Dan LeBatard



I think that is how you spell his name but I was just watching PTI about Team USA in basketball and he was saying how Team USA was built wrong for the Olympics and this year they are going to be supreme again due to having the best athletes of course. He offered excuses like no perimeter shooting and how all of old team usa was just a bunch of guys put together to play but with this current incarnation which will probably look like the Team USA of the Olympics he thinks they wil win it all due to superior athletes. Wilbon acknowledges that the Euros can play and that they have caught up to the US in basketball. LeBatard is another white hating writer. The international game does not cater to the crap of the NBA rules therefore flustering these supposedly superior athletes of Team USA.
Coach K will be coaching the Olympics this time around. Don't expect to see an all black team. At the very least he will have Reddick and Morrison, as he should.
J.J. Redick has been invited to tryouts this summer -- he will NOT make
the Olympic team, get real.
I saw more than the rules hurting the US. The players were disorganized and truly choked if they had to play from behind. Get any of their shooters needing to sink a late shot in 2000 or 04' and the net would look like dixie cup in a crucial situation. When your accustomed to getting your own way it's a shock to your system when you have to fight to earn things you took for granted........
Edited by: white is right
Even with Coach K, there can't be more than a couple of token whites on "our" Olympic team. That wouldn't "look like America." Don King's America, that is.
Not saying that Reddick will make the olympic team, but one of the major reasons the US has done so poorly in Int'l play lately is a lack of outside shooters...and there are not many better pure shooters at any level than Reddick.

Also, I know Wilbon from PTI is not very popular on this site, but he went on the record yesterday saying that Morrison would be an all star within his first two years in the NBA.Edited by: pt.guard2
Wilbon is middle of the road-( and preferable to Kornhieser)-seems like a fun guy to hang out with and he isn't especially anti-white. On the other hand Cuban American Dan LeBetard has a history of denigrating white athleticism. Bottom of the barrel in my book.
Get real?

What's with the hostility? You don't think he can make it? Well I do. I don't think there is a better shooter in the NBA right now..I don't care if he is a rookie.

Reddick, Olympics 2008......BELIEVE!
Dan LeBatard is famous for saying that the reason Steve Nash won the MVP last year was because he's white. Screw that hack!
Well, J.J. didn't make the cut for the Asian tournament ... I guess he has
two years to beat out Dwyane Wade and Kobe Bryant at the 2G spot. Good
luck to him!
Reddick has a back injury. I do not think anyone is suggesting that Reddick is on the level of Wade or Bryant....but it makes sense that the US team, given the recent performances in Int'l play could use more pure shooters.
I don't mind Wilbon, he's usually the honest one on PTI. Still stating the obvious is not an act of courage.

Spineless Brainwashed White Reporters like Dan LeBatard really are what keeps the caste system together. It's something I keep reminding myself every time I have to go to www.blackathlete.com to find a positive article on Steve Nash
Post me a link to this article wherein blackathlete.net heaped praise on Steve Nash, if you please.

One such article still won't balance the half dozen boxing articles that I've seen read there denigrating Dempsey, Marciano, Tunney, etc, or the Black Supremacist tone of the whole website.
I just skimmed a long interview with Le Batard on a black supremacist site, and it's difficult to put into words how reflexively and extremely anti-white Le Batard is.

Here's just one little snippet to give the flavor of Le Batard's opinions:

DL: Nash being a two time MVP in this league is patently absurd. That Nash has won two and Shaq has only won one?

MT: Jason Kidd has won none.

DL: Exactly. Did Jason Kidd end up averaging a triple double in the playoffs?

MT: Yes he did, in twelve games.

DL: Wow, he's just not getting the credit. I mean Nash is great, but if I were to say to you right now to give me a list of players you could pick. How many players are you picking before you pick Steve Nash?

MT: Personally, it might go into the double digits.

And so it goes throughout the interview. Both Le Batard and the site interviewing him believe that the "white media" is biased in favor of white athletes while persecuting black athletes!! It's really amazing to behold. Then in the comments section below the interview, someone mentions Caste Football, and the site warns the poster never to mention Caste Football again because it's "white supremacist."

Hey, wait, isn't the media itself"white supremacist" according to Le Batard and this site? These genuine racists have no clue what a genuine white supremacist media would be like. It would be far, farmore anti-black than Caste Football, which doesn't ignore black pathologywhile being focused on the "white" power structure responsible for the Caste System,but which is very fair-minded toward all races.

Here is the link if anyone wants to read the entire interview and comments and then make their own observations:

[url]http://thestartingfive.wordpress.com/2007/05/29/interview-wi th-dan-le-batard/[/url]
Letter to Dan LeBatard regarding July 2, 2007 ESPN Open Look editorial:
<DIV =RTE>Dear Mr LeBatard,
<DIV =RTE>Regarding your quote in in July 2, 2007 Open Look editorial in ESPN magazine, "I'm with Charles Barkley on this: If black people cared about skating--and had rinks in their neighborhoods--they would dominate hockey." (p. 15)
<DIV =RTE>Is that the Charles Barkley who also made the statement, "He [Kenny] said Yao Ming's gonna get 19 points. If he gets 19 points in a game, I'll kiss [Kenny's] ass." ? It seems to me that Yao Ming has scored more than 19 points in a game like maybe 2 or 3 times (lol).
<DIV =RTE>How about a quote somehting like this: If white people cared about boxing--and had boxing gyms in their neighborhoods--they would dominate boxing." Oh wait, that's just ridiculous. Oh wait, have you checked out boxing lately? What race are the heavyweight boxing champions? Oh wait, those are very light-skinned Negroes, or at least mixed-race. No white man could possibly be the heavyweight boxing champion of the world.
<DIV =RTE>It seems to me that you are one of those people who just assumes that blacks are always better athletes than whites. If not, it's because of racism, lack of opportunity, lack of interest, etc., etc.
highschoolcoach said:
Oh wait, have you checked out boxing lately?  What race are the heavyweight boxing champions?  Oh wait, those are very light-skinned Negroes, or at least mixed-race.  No white man could possibly be the heavyweight boxing champion of the world

LOL...I could just imagine Lebatard actually making a statement like that one. Although, I highly doubt that he would EVER refer to a Russian or Eastern European man as a "light skinned negro" to his face. You call an Eastern European or Russian man "part black" and he'll cut your throat. We Ukranians would be ESPECIALLY offended with a remark like that. Although, I wouldn't put it past the morons at ESPN to come up with any excuse they can to take away the athletic prowess of White men. It seems like that is their sole goal these days.
Edited by: Ground Fighter
highschoolcoach said:
Regarding your quote in in July 2, 2007 Open Look editorial in ESPN magazine, "I'm with Charles Barkley on this: If black people cared about skating--and had rinks in their neighborhoods--they would dominate hockey." (p. 15)

LMAO This guy has got to be kidding, right? Unlike basketball and football, hockey players are required to actually think for themselves WITHOUT being told what to do by a coach every five seconds during a game. This automatically disqualifies blacks from excelling at the sport. Not only that, but it will be a cold day in hell before a black man EVER shows up a European player on the ice. Jarome Iginla isn't even close in talent, compared to a guy like Alexander Ovechkin. And Ovechkin is from the Ukraine, which is a pretty war-torn and squalored environment (much like a lot of Eastern Europe), so I don't want to hear how priveleged he was because he is White b.s.. The blacks in this country complain about how "bad they hood is". Well, guess what, I highly doubt that any of them know what its like to live in a post-war hellhole like some parts of Eastern Europe.
Ground Fighter said:
highschoolcoach said:
Regarding your quote in in July 2, 2007 Open Look editorial in ESPN magazine, "I'm with Charles Barkley on this: If black people cared about skating--and had rinks in their neighborhoods--they would dominate hockey." (p. 15)

LMAO This guy has got to be kidding, right? Unlike basketball and football, hockey players are required to actually think for themselves WITHOUT being told what to do by a coach every five seconds during a game. This automatically disqualifies blacks from excelling at the sport. Not only that, but it will be a cold day in hell before a black man EVER shows up a European player on the ice. Jarome Iginla isn't even close in talent, compared to a guy like Alexander Ovechkin. And Ovechkin is from the Ukraine, which is a pretty war-torn and squalored environment (much like a lot of Eastern Europe), so I don't want to hear how priveleged he was because he is White b.s.. The blacks in this country complain about how "bad they hood is". Well, guess what, I highly doubt that any of them know what its like to live in a post-war hellhole like some parts of Eastern Europe.

You got that right! I bet if you were to put blacks in a country/region like Kosova, they would be begging us to take them back.

As for LeBastard. I live in Miami so I have to put up with this retard on an almost daily basis. Every time I listen to one of his negro-worshipping diatribes whether on TV or in the local newspapers, it makes me want to puke
Don Wassall said:
I just skimmed a long interview with Le Batard on a black supremacist site, and it's difficult to put into words how reflexively and extremely anti-white Le Batard is.

Here's just one little snippet to give the flavor of Le Batard's opinions:

DL: Nash being a two time MVP in this league is patently absurd. That Nash has won two and Shaq has only won one?

MT: Jason Kidd has won none.

DL: Exactly. Did Jason Kidd end up averaging a triple double in the playoffs?

MT: Yes he did, in twelve games.

DL: Wow, he's just not getting the credit. I mean Nash is great, but if I were to say to you right now to give me a list of players you could pick. How many players are you picking before you pick Steve Nash?

MT: Personally, it might go into the double digits.

And so it goes throughout the interview. Both Le Batard and the site interviewing him believe that the "white media" is biased in favor of white athletes while persecuting black athletes!! It's really amazing to behold. Then in the comments section below the interview, someone mentions Caste Football, and the site warns the poster never to mention Caste Football again because it's "white supremacist."

Hey, wait, isn't the media itself "white supremacist" according to Le Batard and this site?These genuine racists have no clue what a genuine white supremacist media would be like. It would be far, far more anti-black than Caste Football, which doesn't ignore black pathology while being focused on the "white" power structure responsible for the Caste System, but which is very fair-minded toward all races.

Here is the link if anyone wants to read the entire interview and comments and then make their own observations:

[url]http://thestartingfive.wordpress.com/2007/05/29/interview-wi th-dan-le-batard/[/url]
Sometimes I wonder if he hates what he sees in the morning when he wakes and looks in the mirror? Also get a physiology degree or take a course or two in kinetics before you utter upsurd comments like the NHL assertion. I guess in the Tour de France all of the cyclists are black too.....
Caste Clown Supreme LeBatard weeps for the po' affletes being victimized by the dictatorial Roger Goodell. He somehow refrains from including Matt Jones with the likes of Stallworth and Burress, deciding instead to thrown in Jared Allen, and in a way that implies racial favoritism when his suspension was reduced from four games to two.

<H1 =storyline>NFL commissioner Roger Goodell's methods not working</H1>

Roger Goodell?

Good or evil?

Well, not him. I'm sure he's a very nice man, although I do secretly wish for him to get in trouble with the law just to see if he would have to suspend himself with excessive force, too. Nothing major. Maybe just a couple of glasses of red wine at dinner that puts him at .09, results in a misunderstanding with police and ends with him being Tasered in the street.

I'm joking, of course. He could be Tasered on the sidewalk instead.

Point is, I'd like to see someone with Goodell's bullying zeal rule too harshly on a Goodell mistake to universal applause, so that he would be forced to look more empathetically at whether there is more good or evil in the way he's punishing his workers -- which is with a breadth and hostility unseen before from a ruler in American professional sports.
full article: http://www.miamiherald.com/sports/columnists/dan-le-batard/story/1198456.html
LeBa(s)tard looooves to bow down at the (bogus) alter of black "supremacy". He's one of the biggest caste propagators to ever (dis)grace the microphone & yield a pen.
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