

Hall of Famer
Oct 15, 2004
Giving the "starting job" to Culpepper at this point is the new coaches way of not angering the black players before summer camp. Come next season they will compete for the job. Whatever a coach says now is baloney. Cupepper might not be 100% healthy next year and that would be a great excuse to put Johnson ahead of him. Although I think Culpepper will be given every chance to win the job. It's also about money too. They are paying him a lot compared to Johnson.


Culpepper is one of the most overrated QB's in the league. All his numbers and sucess was due to Randy Moss. Teams played the Vikings the same way when they had Moss so Culpepper did not need to read defenses. This year without Moss his world turned upside down.


Nov 25, 2004
jaxvid said:
Although I think Culpepper will be given every chance to win the job. It's also about money too. They are paying him a lot compared to Johnson.

You may be right about money, but it just doesn't make sense because NFL contracts are not guaranteed. The Vikings could save a ton of money by cutting Culpepper loose. The could use the money on getting quality free agents. I am wrong about this?


Nov 25, 2004
A little more fuel to the fire: I read in the newspaper that as one of his first orders of business Brad Childress wants to get a more "athletic" offense line . We all know what that means
. Looks like a 4-12 season next year for the Vikes.

Don Wassall

Staff member
Sep 30, 2004
Kaptain Poop said:
A little more fuel to the fire: I read in the newspaper that as one of his first orders of business Brad Childress wants to get a more "athletic" offense line . We all know what that means
. Looks like a 4-12 season next year for the Vikes.

Looks likeMike Rosenthal and Adam Goldberg will be the first two Vikings linemen looking for a new employer.


Jan 8, 2006
Don Wassall said:
Kaptain Poop said:
A little more fuel to the fire: I read in the newspaper that as one of his first orders of business Brad Childress wants to get a more "athletic" offense line . We all know what that means
. Looks like a 4-12 season next year for the Vikes.

Looks likeMike Rosenthal and Adam Goldberg will be the first two Vikings linemen looking for a new employer.

Yeah, look where "athletic lineman" got the New Orleans Saints this year...


Local newspaper talked as if Brad is getting a big head for wanting to be traded. Dont remember the exact quote but it went something like this...." I hate to bash my FELLOW SCANDINAVIANS, but offering Brad Johnson as a trade would be the equivilent of offering a buckett of KFC."

Now if you ask me if Brad were black he would be starting for the Vikings, if not the Vikings someone else would pick him up as a starter...

And by the way i think the writer does actually enjoy bashing his own kind, in fact it seems to have become white America's favorite pastime

White Shogun

Hall of Famer
Mar 2, 2005
I hate to bash my FELLOW SCANDINAVIANS, but offering Brad Johnson as a trade would be the equivilent of offering a buckett of KFC."

I don't know, in some places you might be able to get a decent return on a bucket of KFC.

Original or extra crispy?

Right about now I'd say a bucket of KFC is worth more than Daunte Culpepper's knee, for example.

Edited by: White Shogun

Don Wassall

Staff member
Sep 30, 2004
mr.wonderfull said:
Now if you ask me if Brad were black he would be starting for the Vikings, if not the Vikings someone else would pick him up as a starter...

If Johnson was black, he would be hailed as a brainy, wily veteran who knows how to win despite not having the greatest physical tools, sort of like the Caste System media unsuccessfully willed Rodney Peete and Shaun King to become, and would be in great demand to lead a team despite his advancing age.


Dec 29, 2005
I don't know that Johnson would get a starting job anywhere else anyway.

If Trent Dilfer (after about 2-3 years as second string) could do it, then Brad Johnson can do it!

hate to bash my FELLOW SCANDINAVIANS, but offering Brad Johnson as a trade would be the equivilent of offering a buckett of KFC."

Don't believe everything you read in the media. You know who runs the media?? The name-changing parasite jews are also responsible for stuff like this: Backlash Hits Boston Globe Over WWII Tunnel Vision


Nov 25, 2004
mr.wonderfull said:
Local newspaper talked as if Brad is getting a big head for wanting to be traded. Dont remember the exact quote but it went something like this...." I hate to bash my FELLOW SCANDINAVIANS, but offering Brad Johnson as a trade would be the equivilent of offering a buckett of KFC."

Now if you ask me if Brad were black he would be starting for the Vikings, if not the Vikings someone else would pick him up as a starter...

And by the way i think the writer does actually enjoy bashing his own kind, in fact it seems to have become white America's favorite pastime

Mr. Wonderful, I have read and heard the same disgusting Brad Johnson bashing from the Minnesota media. The key word is "media". Most of the common fans that I have encountered want Johnson as their QB and want to get rid of Culpepper. Even the ones that formerly worshipped the great fumblepepper want no more. People in the media are just to gutless to boohoo a black quarterback. When has any black quarterback not had the wholehearted backing of the media? I don't know of any.

I think it shows what a closed market the airways have become. In a real competative market there is no way the current media powers that be would get away with their constant and undying support of the caste system. Viewers and listeners would simply turn the station to the opposing and correct view. That option is currently not there as the brainwashing of America continues.


Apr 16, 2005
This is unbelievable!!! During training camp this year, Daunte Culpepper threatened to hold out unless he was paid more money. The vikings responded by up-grading Daunte Culpeppers already $102 million dollar contract by $8 million dollars.Of that $8 million, they already have paid him $2 million, and if he is still with the team by March 14th he gets another $6 million. Well apparently this isnt enough money and Daunte wants to be paid more money. He has had his agent contact the vikings and he has sent letters to all the big shots in the organization fornegotiating a raise in his contract.I am sure there will be more to come on this....


Nov 25, 2004
The ONLY reason they would possibly pay Duante that ridiculous bonus on top of an existing bonus on top of a way overpaid contract is because they are afraid of offending the black man. Nobody in their right mind would think he is worth 1/2 of that especially after this year. He's got a lot of balls asking for another raise after this year's performance. Meanwhile, Brad Johnson is happy with his one million a year - Less than 1/8 of what Culpepper will get this year! Double exclamation point!!

The Duke

Jan 19, 2006
Good luck to the Raiders or Ravens if they want this piece of broken goods.
<DIV id=RTEContent>
<H1>Vikings may trade Culpepper</H1>
<H6>Pioneer Press</H6>
) It now seems that the Vikings will trade troubled quarterback Daunte Culpepper to the highest bidder, which could be Oakland or Baltimore, in early March. The Raiders have the No. 6 pick and the Ravens No. 13 in April's draft. Arizona and Miami also could be in the running. Raiders owner Al Davis has an affinity for reclamation projects.
Moving Culpepper for at least a first-round draft pick and a bona fide starter would solve the Vikings' quarterback conflict, allowing Brad Johnson, who would be 38, to start in coach Brad Childress' West Coast offense next season. The Vikings then would have to use a first-round pick to draft a QB to develop and sign a veteran backup, perhaps free agent Chris Weinke of the Carolina Panthers and St. Paul.
) You have to wonder whether Culpepper's recent 45-minute phone conversation with Childress went sour.


Hall of Famer
Jan 9, 2005
The Deep South
If this is true, this is good news for Minnesota and the NFL. I doubt that Culpepper will ever be that highly paid again. I hope this happens.Edited by: Colonel_Reb


Apr 16, 2005
That would be funny if he ended up with the Raiders. Daunte Culpepper was the one pressuring Tice and the Vikings to get rid of Moss. Things were not well with Moss and Culpepper there last year together in Minnesota.

White Shogun

Hall of Famer
Mar 2, 2005
I hope this happens.

It will be like announcing that Vandejagt is the NFL's most accurate kicker, right before he shanks a "no time left, season on the line, playoff game kick."

It will be like the Colts talking about going undefeated and winning the Super Bowl, only to be bounced out in the first round of the playoffs.

It will be like ESPN radidiot Colin Cowturd gloating about Mike Vick, "All he does is win games," a few weeks before the Falcons end the season 8-8 and out of the playoffs.

It will be like the Seattle Seahawks winning a playoff game without their star running back, Shaun Alexander, who happens to be the league MVP, which is supposed to mean that the team can't win a game without him, much less a playoff game.

It will be like listening to Chad Johnson guarantee the Bengals will score 40 per game, play the Colts in the AFC Championship game, and play in the Super Bowl, only to be bounced out in the first round of the playoffs.

It will be like Terrell Owens thinking he is worth more than the team, and watching the rest of the NFL season play out on his big screen TV.

It will be like Aaron Brook's getting cut from the Saints while the guy who couldn't beat him out for a starting spot plays in his second NFC Championship game, with a record of 5-1 in the playoffs and the highest passer rating of all post-season quarterbacks with at least 150 attempts.

It will be like.. well you get the idea.

The Duke

Jan 19, 2006
I think whether Culpepper stays with Minnesota or is traded he is going to have to renegotiate his contract to take a pay cut. If he thinks he's in line for a raise he's just as deluded as any pro athlete out there.


Apr 16, 2005
I hope this is not true, and Ziggy Wilf is just saying this to try and get trade value for Culpepper. Please tell me that nobody is this stupid.

Wilf plans $6 million commitment to Culpepper

The Vikings owner says he'll pay the bonus due next month and tries to downplay talk that the quarterback will leave.

INDIANAPOLIS - Vikings owner Zygi Wilf said Saturday he plans to pay Daunte Culpepper a $6 million roster bonus on March 17 and tried to defuse growing speculation that the organization is going to sever ties with the quarterback by trading or releasing him.
Asked if he could definitively say Culpepper was going to be on the Vikings roster in 2006, Wilf said: "That is our plan, yes. Always was." He reiterated that point in two follow-up questions.

Wilf, who arrived Saturday at the NFL combine, initially balked at discussing the Culpepper situation but soon relented as he walked through the lobby of the RCA Dome Convention Center after being one of the few owners to watch player workouts.

Culpepper, who tore three ligaments in his right knee on Oct. 30, has attempted at least three times to secure a raise of his $8 million salary in 2006, according to three sources.

The Vikings denied those requests and according to sources called at least two teams, Baltimore and Miami, to see if they had any interest in the veteran.

While Wilf tried to downplay potential trade discussions, he did not rule them out. "I don't know," he said. "I'm not involved with anything like that. ... It could be just speculation, it could be other teams asking about him, it could be a lot of things."

Culpepper disputed the trade reports in an e-mail he sent to media outlets last Tuesday, saying Wilf had told him "the Vikings have not yet spoken to other teams about trading me." But new Vikings coach Brad Childress indicated on Friday during a news conference at the combine that there had been some dialogue with other teams, saying, "We've had inquiries."

Wilf said he read Childress' comments in the paper and agreed with what his coach said but did little to clear things up when asked about the differences between Childress' and Culpepper's remarks. "I don't want to clarify anything because whatever discussions I had with Daunte were between me and Daunte," Wilf said. "If Daunte wanted to report to the media what he thought was the conversation, that's up to him. I'm not going to paraphrase or anything [what was said]. That's between he and I."

Wilf claimed he wasn't disappointed with Culpepper's decision to make part of their conversation public. "Everyone has their right to say what they want to," Wilf said. "My personal feeling is that whatever I talk to Daunte about is between myself and Daunte."

Wilf, who realizes that saying he won't pay Culpepper his roster bonus will kill the quarterback's trade value, also explained his reasoning for being vague on some issues.

"You have to understand something," he said. "Right now is the combine, everything is very sensitive, everything is very important that we keep that low[-key]. ... Being a first-year owner, I realize it's very important to keep things during the combine and draft close to the vest. It's a matter of gamesmanship in terms of how you approach the draft, how you approach free agency and how you approach your own players."


Give me a break...notice how they refer to the white guys as "2 white males" while labeling Culpepper and Williams as "African-American Males" its just another subversive way to bash our race.


Apr 16, 2005
Does anybody know how much Culpepper signed for in Miami?
Here is an interesting comment by vikings coach childress from todays local paper.

Vikings coach Brad Childress admits that Daunte Culpepper obviously has some talent and, as a coach, one hates to lose talented players. For some reason, Culpepper and Childress never got a chance to talk football. "Right from the beginning. As I mentioned, I never had a conversation with him about this football team. It was always about what he needed financially and money. I never heard team, I always heard me and I and 'I need 10 million dollars. I'm a 10 million-dollar-a-year quarterback.'



I hated the Vikings with Culpepper. I am glad he is gone, now I will have to cheer against the Dolphins. Poor Zch Thomas, I wish he did not have Culpepper as a teammate. Im hoping the Vikings go after one of the young QBs like Cutler in the draft.
May 5, 2005
I think Zach Thomas is down with the brothers. I beleive his lily-white sister is married to one. Thought I heard that somewhere.