Dating an Italian! Are you crazy?

That's just a snapshot into what nearly every Jewish family thinks of gentiles. It's funny how their organizations are constantly pushing for the white gentile race to miscongeneate with other races. If the roles would have been reversed the mother and father would have been considered the most racist scum on the planet. BTW, what kind of mother talks to their daughter about Penis size? Good thing their religious.
That is just crazy.It's amazing at how much hate they have for anyone that is not like them.It makes you think.I kind of feel a little bad for the daughter.
This is too funny....
The family has to be from Crown Heights. If they were this against an Italian guy what would the family do if the guy was a Schwatzer.....
I am half Italian. There was one part of what the mother said that is true.
Edited by: Alpha Male
And Mel Gibson is a racist, anti-Semitic monster???
My favorite partis when mom says, "He's Italian for God sake...what's the matter with you?. ..He could be a rapist or murderer!" This one is good too, "An Italian doesn't go out with a Jew, a Jew doesn't go out with an Italian." and "The're not KOSHER there's nothing about them...their lips... their lips touch pig!"
" Kill me with a knife,kill me with a f****n knife... I deserve this?"

Daddy says: "You wanna get me sick, you wanna kill me? This is the way to do it, what you're doing now, then I'm gonna die."
" What are you goin out with an Italian guy for... we're nothing like that!"

This from the champions of diversity? The people who do everything possible to make sure our daughters shack up withBlacks andMexicans.

Edited by: Bart
This radio station, Z100, is in my local market as I live in the NY/NJ area. And as a person who is half-Italian, to be honest, I'm really not that offended. Let me explain why.

As a race (and they are a RACE as well as a religion), "the chosen people" live in thier own little world of guilt. That is what their entire religion is based on...guilt. They killed Christ and they know it. Period.

They choose to marry within their own little circle, thats fine with me. They choose to do business strictly with each other, thats fine with me. They choose to act, dress, behave a certain way, thats fine with me. It is, in fact, America right?

However, I do draw the line when they say that someone of my background isn't fit to date their daughters. I don't care what their religion tells them, Italians have done more for humanity than almost any other ethnic group. Great thinkers, artisians, painters such as Michaleangelo and DaVinci (who was also believed to be the smaretest human to ever live by the way), to the modern day engineers of the Ferrari or Lamborghini automobiles.

Take a look at the name you see painted on the truck of a local builder or contractor (such as my father) in your area. We've built more structures in this country than anyone. Italians are indeed an accomplished culture of people. That is why I'm a little ticked at what this guy said on the radio. He made me feel like some common thug. How dare he. And to be honest, I don't see many Italians chasing these little JAPS (J--ish American Princess) around, as they are not exactly the most desirable women to date.

And don't you think its a bit obvious that they chose a White ethnic group to do this to rather than a minority group. Thats because they didn't want the girls father, good ol' Hymie Lipshivtz, dropping N-bombs all over the airwaves. Although, if he did, I'd probably still be laughing.
Ground Fighter said:
And don't you think its a bit obvious that they chose a White ethnic group to do this to rather than a minority group. Thats because they didn't want the girls father, good ol' Hymie Lipshivtz, dropping N-bombs all over the airwaves.

The phone conversation would go like this:" Daddy, did mom tell you I'm dating an immigrant Bantu tribal chief who has infected thirty seven girls with AIDS? " "" " You mean you're not like all mad and upset with me daddy?""Upset, my little princess? Why should I be upset? This is great news." "But , uh, daddy, you sound so happy." " Happy? I 'm friggin ecstatic! You finally dumped thatSOB Italian!"
Well, in modern America this is happening very, very often. Today, almost 50% of marriages Jews have involve marrying a non jew.

The modern generation is the one carrying most of this out, but much of the old jewish community, particularly the more serious orthodox jews, is VERY unhappy with this, partially because it leads to less practicing jews(many convert or simply forget their religion after marrying inter religously).
Bart said:
Ground Fighter said:
And don't you think its a bit obvious that they chose a White ethnic group to do this to rather than a minority group. Thats because they didn't want the girls father, good ol' Hymie Lipshivtz, dropping N-bombs all over the airwaves.

The phone conversation would go like this:  " Daddy,  did mom tell you I'm dating an immigrant Bantu tribal chief who has infected thirty seven girls with AIDS? "  ""   " You mean you're not like all mad and upset with me daddy?"  "Upset,  my little princess?  Why should I be upset?  This is great news."   " But ,  uh,  daddy,  you sound so happy."  "  Happy?  I 'm friggin ecstatic!  You finally dumped that SOB  Italian!"

I should have called up the station and volunteerd to prank my father by calling him and telling him that I was dating some fat, ghetto princess on welfare. N-bombs would be dropping like hot plates in a Chinese kitchen.
As a matter of fact, I have a phone call to make.
"However, I do draw the line when they say that someone of my background isn't fit to date their daughters. I don't care what their religion tells them, Italians have done more for humanity than almost any other ethnic group. Great thinkers, artisians, painters such as Michaleangelo and DaVinci (who was also believed to be the smaretest human to ever live by the way), to the modern day engineers of the Ferrari or Lamborghini automobiles."

Well said Groundfighter!!!Edited by: Alpha Male
Alpha Male said:
"However, I do draw the line when they say that someone of my background isn't fit to date their daughters. I don't care what their religion tells them, Italians have done more for humanity than almost any other ethnic group. Great thinkers, artisians, painters such as Michaleangelo and DaVinci (who was also believed to be the smaretest human to ever live by the way), to the modern day engineers of the Ferrari or Lamborghini automobiles."

Well said Groundfighter!!!

Would you be ok with your daughter wedding a Jew, black, or mestizo? Edited by: KG2422
You don't think they're fit to marry either, so why worry if they think someone of your background is fit to marry? I don't care if they want to marry their own. Better yet, do that in Israel.
KG2422 said:
You don't think they're fit to marry either, so why worry if they think someone of your background is fit to marry? I don't care if they want to marry their own. Better yet, do that in Israel.

Take it easy KG, lets stop the "White-On-White" violence But seriously, its not the fact that they don't wan't their little princess daughter marrying an Italian. Its just the way they felt about us period. If the father just said, "Look, you're Jewish, he's not, no marriage, end of story.", I would probably agree with that as a matter of choice and religion. But, if you listened to the actual call, they really made us (Italians) sound like crap.

The issue here is not him not wanting an Italian to marry his daughter, but the things he said about a culture of people who have contributed more than their fare share to society.
Ground Fighter said:
KG2422 said:
You don't think they're fit to marry either, so why worry if they think someone of your background is fit to marry? I don't care if they want to marry their own. Better yet, do that in Israel.

Take it easy KG, lets stop the "White-On-White" violence But seriously, its not the fact that they don't wan't their little princess daughter marrying an Italian. Its just the way they felt about us period. If the father just said, "Look, you're Jewish, he's not, no marriage, end of story.", I would probably agree with that as a matter of choice and religion. But, if you listened to the actual call, they really made us (Italians) sound like crap.

The issue here is not him not wanting an Italian to marry his daughter, but the things he said about a culture of people who have contributed more than their fare share to society.

We're in agreement then. I didn't mean to sound harsh. I meant to say, "Better yet, THEY should do that in Israel." I should have made my tone clearer.
Seriously,they talked about our big lips and drug dealing...

Imagine if the caller said he was black...hmmmm
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