DE Governor "Apologizes" for Slavery


Hall of Famer
Jan 19, 2007


Hall of Famer
Mar 18, 2007
New Jersey
Well I think blacks should apologize for the tremendous amount of black on white crime in the past 50 years. I think they should apologize for all the handouts and welfare they have received courtesy of the white people and all the cities they have completely destroyed. That's who I think should apologize.
Dec 10, 2012
Not sure how much weight an apology for something you didn't do carries, but.. I guess this is the political discourse cultural-Marxists have reduced Americans to..

Delaware has an interesting slavery history to me. It was a typical slave-holding Border State, that was divided by opinion on the issue. Lincoln attempted to use Delaware as a guinea pig in his compensated emancipation plan. But the state rejected his offer to buy their slaves' freedom. As a Union state, Delaware believed that it was their state right to abolish, or preserve, slavery; and essentially not the concern of the Federal government. But then Delaware went off to subdue the Confederacy who were trying to preserve those same states rights..
Delawares' southern most county (Sussex) was very much a Southern entity.. and their most northern county (New Castle) was very pro-Union..


Hall of Famer
Jul 30, 2006
I fail to wrap my mind around an apology given by people who did not own slaves given to people who were not slaves.

As whiteathlete pointed out - when are blacks going to be forced to apologize on the woefully disproportionate black on white crimes they have committed since the 1964 civil rights act was put into place as well as the trillions of white tax payer dollars that have been dumped into inner cities and a welfare system that has been abused? The sad fact is the black community will not be taken to task in Amerika 2.0.


Nov 13, 2005
Delaware was practically a slave state in name only by 1860, with about 2,000 slaves and 17,000 free blacks. Delaware would likely have become the next US state to abolish slavery (also possibly Missouri which saw the development of an abolitionist movement in the 1850's) had there been no civil war. Delaware represents the one fascinating US case of a state gradually moving away from slavery without much drama or fanfare in the 1810-1860 era, and if anything this special case of peaceful, gradual emancipation is something that Americans of all colors should look at as an interesting "what if" example of a better path not taken in terms of the slavery issue.
Dec 10, 2012
..with about 2,000 slaves and 17,000 free blacks. Delaware would likely have become the next US state to abolish slavery.. gradual emancipation is something that Americans of all colors should look at as an interesting "what if" example..

I like considering the what-ifs of history.. But Delaware was actually offered Federally financed (thru Federal bonds), compensated emancipation, and they rejected it. Even as a Border State that stayed in the Union, they believed abolition was an internal State's Rights issue (a precedent established by individual Northern state-level abolition). Their southern county of Sussex was still invested in slavery, and feared the cultural & economic consequences of sudden abolition. Lincoln even gave a flexible, stretched-out time table to alleviate the stress of sudden emancipation.
19th-century Americans still had a healthy fear of Federal overreach tho.. It kills me how a lot of the modern Civil War debate implies that slavery & States' Rights were mutually exclusive. Slavery was viewed within the context of broader States' Rights. States (often on both sides of the Mason-Dixon), propehtically understood it was a slippery slope if they allowed the Fed. government to take sovereignty over their business.

To me, it's a shame we have cultural-Marxist creeps groveling for historical events they had no personal role in.. instead of using their public platform to address the complexity of their states' histories. Give fair hearing & study to all the ideas of their ancestors. It's moronic how simplistic the hand-wringing, cultural-Marxist presentation of the Civil War has become..

A resource I thought was a well-researched, objective study of Civil War Delaware: Delaware During the Civil War. (H. Hancock).
(Sorry for the long post, but love Civil War history.)


Hall of Famer
Jul 24, 2007

Extra Point

Hall of Famer
Oct 21, 2012
Who is he apologizing to?

There were white slaves, black slave owners and black slave owners who owned white slaves. This information has been written out of history by the black supremacist, anti-white leftists.

The apologies for slavery are always supposed to be whites apologizing to blacks. It's part of the anti-white agenda.


Jan 27, 2016
I guess he is apologising for the government of the state. Apologising for something you did not do, had no connection to, and don't support is the most meaningless apology possible. No one is going to feel better and no one alive deserves an apology. However this isn't about being sorry this is about someone having the power to force someone to apologise. It's merely an exercise in power and subjugation. The governor is a sniveling weasel. A weak loser that serves as a symbol of his ethno masochistic suicidal voters.
Dec 10, 2012
I re-read the article linked in DixieDestroyer's original post.. There's a poll attached, as of Feb 19 (several thousand votes cast), the opinion was 88% against the legislature's 'apology'. A lot of the column comments echoed the sentiment in our thread (ie- the governor has no moral authority to apologize for others, long-dead).
Saw another article, citing the fact that there was a lone dissenting vote in the legislature (a guy from Millsboro, in Sussex county), who honorably admitted the 'apology' was meaningless and inaccurately included contrition from many people who've come to Delaware, post-emancipation & post Jim Crow.

But who knows, maybe 150 years from now, the governor of Delaware will be issuing an apology for the meaningless insanity of the 21st century's # Bogus Apologies Matter movement..
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Hall of Famer
Jul 24, 2007
I re-read the article linked in DixieDestroyer's original post.. There's a poll attached, as of Feb 19 (several thousand votes cast), the opinion was 88% against the legislature's 'apology'. A lot of the column comments echoed the sentiment in our thread (ie- the governor has no moral authority to apologize for others, long-dead).
Saw another article, citing the fact that there was a lone dissenting vote in the legislature (a guy from Millsboro, in Sussex county), who honorably admitted the 'apology' was meaningless and inaccurately included contrition from many people who've come to Delaware, post-emancipation & post Jim Crow.

But who knows, maybe 150 years from now, the governor of Delaware will be issuing an apology for the meaningless insanity of the 21st century's # Bogus Apologies Matter movement..

150 years from now Delaware Will be ******! They will ressemble a mini 3rd world cesspool like Brazil!
Dec 7, 2011
Calgary, Canada
Are the Blacks themselves also going to apologize for enslaving their own people in Africa and then selling their own people as slaves to Europeans? Are the blacks who did this going to apologize and admit wrong doing? I won't hold my breath.