Disgusting New Movie/New Commercial


Oct 21, 2004
Opening soon- a movie with one of the most absurd, politcally correct and impossible premises imaginable; "The Longshots." Starring the lovable ex-gansta rapper Ice Cube, who has somehow transitioned into the star of alleged family films, and the black girl who played the lead in another ridiculous fantasy, "Akeela And The Bee," this movie is about a black girl becoming the quarterback for a boys team. I know nothing more about the film than that, and would have to be bribed excessively to actually watch it. However, I feel confident that this young black girl eventually becomes a real star QB, and humiliates plenty of obnoxious white males during the course of the movie. The fact that anyone pays to see movies like this is one of the primary indicators of just how stupid the American people have become.

Another thing that is ticking me off is a new commercial, shown constantly on all networks, about the police cracking down on drunk driving. First of all, the commercial is a fawning endorsement of the police state. Yep, the cops are cracking down and we're all celebrating! Unless you're an NFL player, of course, in which case you'll end up with the celebrity special (suspended sentence and/or community service). The other distasteful thing about this commercial is the startling lack of diversity on the part of the actors playing the drunk drivers. Shockingly enough, all of those who are stopped by the polite, heroic police officers are white males. No blacks. No hispanics. No women. There is, of course, a black cop, though. It's actually surprising there wasn't more than one (or a woman).

Don King's America is a lot of fun.Edited by: bigunreal
I wonder if it will be as annoying as Spike Lee's latest propaganda piece "Miracle at St. Anna", which has Spike's obligatory fetish interracial romance angles and plenty of idiotic whites being rescued by heroic and noble black males.

*barf*Edited by: GiovaniMarcon
Most recent football movies are just hate whitey propaganda ads, in essence.

"Gridiron Gang"? A team full of black athletes (albeit a white WR...) is menaced by a "dirty" team of all whites. Of couse they beat the "Gridiron Gang" in a preliminary scrimmage, but somehow a team of thugs and gangsters beats a state champion team later on in the film. A team full of white "bad guys".

This stuff is too obvious.
PhillyBirds said:
Most recent football movies are just hate whitey propaganda ads, in essence.

"Gridiron Gang"? A team full of black athletes (albeit a white WR...) is menaced by a "dirty" team of all whites. Of couse they beat the "Gridiron Gang" in a preliminary scrimmage, but somehow a team of thugs and gangsters beats a state champion team later on in the film. A team full of white "bad guys".

This stuff is too obvious.

#55 on the "evil white team" was the most over the top "white racist" (though the white part is usually taken for granted). They left out the swastika tattoos, bald head (though he had a helmet on, so I couldn't tell), meth addiction, and driving into the parking lot before the game with his beat-up truck with a confederate flag sticker on it. Otherwise, he'd be the perfect white racist stereotype.

Then again, it's hard to say they did blacks any favors with their portrayal of "gangstas" that made simple football games into warzones, but at least it was a little more accurate. Fact is, the #55 guy would probably be kicked off the team in California, with their PC "hate laws" being what they are.

The most stupid part of the movie was that the real coach was a white guy, yet they cast the Rock. WTH?Edited by: FieldThrower
bigunreal said:
Another thing that is ticking me off is a new commercial, shown constantly on all networks, about the police cracking down on drunk driving. First of all, the commercial is a fawning endorsement of the police state. Yep, the cops are cracking down and we're all celebrating! Unless you're an NFL player, of course, in which case you'll end up with the celebrity special (suspended sentence and/or community service). The other distasteful thing about this commercial is the startling lack of diversity on the part of the actors playing the drunk drivers. Shockingly enough, all of those who are stopped by the polite, heroic police officers are white males. No blacks. No hispanics. No women. There is, of course, a black cop, though. It's actually surprising there wasn't more than one (or a woman).

Don King's America is a lot of fun.

We've had a spree of shootings in Rochester MN - drive bys - gang-related etc. The cops are all around the area but their spending most of their time stalking softball games and sport bars looking for someone who drank a couple beers after a freindly sporting event. One cop car (minority cop) sat after our game at the ball-park and waited for one of us to leave. He didn't notice that most of us had soda's from the cooler. He followed me out of the lot only to race past me with sirens blaring. Apparently an actual crime was happening somewhere.
Excellent analysis Bigunreal. Those ads are 100% Marxist spawned caste propaganda. It's all part of the Elite's "mainstreaming" of the hip-hop/urban culture (whilst tearing down Whites at every opportunity). They pitch gangsta trash like Ice Cube, Ice T, Mos Def & other talentless hacks as leading men??!! They'd be better suited leading a cell-block riot! It's all a calculated plot to destablize traditional American values & undermind our once great Republic. I'm sick of the trash deployed by the Zionist's "Hollyweird" machine. More great justification for boycotting all TV & movies!
bigunreal said:
Another thing that is ticking me off is a new commercial, shown constantly on all networks, about the police cracking down on drunk driving. First of all, the commercial is a fawning endorsement of the police state. Yep, the cops are cracking down and we're all celebrating! Unless you're an NFL player, of course, in which case you'll end up with the celebrity special (suspended sentence and/or community service). The other distasteful thing about this commercial is the startling lack of diversity on the part of the actors playing the drunk drivers. Shockingly enough, all of those who are stopped by the polite, heroic police officers are white males. No blacks. No hispanics. No women. There is, of course, a black cop, though. It's actually surprising there wasn't more than one (or a woman).

Don King's America is a lot of fun.

Actually that same commercial was aired frequently last year then put in mothballs for a while and now is back in super-saturation mode.

In a sense though the commercial is accurate in that the DUI witchhunt is a way in which otherwise law-abiding white men are being added to the criminal justice system in large numbers. I have one friend who has 3 DUIs, not because he was driving badly, but because he had the bad luck to encounterNazi checkpoints. Another has two, the second one he got right in front of his house as he was exiting his car. The lives of both are effectively ruined.

DUI laws were originally implemented only to catch obviously impaired drivers. In other words a policeman had to have probable cause to pull over a driver he suspected of drunk driving based on weaving or some other indication. Later the laws changed to whether or not a driver's blood alcohol was over an arbitrary limit -- .10 but now changed to .08 in most states, with the Back Door Prohibitionists lobbying to have it lowered down to .02, or a single drink. If a policeman pulls someone over for any reason and smells alcohol, that's sufficient to nail many people driving perfectly well who have consumed a few drinks for a DUI.

Now we're in the full-blown police state mode, with everyone assumed to be drunk until they can prove otherwise. Once DUI checkpoints were found "constitutional" and the bedrock principle in a free country of innocent until proven guilty was discarded, any and all other police state encroachments became possible.

I see this constantly repeated commercial as part of the campaign to intimidate whites into being afraid to leave their homes. In most places in the U.S., one needs a vehicle to get around. Few these days are within walking distance of their favorite pub. Going to a tavern and kicking back and socializing with friends has become a dangerous gamble now. Meantime the borders remain wide open and minority crime is out of control. But hey Whitey, if you have a few drinks and then drive home, YOU WILL BE ARRESTED! Edited by: Don Wassall

Great comments. I'll take the "tough" talk about drunk driving seriously when they actually make one NFL player pay the same penalty that the common riffraff do. Mothers Against Drunk Drivers never comments on all these athletes getting off almost scot-free for their numerous DUI offenses. Yet, they pressured lawmakers into adopting more stringent laws against drunk driving by sitting inside courtrooms, where young burnouts and otherwise sterling middle-aged citizens were appearing to be sentenced.

If you think about it, all DUI laws should be unconstitutional. Here you have a legal product (alcohol) being consumed, as it is supposed to be, by a person operating a vehicle he/she owns. If they are doing something reckless, charge them with that. And, if drunk driving is really such a problem, why do they allow anyone to drive to a bar? Unless you live in a city where the local watering hole is within walking distance, anyone who is going to drink socially has to drive somewhere to do so. But, as you point out, once these odious "checkpoints" were permitted, anything goes. It is really amazing how eager most people are to give their rights away, and to hand over more power to a group (law enforcement) that has proven itself totally unworthy of handling it.

While Hollywood has pushed an agenda for years, that has toppled so many traditional values, it has simultaneously promoted the utter worship of police. Thus, you have all those clueless "liberals" that despise anything traditional, yet absolutely love the police. But don't expect any Republicrat candidate to talk about this issue. As that commercial breathlessly tells us, cops are "cracking down," and the American sheeple couldn't be happier about it.
Great comments by all on this thread. I hadn't even noticed that all the drunk drivers were white males until a few months ago when my roommate alerted me to it. Could you imagine the uproar it would be if they showed 3 black men, with malt liquor or Hennessey pouring out of the car??? People should be outraged at this, I'm surprised it hasn't been brought up int he MSM yet.

Also, have you noticed that many of the electronic billboards for road information on the highways now say "over the limit, under arrest." Also they have radio ads to. "If you drive impaired, you WILL be caught, and you WILL be arrested." This is as if they can somehow know you are drunk without any evidence. From my experience, "drunk" drivers get away with it 95%+ of the time There's also a spot that targets motorcycle riders. Then again, there's another series of ads that says something like "It's easy to know when you've had entirely to much, but driving even after a couple drinks is illegal. Buzzed driving IS drunk driving!"

I'm glad there are some others who view this the same way. Somehow MADD totally monopolized this issue, pushing the the legal age to 21, and pushed the BAC limits to .10, then to .08, and trying for .06-. It's hard to fight back against this, but a few years ago DC reversed a law that said anything over .01 can be arrested for drunk driving, because it got bad press after a women was arrested after admitting to having one glass of wine at dinner.
Anybody seen the film "bandidas"? Looks great from the dvd cover anyway, two strong, proud, independant, beautiful, sassy, clever latina women kicking the crap outta evil white men for an hour and a half. Think i might rent it
Electric Slide said:
Somehow MADD totally monopolized this issue, pushing the the legal age to 21, and pushed the BAC limits to .10, then to .08, and trying for .06-.

I know that's the common perception, but MADD ismerely the enabler, or front group if you will, for the powers that be to push through their anti-alcohol agenda. Instead of the contrived hysteria about drunk driving coming directly from the government, it's better toportray it as the governmentgoing along with the wishes ofan empowered and "noble"interest group.

The government-media can ignore or demonize any group it wants to. Or they can lionize a group if it suits their purposes. MADD is really asmall group with limited resources that is treated as all-powerful. It's similar to the way the system treats "civil rights" groups and non-whitepressure groups when it comes to social and racial issues.

Alcohol is a substance that brings whites out of their usual meek, submissive state, and thus it must be condemned and marginalized through a piecemeal approach. Football games are one of the last places of sanctioned communal enjoyment of alcohol, which is why these DUI commercials are played so much during NFL games. Colleges are the other main target, which is why there are so many articles about supposed "binge drinking" by students. The consumer units of the New World Order are to work, consume and obey, not engage in fun orcritical thinking.
Excellent analysis gentlemen. Ya'll are correct that this anti-"DUI" movement is just another method of advancing the police-state (slowly but oh sure surely). Don, good points on the Globalist Elite wanting submission & meakness by use Whites (as it'll be easier to implement their agenda).
bigunreal said:
Another thing that is ticking me off is a new commercial, shown constantly on all networks, about the police cracking down on drunk driving. First of all, the commercial is a fawning endorsement of the police state. Yep, the cops are cracking down and we're all celebrating! Unless you're an NFL player, of course, in which case you'll end up with the celebrity special (suspended sentence and/or community service). The other distasteful thing about this commercial is the startling lack of diversity on the part of the actors playing the drunk drivers. Shockingly enough, all of those who are stopped by the polite, heroic police officers are white males. No blacks. No hispanics. No women. There is, of course, a black cop, though. It's actually surprising there wasn't more than one (or a woman).

YOU TOOK THE WORDS RIGHT OUT OF MY MOUTH. I was actually just talking to someone the other day about that same commercial and how offnded I was by it. If I were the creator of that commercial, I would have given some more "realistic" scenarios, such as a car full of homeboys swerving their way through traffic because their hopped up on malt liqour and stoned on pot. OR, the hispanic driver with NO LICENSE or insurance who had a had a few too many cervezas (beers) at his most recent fiesta, and is sideswiping his lowrider off of people parked cars because he is too hammered to drive.Edited by: Ground Fighter
FieldThrower said:
#55 on the "evil white team" was the most over the top "white racist" (though the white part is usually taken for granted).

Oh, you're talking about #55 "Stevens". lol. That was my favoreite character in the whole movie. He was the kind of White athlete that Whites needs to be in real life. Loud, violent, and taking no crap from blacks on or off the field.Edited by: Ground Fighter
Don Wassall said:
Meantime the borders remain wide open and minority crime is out of control.  But hey Whitey, if you have a few drinks and then drive home, YOU WILL BE ARRESTED! 

So sad, yet so true. I got stopped, questioned, straight up annoyed this past Labor Day Weekend, but fortuntely, no DUI was administered. There was a checkpoint set up on a local road by the Jersey shore and they were stopping everyone on that road and talking to them to try and see if they had been drinking. So, I pull up to the checkpoint, I stop the car and the "rubber-gun" (slang for local podunk cop) approached my vehicle. He asks me where I was coming from, where I was going and if I had been drinking. I replied with, "Well, thier is a surfboard on my roof rack, I have no shirt on, and my hair is soaking wet. So, where do YOU think?" Then, after he realizes that I am indeed not under any kind of influence, he tells me to watch my mouth and points out that he could give me a ticket for not having a shirt on while driving. lol. ARE YOU SERIOUS!? You're going to give a surfer at the shore a freaking ticket for driving during the day without a shirt on in the summer!? lol. I felt like asking him what mall security department they got him from. lol.

Anyway, long story short, they let me go with no tickets.
Gotta love the bozo cops in south Jersey.
Ground Fighter said:
Don Wassall said:
Meantime the borders remain wide open and minority crime is out of control. But hey Whitey, if you have a few drinks and then drive home, YOU WILL BE ARRESTED!

So sad, yet so true. I got stopped, questioned, straight up annoyed this past Labor Day Weekend, but fortuntely, no DUI was administered. There was a checkpoint set up on a local road by the Jersey shore and they were stopping everyone on that road and talking to them to try and see if they had been drinking. So, I pull up to the checkpoint, I stop the car and the "rubber-gun" (slang for local podunk cop) approached my vehicle. He asks me where I was coming from, where I was going and if I had been drinking. I replied with, "Well, thier is a surfboard on my roof rack, I have no shirt on, and my hair is soaking wet. So, where do YOU think?" Then, after he realizes that I am indeed not under any kind of influence, he tells me to watch my mouth and points out that he could give me a ticket for not having a shirt on while driving. lol. ARE YOU SERIOUS!? You're going to give a surfer at the shore a freaking ticket for driving during the day without a shirt on in the summer!? lol. I felt like asking him what mall security department they got him from. lol.

Anyway, long story short, they let me go with no tickets.
Gotta love the bozo cops in south Jersey.

All of those questions they asked you are against the 4th Amendment, Ground Fighter. You did the right thing by telling him where to put his questions. If we let people violate our rights, they will. I bet most cops have no idea they are breaking the law by asking such questions at supposed "security checkpoints," but they are more than willing to do whatever they can get away with when it comes to intimidation and harassment.
It's against the law to drive without a shirt? WTF.
jaxvid said:
It's against the law to drive without a shirt? WTF.

Nope, just another empty threat.
jaxvid said:
It's against the law to drive without a shirt? WTF.

Yes and no. On state highways (at least in Jersey) you have to have a shirt on, but on local streets and county roads, it varies.
Ground Fighter said:
jaxvid said:
It's against the law to drive without a shirt? WTF.

Yes and no. On state highways (at least in Jersey) you have to have a shirt on, but on local streets and county roads, it varies.

I'm glad I don't live in Jersey. Sounds like freedom is a thing of the past even more so there than elsewhere in the country.
Colonel_Reb said:
I'm glad I don't live in Jersey. Sounds like freedom is a thing of the past even more so there than elsewhere in the country.

Yeah, thats a pretty accurate assessment, Reb. NJ is like a "police state" in itself. The problem is we have a ton of crime in this state, so there are a lot of cops out on the streets at all times with itchy trigger fingers and nasty demeanors. Instead of treating the good people nicely and the criminals poorly, their just basically nasty to everyone in sight. The irony in the whole thing is that no matter how many cops we flood the streets of the inner-cities with...the crime just keeps getting worse and worse and worse.

Be glad you don't live here.
I feel bad for you Ground Fighter, I lived some years in New Orleans, and its sounds like Jersey aint no different.
Gound fighter,

I live in NJ and I second what you said about the police. However, it's been my expwerience that they're the way they are because they're told to be that way. For the most part, if you engage one of them in conversation, they will loosen up and even become friendly. I'm a big walker and I had a cop stop me because he wanted to know "what" I was doing. When I told him that I was walking to a certain store to do an errand, he didn't believe me, but as we talked and I told him of how much fun it was to walk in all weather to do things, he became friendly. Now, ever time he see's me, he gives me the horn. He's my buddy. I think there are many possible Castefootball people on the police forces around the state. We just have to use our heads a bit to win them over. I believe if they're White men, they're potentially on oour side.

Tom Iron...
American Freedom News