you expect them to go? The whole purpose of Israels existance is to be a haven for Jews worldwide. The bible actually commands all Jews to make "aliyah" and return to the 'holy land' The fact that Jews are in positions of high power here in the United States lends credence to the notion that Israel needs to stay alive, if nothing more to have a country of their own and we gentiles can take back our institutions from them.

Israel has survived because the United States is it's guardian puppet state. Nuclear weapons and the sixth fleet are why they still exist and neither of those are "miracles" and the result of biblical prophecies but rather the result of rational men of science.

Even with backing of the United States, the fact that such a tiny country like Israel fended off the entire Arab world in 6 days is pretty remarkable. Look at how long has the US been in Iraq. The US could probably learn something frm the Israelis

Gee, God sure picked a rotten bunch of miserable miscreants as his "chosen" people. I sure wish he would've picked a group that didn't push blacks, homosexuals and abnormal people on white Christian America. Odd that God would select such an anti-Christian group as his special ones and protect them with nuclear weapons and the full force of the US military. It seems more like a choice the devil would make.

This subject is all old ground for us who have been here on this site for awhile but I guess since we haven't had any blood letting on this subject for a while.....here we go again.

Most of the Jews that I have met were pretty normal, decent people. Of course you have those New York ******* types but thats just them though. The real problem isn't so much with Jews in general, but rather the small elite of Jews that run the major institutions of this country. We're talking about a percent of a percent here. The Sumner Redstone types that run MTV and push negro-loving filth on America need to be stopped of course, but I don't see how Jews in general benefit from the promotion of blacks. If anything they are hurt by it. Blacks hate Jews more than they hate whites in general. Remember the Crown Heights pogrom?Edited by: Lance Alworth


Hall of Famer
Oct 15, 2004
Lance Alworth said:
Jews have never been a majority an any other state but Israel, and if Israel were to die where would you expect them to go?

First of all I wouldn't care where they went, that's not my problem. I would rather it be anywhere else then where they are now causing world wide unrest and being a sinkhole for US taxpayers money.

Lance Alworth said:
The whole purpose of Israels existance is to be a haven for Jews worldwide. The bible actually commands all Jews to make "aliyah" and return to the 'holy land' The fact that Jews are in positions of high power here in the United States lends credence to the notion that Israel needs to stay alive, if nothing more to have a country of their own and we gentiles can take back our institutions from them.

They already have their own country. Are you insinuating that Summer Redstone and his ilk are preparing to leave our institutions alone and emigrate to Israel? That's laughable. Maybe they can drop all of the decendents of slaves off on their way back.

Lance Alworth said:
Even with backing of the United States, the fact that such a tiny country like Israel fended off the entire Arab world in 6 days is pretty remarkable. Look at how long has the US been in Iraq. The US could probably learn something frm the Israelis

The US is an invading force the Isralis were on the defensive, it's no comparison. Israel had US weapons, the Arabs had inferior Soviet made stuff. There is no comparison and it was no miracle. Unless you consider the generosity of the US taxpayer in building their military up a "miracle".

Lance Alworth said:
Most of the Jews that I have met were pretty normal, decent people.

So are most blacks. But like with Jews it's that percentage, whatever it is that is killing us.

And aren't you a Christian? Aren't Jews going to hell? Have they accepted Jesus Christ as their Lord and Saviour? NO! and they are destroying the religion founded in his name. You should be more sympathetic to blacks, the majority of them here in the US are Christians, get baptized, go to church and believe in Jesus Christ. What is the source of your affection for Israel and Jews?


Nov 25, 2004
Lance Alworth said:
Israel belongs to the Jews, not subhuman moslems. The moslems have the entire middle east, but apparently thats not big enough for them. The fact that Israel has survived this long is nothing short of a miracle and it is these types of things that are prophesized in the bible. The six day war was an example of this.

Why doesn't Israel belong to Christians? What do you have against Christians? Quote the verses in the Bible that say that modern-day talmudic/askenazi Jews should own the holyland and not Christians.

I have no special love or hate for muslims. Blaming their religion for extremism is just an excuse to distract from the real cause of their "extremism" - reaction to Israeli zionism and our support of it. It's about land not religion. I will say that at least muslims believe that Jesus was a prophet of God and not a heretic.

Lance Alworth

Nov 18, 2004
Portland OR
Kaptain Poop said:
Lance Alworth said:
Israel belongs to the Jews, not subhuman moslems. The moslems have the entire middle east, but apparently thats not big enough for them. The fact that Israel has survived this long is nothing short of a miracle and it is these types of things that are prophesized in the bible. The six day war was an example of this.

Why doesn't Israel belong to Christians? What do you have against Christians? Quote the verses in the Bible that say that modern-day talmudic/askenazi Jews should own the holyland and not Christians.

I have no special love or hate for muslims. Blaming their religion for extremism is just an excuse to distract from the real cause of their "extremism" - reaction to Israeli zionism and our support of it. It's about land not religion. I will say that at least muslims believe that Jesus was a prophet of God and not a heretic.

I have nothing against Christians because I am a Christian myself. I just know that Israelis are more like whites in the sense that they act more like civilized westerners and that the "Palestinians" behave more like blacks with their third world mentality and outright barbarism. That is why I support the Israelis over them. Do I think the US should subsidize Israel? Absolutely not. I think Israel needs to stand on their own two feet and not run to the US every time someone with a rag on their head threatens them, but with that said, I give them my moral support in their fight against turd world aggression

Lance Alworth

Nov 18, 2004
Portland OR
So are most blacks. But like with Jews it's that percentage, whatever it is that is killing us.

And aren't you a Christian? Aren't Jews going to hell? Have they accepted Jesus Christ as their Lord and Saviour? NO! and they are destroying the religion founded in his name. You should be more sympathetic to blacks, the majority of them here in the US are Christians, get baptized, go to church and believe in Jesus Christ. What is the source of your affection for Israel and Jews?

hmmm, how do I answer this? First off, yes I am a Christian. Whether or not religious Jews go to hell is something that I don't really have an answer for. This is a tricky subject and has been the subject of debate among Christian religious leaders for quite some time.

I don't want to sound like a Jew ass kisser or anything. I'm just saying that I admire them for their inginuity as well as their efforts in fending off a sea of hate-filled muslims for over 50 years now. I can't imagine what it would be like to go out in public and have to worry about whether or not I'm going to be killed by some crazed suicide bomber.

As for blacks, they are the Sons of Ham as described by the bible. Ham was Noah's son. When Ham laughed at Noah for him falling over drunk and for his nakedness, God put a curse on Ham. Part of that curse was that his descendants would turn black, that their hair would turn nappy, that their lips and noses would enlarge, and that they were destined to be the servants of servants. It is true that most US blacks are Christian, but look how fast Islam is rising in the black community. In fact, I think it's a good thing when they become muslims because it might be the only way to alert braindead white liberals of their violent nature


Jul 7, 2005
Outside North America

The Moselms have more than the Middle East. Islam is the dominent religion from Algieria in west, all across north africa, across the middle east and parts of Europe, in most of the central asian republics formed at the breakup of the Soviet Union, in Pakistan, Afganistan, Bangladesh and at the eastern end of the continent in places like Malaya and Indonesia. I'm no fan of this religion but are you sure you want to hate all these people and nations for their religion? We have to share the planet with all these people.
You also said that Israel was created so the Jewish people could have a country of their own. Well that is the root of the problem. The USA and Europe created this place to help with their guilt over what had happened to millions of Jewish people in the second world war. But they didn't give the Zionists a bit of the USA or Europe. They gave them part of what was then called Palestine. OK Palestine had quite a sizable Jewish minority - but so does New York. And OK it was promised to them by God 4000 years ago - but a lot of people have been displaced in the last 4000 years. That's life. Hard enough to roll the clock back a few days - never mind 4000 years.Edited by: devans


Nov 25, 2004
Lance Alworth said:
Kaptain Poop said:
Lance Alworth said:
Israel belongs to the Jews, not subhuman moslems. The moslems have the entire middle east, but apparently thats not big enough for them. The fact that Israel has survived this long is nothing short of a miracle and it is these types of things that are prophesized in the bible. The six day war was an example of this.

Why doesn't Israel belong to Christians? What do you have against Christians? Quote the verses in the Bible that say that modern-day talmudic/askenazi Jews should own the holyland and not Christians.

I have no special love or hate for muslims. Blaming their religion for extremism is just an excuse to distract from the real cause of their "extremism" - reaction to Israeli zionism and our support of it. It's about land not religion. I will say that at least muslims believe that Jesus was a prophet of God and not a heretic.

I have nothing against Christians because I am a Christian myself. I just know that Israelis are more like whites in the sense that they act more like civilized westerners and that the "Palestinians" behave more like blacks with their third world mentality and outright barbarism. That is why I support the Israelis over them. Do I think the US should subsidize Israel? Absolutely not. I think Israel needs to stand on their own two feet and not run to the US every time someone with a rag on their head threatens them, but with that said, I give them my moral support in their fight against turd world aggression

I suppose that the Jews that now live in Israel do appear to be more "white" than native Palestinians, and money (mostly our money) will make you seem more "civilized". Most of the Jews in Israel originated from other parts of the world - particularly southern Russia. So they may have a Southern Russian/Slavic appearance that is more "white" than Arabs. Does it give them the right to the chosen land?

However, Germans are more "white" and "civilizied" than any Jews of the world. They are also well known for their ingenuity. Do you support Germans kicking Jews out of German homeland? I have no problem with it because the Germans tried to do it by themselves inside their own country. How bout you?

BTW, the next country on Israel's hit list is Iran. Iran is made up of Aryans who appear pretty white. What will be the excuse for a war on Iran?

Lance Alworth

Nov 18, 2004
Portland OR
I do support the Germans in kicking out the Jews simply because they are an alien culture that didn't belong there. Thats not to say Jews are worthless or bad people. On the contrary, they are typically very bright individuals. It is my personal belief that God wants us to resist the Jewish influence but at the same time support the idea of Israel existing in spite of the international community wanting to give it away to the Arabs. Remember, the UN is vehemently anti-Israel and they've been known to prop up turd world barbaric regimes in the middle east and Africa. They are also partly responsible for forcing South Africa to give up its apartheid rule and give it to the monkeys who have all but destroyed a once beautiful nation.

As for me disliking Islam. The country that my parents come from is %70 muslim. I don't dislike the muslims from our homeland but I am always wary of what an Islamic influence will do to a nation. That is why I can understand the Israelis desire to rid themselves of it.

Iranians are white? Most of the ones I've seen look like Arabs to me


Dec 15, 2005
Many Iranians are white. Most are I think. Some are not. But most aren't Arab. Religion should be based on enhancing and preserving values that are beneficial for everyone and ultimately make people free. When religion becomes stubborn and unyielding to a point that scripture becomes more important than values that lead to the scriptures creation, the scriptures become meaningless, and the insipid followers begin to degenerate with the religion. That is what accounts for the success and failure of Judaism, Christianity, and Islam. When people tout scripture over reason, they slowly become hedonistic, overweight, and stupid. They degenerate. And their civilization crumbles.
When the Sumerians were in decline pre-Sargon, Judaism was born. When the Jews had become a barely cohesive, superstitious, soft bunch of high priests, Christianity was born. When Pagan Rome accomplished nothing, Constantine saved the Byzantine empire for 1000 years by making it Christian. Note how during the early Middle Ages Islam was much more civilized than Christianity.