Dating NonWhite Females


Jan 13, 2010
First let me describe myself by saying I am a 21 year old European male. I consider myself "proud" of my heritage. I don't harbour any feelings of hate towards anyone else, but I do like to support white athletes and such.

I have been involved in a number of sexual and dating relationships with Persian & Arab Females. Of course, Muslim.

Sometimes I feel like white, European people are very similar to Arabs, Persians, but then again there are some differences as well! Language, culture, appearance, also some physical features.

Do you think its OK to consider whites and Arabs the same race?

Sometimes I also feel very warm towards the religion of Islam, and I notice many Muslims are in fact white (Russian, Bosnian, Albanian etc). Also many (but not all) Arabs/persians are friendly towards white people.

Basically I am asking, how do you feel about dating nonwhite females? What about Arabs and Persians? (I would never date a black girl, only Arabs/persians). What about having kids with these kinds of girls?

How do you value Arabs and Persians and do you consider them white? Also, how do you feel about Islam.

Plz & Thnx this is a very personal issue to me!


Edited by: Listen2Trance


Dec 1, 2006
I live in germany, lots of arab and turkish women here... some very hot indeed. However i have no arab, turkish or black friends, therefore i rarely meet any women of thos races. Frankly i dont care. They may have nice big dark eyes and a nice tan, but they have seriously hairy bodies, even hairy foreheads.

Also, having one of them as a partner would mean hanging around with her muslim thanks. Ive had enough fights with those scumbags, i prefer the company of those that have a decent education, taste, intelligence and sense of humour.

which explains my lack of dark skinned friends ;)


Hall of Famer
Sep 23, 2008
So Cal
Persians are considered white by many and themselves and the woman who are Persian, and not persian Jews are some of the most exotic hot woman I have ever laid eyes on. The arab women, now that is tricky, you would probably list the Arabs as "others."
Nov 30, 2008
I dated an Iranian girl and so did a friend of mine. They were absolutely gorgeous and--despite the stereotype of Muslims--acted as American as two girls could. They both wore very sexy clothes and the girl I dated was even a "sexy" cowgirl for Halloween.

I know that they trace their ancient roots to Indo-Europeans, but I don't buy that Persians are white. If you look back at their ancient and medieval art they look darker than white Europeans and today pretty much look Arab. The two girls referenced would never be mistaken as "white" in America.

And to Chris, from my experience American Muslims are much different than European Muslims, but I could be wrong. Of the Muslim guys I know:
1. One is the leader singer of a bar band, that plays songs from Bon Jovi, Journey, AC/DC, etc. And he is a devout Muslim.
2. Another was pretty much a frat guy, more concerned with basketball, joking around, partying and girls than his Islamic culture. His parents were from the UAE. He now races motorcycles.
3. An artistic, liberal type who wanted to be a film maker/actor and who I saw in a play and was a very good actor.
4. A Nigerian-American Muslim who I called "Van Wilder" because he was kind of like Van Wilder in college. Everybody knew him and was constantly organizing everything, including parties. He's the guy who dated the Persian girl. He was probably the most devout, yet saw no conflict in having fun and Islam. Edited by: Fightingtowin
Nov 8, 2006
If you're European you have ancestors that bled and died resisting Islamic slavery. I'd rather honor them than chase strange flesh, especially when beautiful White women are still all around us.

As for children, which religion do they follow? What culture? Where is their identity? This is the jewish goal of creating a race of easily ruled brown slaves that have no roots to the past and no sense of racial pride. I noticed you put the word "proud" in quotes as if you're saying it in a sarcastic fashion.

I honestly am pained for the state of Europe today. Ugly holohoax memorials, Arabs replacing Whites, no national pride. I can only hope the example of Russia will spread and restore these once great nations.


Jan 13, 2010
Well, on the *most* basic distinction of race there exist 3 races: Mongoloid, *******, and Caucasiod.

In this definition, both white Europeans and Muslim Persians, Arabs would be considered the same race.

If you look at someone like Zinedine Zidane (Arab), Alecko Eskandarian (Persian), these guys could easily pass as "white", or any type of European.

My girlfriend, that I have been with 5 years is Afghan. I am living in Canada. We are both 21. I am Canadian-born but I have English/French background.

I honestly feel like we are the same race.

If Italians and Spaniards are cosidered white, I dont see why Arabs are not. Cuz its basically the same.

Also, many white people are Muslims. Islam is welcoming to white people. In fact, its VERY welcoming.

So I dont see what the issue is?


Jan 13, 2010
Run Stuffing LB said:
If you're European you have ancestors that bled and died resisting Islamic slavery.

So, are you proud of being white, or proud of being Christian?

You seem to be confusing race and religion here.

I am proud to be white. I dont care about religion. I dont see why you are bringing up a religious card.

Don Wassall

Staff member
Sep 30, 2004
Arabs and Muslims in this country are a mixed bag. Many Arabs have lived here for generations and are well assimilated, though most are Christian. There are several million of them and I'll bet many of us have run across them or know them as acquaintances and not even realized their background. Doug Flutie for one has part-Arabic background.
From that part of the world you have a lot of different mixtures. There's no easily identifiable line between White and non-White. It's a lot like Mexico and Central and South America. I think you have to look at each person individually and see not only how they look but how they act and how they identify.


Nov 23, 2008
Welcome to CS, Listen2Trance! I wish you a happy and prosperous life!
Jan 27, 2009
In the woods at my still.
Run Stuffing LB said:
If you're European you have ancestors that bled and died resisting Islamic slavery. I'd rather honor them than chase strange flesh, especially when beautiful White women are still all around us.

As for children, which religion do they follow? What culture? Where is their identity? This is the jewish goal of creating a race of easily ruled brown slaves that have no roots to the past and no sense of racial pride. I noticed you put the word "proud" in quotes as if you're saying it in a sarcastic fashion.

I honestly am pained for the state of Europe today. Ugly holohoax memorials, Arabs replacing Whites, no national pride. I can only hope the example of Russia will spread and restore these once great nations.


Nov 23, 2008
lost said:
Run Stuffing LB said:
If you're European you have ancestors that bled and died resisting Islamic slavery. I'd rather honor them than chase strange flesh, especially when beautiful White women are still all around us.

As for children, which religion do they follow? What culture? Where is their identity? This is the jewish goal of creating a race of easily ruled brown slaves that have no roots to the past and no sense of racial pride. I noticed you put the word "proud" in quotes as if you're saying it in a sarcastic fashion.

I honestly am pained for the state of Europe today. Ugly holohoax memorials, Arabs replacing Whites, no national pride. I can only hope the example of Russia will spread and restore these once great nations.


Hall of Famer
Feb 17, 2008
My cousin married a Christian man whose father is from somewhere in the middle east (I think Jordan?) and he and his family look pretty White, I mistook them for Italian. They don't even have tan skin. I think Don hit it on the head and it is like the South American countries.

White Shogun

Hall of Famer
Mar 2, 2005
The best question to ask yourself, in this era, is whether your children will consider themselves white or the race of their mother? If your culture, whatever it is, will be overwhelmed by the minority culture of their mother, chances are good that you and your heritage will be an afterthought in the background.

Can you imagine trying to instill pride in European heritage to a child who has choice between identifying as white, or Arab/black/whatever? Not to mention his mother and all your in-laws are likely to want to claim and raise the child in their culture.

This is especially hard, I believe, for American whites because most of us do not have an 'American' identity anymore. Being 'American' is not 'cool.' If you have an ethnic European heritage to lay claim to, such as Irish or Polish, with customs and some language intact, you have a chance. But the generic white American I believe will be at a huge disadvantage in getting their mixed-race child to acknowledge his 'whiteness', and ergo, his father.

There may be a lot of 'nice' Muslims out there that are acculturated to the ways of their host nation, but wait until you are in a group of them in a place dominated by Islam culture, as the lone white male. Just like the differences observed when a black man is in a place surrounded by white people, compared to how he may treat you in a group of his black friends. Not every one is like this of course, but it's something of which the prudent should be wary.
Nov 5, 2008
My question is this - when does white stop becoming white? does anyone have an answer to that? (and the white,black,mongoloid thing is way too simplified)

In muslim countries there are people who look very white (there are even, for instance, quite a lot of redheads in Syria), and there a lot of people who dont look very white (but certainly not black or mongoloid). Clearly there is a grey area somehere where white stops becoming white.

interesting in the media often it seems like someone is black, even if they are only one eighth black, whilst the definition of who is white seems to be overly narrow.

In terms of the original question, i would judge whether a Persian or arab is white on a case by case (apperance) basis.

I think islam has some positives in someways (community, generosity), but some huge negatives in others - it depends on the the sect of Islam that the person adheres to...and how fanatical about it they are. Unfortunately it seems that too many muslims in the west associate themselves with the darker sides of the religion. Still, there are plenty that dont too - and there can be do doubt that many Persian and arab girls can be incredibly gorgeous! Happily, youre average young (city) girl from Iran is very unlikely to be fanatical and in fact is more likely to be revolutionary!

The future of Islam in Europe is a one of europes most devisive issues and unfortunately i think its going to cause real and increasing tension for the foreseable future. some aspects of the muslim religion just dont correlate with western core values (ie - freedom of speech over the sanctity of religious images).


Jan 13, 2010
But is a narrower definition of white really better?

I would think that we need all the support we can get. And the fact of the matter, is that the definition of "white" has ALREADY been widened on a number of occasions.

There was a time when Italian was not considered white. It now is.
There was a time when Spaniards were not considered white. Now they are.
There was a time when Russians, and other Slavic people were not considered white. Now they are.

My point is that "white" is a concept that has evolved over time, and should continue to evolve.

Look, guys, on the most basic level, there are 3 Races: *******, Mongoloid, and Caucasoid. Everything thing else (ie, White, Arab, etc) is a sub-derivative of that racial standard.

Why not just acknowledge our Caucasian race, which includes Arabs and Persians. Because after all, we are the same people just minor differences.

I consider many, but not all Persians, Arabs, Middle Easterners to be the same race as myself, a European.

These people are great people and I think you'll find as you get to know them, they have a good respect and admiration for white, European people. White people command so much respect in parts of Middle East. These are some of the friendliest, proEuropean people I have met.

yes, there are some exceptions to that, and some Muslims are very anti-West and anti-European. But most, I would say, are profoundly pro.

I think we should expand the definition to include some of them.

Edited by: Listen2Trance

White Shogun

Hall of Famer
Mar 2, 2005
I prefer to think of 'white' as of European heritage.

A Muslim European is no longer 'European.' He is Muslim; and he must even worship in a foreign tongue.

Just my take.