Darin Erstad incident


Dec 22, 2004
Erstad rammed the Braves catcher at home the other night and it has started a feud between the teams. The Braves threw a pitch behind Erstad last night to send a message. I do not condone ramming catchers as a daily routine but in the heat of battle these things sometimes happen. Erstad might be my favorite ball player for several reasons--I remember him at Nebraska for one thing---but he is the type of athlete I admire. He plays hard and aggressive but isn't a real jerk like Pete Rose--(I have seen Rose's off fieldact close up and it isn't pretty trust me,albeit the guy was a great player). And who is kidding who. The Braves would love to have a guy like Erstad who plays with fire in his belly. Erstad is the only player in MLB history to win a gold glove in the outfield and infield. He is also the type of athlete that could have been a pro in several sports. Hockey, football. Perhaps even a track and field hurdler. And he is a great teammate. What's not to like?
It was a 100% clean play. I wish there were more home plate collisons. Players need to stop being such pansies now a days and man up. The catcher is the one with the gear one so what the hell are they complaining about? Sunshine your right about Rose I've heard some stories about how he was just a complete jerk and a-hole to others.
If he wasn't blocking the plate he wouldn't have gotten hit. When has this ever been something to whine about? It isn't the all-star game.
Interesting, only player to win a gold glove in the infield out win one out in the outfield. I have a lot of respect for Erstad. He has a clean record, never complains, and works very hard. I current rolemodel for kids these days in sports. Instead we have to hear stories of Barry Bonds and Steroids...Kellen Winslow saying he is a "SOLDIER".... and Terrell Owens pulling out a sharpie and people thinking he is cool. Erstad is a great rolemodel.
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