Here is Darko after the recent European Championships along with the translation. (Hopefully the translation is inaccurate.)
I am sure that Darko will overcome this incident and have a great upcoming year with the Grizzlies.
Reporter: Darko, first impressions?
Darko: All right, but let's do it over there.
Reporter: Darko Milicic, congratulations despite the loss. First impressions?
Darko: Nothing, these three big [expletive]heads, these two ... three [expletive for lady parts] have
cheated us, that's what happened. This [expletive for lady part], these three [expletive]heads think they are
something. I will go and [expletive] their mothers' [expletive for lady parts]--all three of them, that's what
I'm gonna [inaudible] ... [expletive for lady parts] all three of them, I'm gonna [expletive] his
Italian mother in her [expletive for lady parts], man, that's what I want to say...
Reporter: Darko, calm down a little bit. Your impressions of the game?
Darko: He's a [expletive]head, he should [expletive] my [expletive for man parts], go on ... write that, man ...
all three of them, the first one and the second one and the third one ... I don't give a [expletive] about this, that's what I want to say.
Reporter: [inaudible]
Darko: [Expletive for lady parts] ... they don't call anything...he [expletive] in his pants ...
I will [expletive] his mother in the mouth, man ... if he has a daughter, I will also [expletive] his daughter.
Reporter: [inaudible]
Darko: [inaudible] ... we are fighting here, I died ... I need an infusion, do you understand...
and they cheat us like [expletive for waste]...