Death of Robert Dziekanski

Dec 7, 2011
Calgary, Canada
Here in Canada,, we receive many of the same media outlets as the USA (CNN, NBC, and Fox) and lately it seems that American media has reported on many instances of White Police Men killing and/or physically asserting themselves onto black victims/suspects. Literally it seems these incidents always make headline news and they are being pushed onto people as some sort of agenda.

But here in Canada, there was a similar case where a black Policeman tasered a White Polish visitor to death in an airport in Vancouver. I can remember when Robert Dziekanski was killed, and it basically never generated any sort of considerable news coverage even here in Canada. Despite the fact that the tasering was largely unprovoked and the police are now known to have lied about what happened, in addition to illegally confiscating the video footage taken by an airport patron.

The black Policeman only received 2 years in prison for his role in killing Dziekanski. And it was not due to "excessive force" but rather due to his lying about what took place. Canadian police also unlawfully confiscated the video footage of Dziekanski ' s death and tried to hide everything that happened.

Can you imagine if the races were reversed? It would have made international news headlines and remained a top national story for months. The officer would have certainly been charged with murder. The police essentially covered up Dziekanski ' s death and all officers involved received a "slap on the back". The media also seemed to be complicit and even here in Canada never seemed to report on the story at any great length.

More evidence of the media's bias with regard to race, interracial crime, and being overall raging leftists. This is a form of censorship.
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Hall of Famer
Jul 24, 2007
Thanks for sharing. Never heard anything about this story. If it doesn't fit medias agenda it is swept under the rug!


Hall of Famer
May 6, 2011
It was a terrible thing. The Polish man appeared to be mentally disturbed. He didn't speak English and there were no interpreters. He wasn't hurting anybody and he wasn't even resisting the officers. The whole thing was on video and it is still available. I didn't see any black airport cops, though.
Dec 7, 2011
Calgary, Canada
It was a terrible thing. The Polish man appeared to be mentally disturbed. He didn't speak English and there were no interpreters. He wasn't hurting anybody and he wasn't even resisting the officers. The whole thing was on video and it is still available. I didn't see any black airport cops, though.

He was tasered 5 or so times, 4 of which including what was ruled as his death, came from a Black police man. If you search wikipedia you can see a photo of said police man. Probably an affirmative action hire considering that Western Canada (including Vancouver) has a very small population of blacks, literally around 1%.

What makes this incident so noteworthy is not just the excessive use of force, but also the fact that the police force acted illegally in an attempt to cover up their wrong doing, as well as the almost censorship of the incident by the media.


Hall of Famer
May 6, 2011
Yes, I see it now. It was the black cop on the far left who was doing the tasering. The Polish man was just standing there against the wall surrounded by the cops. And you're right, if the races were reversed George Soros (nee Schwartz) would be pumping in money to make it international news and incite more black riots, and the politicians would be doing their phony crying routines.