Dick Radatz dies

If my memory is correct, Dick Raddatz used to strike out Mickey Mantle again and again. Mantle, in his latter years, had trouble with overpowering pitchers such as Raddatz. But, so did other hitters.

Raddatz didn't come in and face one batter, he would sometimes pitch several innings of an extra inning game. On a second division team (as Boston was when he pitched for them), thiswas a pretty difficult assignment.
Dick Raddatz was quite an intimidating pitcher in his day. I remember watching Mickey Mantle late in his career. His broken body and diminished skills made him vulnerable, would have had a hard time hitting a beach ball.

It's funny how a pitcher can have a hitter's number. Henry Aaron once said the best pitcher he everfaced was Curt Simmons, who had his moments but was certainly average at best. Aaron could never figure him out, batted only in the low .100's against him.
American Freedom News