David Ortiz

Solomon Kane said:
In short, I don't see the site itself as pre-emptivelysidingwith, or even leaning towards, me,JD074, Jaxvid, America,or anyone else.It simply invites a multi-angled discussion on the aforementioned issues--thoughobviously itpresumes a core of agreement about the nature of (and at least some of the solutions to) the present problem.

You're exactly right, Solomon, and another very good post. Lots of posters here like to delve into various theoretical aspects of the Caste System and apply theirideas to society at large; others just want to talk sports and sports alone. There's no "right" or "wrong" opinion on a lot of these issues, just people sharing ideas and thoughts.

We have regular posters that are what may be called "hardliners" and others that are "moderate." All are welcome as long as they follow the posting guidelines and support the basic goals of Caste Football, whichare to support white athletes and the end of the Caste System on the field of play and in the media.

But by the same token, the views of stalwarts who have been here a while and shown their consistent interest and support of the site carry more weight than those of newbies (talking generally here, not anyone individually). Caste Football continually evolves in response to the collective efforts of those who are contributing to itover any given period of time. For quite a while after Caste Football began, there was only six of us who posted. Now there's over 200 people who post regularly or irregularly on the board, so there's a lot more people contributing information and opinions, which is great.

Personally, I mostly enjoy reading everyone's posts, even those of the few opponents here who are intelligent and respectful and not repetitive in stating their beliefs.Edited by: Don Wassall
I know most people aren't a separatist like myself, even on many pro-white sites, and I respect that. And I certainly understand that it's not the "mission statement" of this site. But while I may be in the minority on this particular issue, the majority of us do feel resentment towards other groups because of what they have done to our societies. A pro-white site is not the best place for those who are easily offended by "radical" views. It's okay to be a moderate, but one should be able to tolerate some "extremism" without getting upset.

I hope that everyone here understands that and can deal with it. And I'm glad that we can respectfully and politely disagree about controversial topics.
JD074: "... It's okay to be a moderate, but one should be able to tolerate some "extremism" without getting upset.

I hope that everyone here understands that and can deal with it. And I'm glad that we can respectfully and politely disagree about controversial topics."

Amen, JD. I, for one, was not upset and I hope that I didn't sound that way. Looking forward to your future posts.

To DW: Thanks for your supportive comments, and your point about the veteran "stalwarts" of the site is well taken, too. Looking forward to your insights as we approach important events such as the British Open, the PGA, and the start of the Football season.
Impi: I'll put it plainly for you: I don't like any non-White athlete to be better, or be percieved to be better, than his White contemporaries. I especially don't like it when that athlete is a Negro, because they tend to exhibit behavior considered assinine by Whites and unfortunately a certain racial enemy of Whites has used you guys against Whites so much that most of us (understandably) hate Blacks as a group on some level, though perhaps not every individual Black. Blame the manipulators, not Whites, for this hatred.

And I'm sorry, if you don't think the media plain WORSHIPS non-White athletes, you are a liar and the truth ain't in ya

I don't really care all that much for ball games/team sports when you get right down to it. Combat sports and strength sports are alot more interesting to me. Having not much attachment to particular teams, I generally root for the White and non-Black athletes on a particular team to have a more impressive showing than their Black team mates AND Black opponents.

I must say, the one place where I think White people SHOULD associate with Blacks is inside the ring, or the Octagon, or on the playing field. I agree with S. Kane's comment that barring Blacks from competition would only give the enemy an excuse to say that Whites can't compete. Because SOME White fighters drew the color line, the ******* supremacists use it to cast doubt on the strenth of White fighters and other athletes in that time. Even though Jeffries, Dempsey, Braddock, etc, all fought and defeated the best Black fighters of their times while they were climbing the ranks. Even though Ruth hit long balls off of Negro league pitchers in exhibitions just as effortlessly as he did White pitchers, even though Blacks simply don't make as many great pitchers as Whites, they still say this crap.

However, I would prefer it if White athletes had the advantage of competing with Blacks fed on foodstuffs grown by Black farmers, trained by Black coaches and managers, and treated with such sports medicine as developed and practiced by Blacks.Edited by: White_Savage
YAHOO! Absolutely GREAT to see the multi-culit Red Sox bite the wax tadpole [drop in the standings] ... Ortiz and Ramirez are indeed disgusting and I thrill to every game where they strike out three times each. Especially watching Ramirez spit twenty times per at-bat.

So it was true -- The Thai Troubador Johnny Damon was the backbone of the Sox' success. Damon is suddenly the catalyst of the new Yankees' pennant run. The antithesis of the sullen, bitter Mestizo, Johnny the Thai is upbeat and hustling.

Hang in there, JD074. You are not alone among those of us who wish to restore our people and our land

Interesting that the Eastern contributors to American baseball, the Japanese and Indo-chinese players, are very positive and disciplined. Contrast that to the ocean of self-centered brooders from the Caribbean
Edited by: Realgeorge