Decline of Television


Mar 8, 2005
United States
Television has become a tool to dumbdown the American people.Rarely do you see a normal white family.White fathers are made to look stupid,weak and lazy.I think they are trying to boost the blacks self-esteem while making white males look really bad.When I was a kid we had some good white dad's on T.V-Ben Cartwright,Lucas McCann the Rifleman.In the 1950's most of the programs were western's with tough white guys like Wyatt Earp,Bat Matherson,Johnny Yuma-the Rebel,etc.Bring back the days when white males ruled the T.V.screen!
I second that Gary. It's easy to see how the men have been made more feminine by tv producers and the networks. You don't see any real men anymore. That's why I watch TV land instead of the big 3.
I agree they make the parents look stupid while the kids tell them what to do. It's rather sad!
It's just one of many indicators of how this society is falling apart.
Y'all are right the tv dumbs down America. Personally I had rather go do something with friends than watch tv every night of the week.
I stopped watching prime time TV series 25 years ago. Couldn't stand any of them. What's amazing now is how much television has become "homosexualized." It's filled with homosexual characters and plots, and most of the male characterswho aren't overt homosexuals are still emasculated in their behaviors and attitudes. Feminists and homosexual revolutionaries have combined to totally degrade white men and they shove it in our faces 24/7 because they know that Americans have given up trying to oppose it.
Sadly Don, you are 100% right. I haven't watched much TV at all since Thanksgiving. My big tv watching is always on Saturday's in the fall, when college football is on. I guess it's really no different than prime-time though.
While men have become wimpy and feminine on television, women have
become aggressive, arrogant and dominant. You regularly have 100 lb.
supermodels physically beating up much bigger men (always white
ones-unless the woman is black), and there is no joke involved. This
"reality" is a such a strong part of every t.v. show (and most every
Hollywood movie) that American men have grown to accept it as fact that
the best fighters on the planet are super thin, great looking young
women. In real life, I have never known a single female that would
throw a punch, or physically threatent, any male. I would imagine that
my experience is pretty common. Thus, then, Hollywood has been pushing
an obvious lie for many years, over and over again, for some reason.
Since having women constantly beat up huge men is of dubious
entertainment value, then we can only conclude that it is done for
political propaganda purposes.
I agree bigunreal. It is very stupid and unrealistic, so there has to be an agenda there somewhere. No doubt its done on purpose as it has been on for so long.
Television is not declining, it is just passing torches.

This is what happened:

All the old tv network guys hired all their stupid cousins to pick
shows that appealed only to stoners. ABC, CBS, and NBC
became poor by the 1980's. Then Fox picked up shows that ABC,
CBS, and NBC rejected and became strong.

By the mid 1990's they peaked(though the Simpsons occasionally has a
good episode still.). Now they have stupid reality shows like the
other networks. UPN and WB are gradually taking over now.
There's one good male role model on a network show I watch.

(Don't laugh) Red Foreman on "That 70's Show". Even though they play him as a caricture for laughs, I find myself rooting for him most of the time.
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