Cult of "White"


Oct 2, 2006
Just found this website, taking a (naive) shot at personal catharsis...

"White" is not a race, it is a color. There are very pronounced and unmistakable ethnic differences among, for instance, a Pole and Irishman and Russian.

The bible recounts Sheba coupling with Solomon, and--myth or history--surely enough, Ethiopians have Semitic features and tan skin. No, race is not homogeneous within Africa, either.

I wonder if this aberrant conception of "white race" is merely the product of a vacuum in your own personal identities? Because you don't know the difference between a Magyar and Irishman, you conflate all paler skin into your imagined "race"? To fill the void of your ethnic heritage?

In any case, if your ancesters were Americans for two centuries, your ethnic heritage is probably indecipherable: completely lost, by constant "mixing"! And if you trace your heritage back a millenium, you will be shocked at the diversity you discover.

Paleness is not genetic likeness. "White" heavyweights are not of Western European ethnic stock, and Americans on this website are probably ethnic Western Euros. Now look at Klitschko's browbones, look at his nose: not like the French and English who settled America! Not like you!

Ultimately I agree that systemic prejudice favors black skin over white skin in sports scouting--though it's incredibly naive to assert that that favoritism is deliberate, as believing in "black" athletic "supremacy" is clearly a product of socialization (think of American history!) In reality, however, people are people, each of them inimitably complex.

Even you are complex, though this phenomenon is pretty transparent. Aren't you here because you want to assert (pathetically): "I am not inferior! Look at how not inferior I am! Blacks don't deserve to outperform whites per capita in the NFL!"

Personally, I've never felt the need to defend my "whiteness", because I've never doubted my own self-worth. No one is superior to me. Perhaps one day you'll all feel the same.
You make a silly semantic (not semetic) argument. White is a race. It's a word that describes a group of people who can be identified by their genetic similarities. A DNA sampling can link everyone that is white and differentiate everyone that is not. That is fact and science.

"Paleness is not genetic likeness" what a ridiculous strawman argument!

Yes people are complex. I want to see people like me, who share my DNA code and thus have similar social and moral values that are intrinsically interlinked with my DNA, which were developed to aid in the survival of those same people, be treated fairly and grow up in a world that FAVORS their survival as it is the DNA of my children as it was the DNA of my fathers, as it is the very essence of what I am. As Monty Python would say: a self replicating spiral of DNA.

We have no need to assert that we are "not inferior". All objective measurement illustrates that we are in fact *superior* in virtually evey way to those "other" DNA spirals. This site is merely a place where we can make that claim without being shouted down by those, like yourself, that would wish it to be otherwise.

It is deep in the soul of a man to defend his own people, his family, his kin. It is pathetic that you either do not understand that or do not agree. At any rate that makes you a genetic failure. You do need a catharsis. Look inside yourself and see who you are, see what you are, and embrace it instead of denying it.

And stop bugging the other people who "get it" with your pop psychology analysis
NoctisEqui arrives and deigns to speak down to us, make many (false) assumptions about the ethnic makeup of the members here, and then asserts that all of us, everyone on this board, suffers from the same malady: the highly prescribed and shallowly defined, 'inferiority complex.'

You cannot speak to the ethnicity of the members of this board, as I highly doubt that you know ANY one here on a personal level, let alone enough to even make a broad generalization that we are all of "Western European" heritage.

Nor can you make the bald assertion that we all suffer from an 'inferiority complex,' when again you don't know anybody here. If one were to base their assumptions on a mere reading of this board, I'd venture to guess that most of the members here have a fine sense of self-worth, thank you very much.

As for not knowing the difference between a Magyar and an Irishman, can you tell the difference between a Nigerian and a Congolese? Or a Liberian and Ugandan?

You are confusing nationality with ethnicity, and ethnicity with race.

Thanks for stopping by. Edited by: White Shogun
i am of both eastern (slavic) and western (dutch) heritage. so there goes your theory.
I find posts like NoctisEqui's helpful and instructive because they allow the members here to remember why they visit this site. Responses to posts like these present the opportunity for members to intelligently explain why forums like this are beneficial.

Personally, I am a combination of Western (Irish, Scottish), Central (Czech, Hungarian), and Eastern (Polish) European origins. All of which are bound by a common religion. I believe this is significant as it relates to our social and moral tradititons.

I grew up a sports fan at a time when there were white running and defensive backs. How is it possible that there are so few today? This is a legitimate question; one that this forum seeks to explore. Any discussion of inferiority complex, while perhaps appropriate for some, misses the point.
Yes it's true there in no such thing as a White Race-it's all in our mind.Santa Claus told me last Christmas.Russians are not White they are super beings from another planet.All"White Men" are jealous of black men because Africa is so rich and the standard of living is so high.How could people live in such proverty in Denmark and Sweden while colored folk lived so high on the hog in paradise such as Kenya,Uganda and Ethopia.
If we look at history we would in all honesty rank the races/sub-races of mankind with ease.The true facts would tell us. No.1 White Race No.2 Orientals [but a very distant 2nd] No.3 Asian Indian,Arab No.3 Hispanic groups from Central&South America,American Indian.No.4 The lowly African Negro [still living in the stone age].
Basically he's saying that 1) race doesn't exist, and 2) as Shogun pointed out, we're suffering from an inferiority complex. Typical liberal myths, easily debunked.
Those were some great replies to our ever present multiple named troll. This time he's the night horse. Articulate and scholarly with a touch of Gary's witty sarcasm. Good reading. Edited by: Triad
Some people here root for mixed players like Johnny Damon. Before writing a lengthy entry maybe you should of read the forum.
Bear-Arms said:
Some people here root for mixed players like Johnny Damon. Before writing a lengthy entry maybe you should of read the forum.

He also had nothing to say about blacks who root for blacks, or Latinos who root for Latinos. I wonder if all those macho men suffer from inferiority complexes, like us?
White Shogun said:
He also had nothing to say about blacks who root for blacks, or Latinos who root for Latinos. I wonder if all those macho men suffer from inferiority complexes, like us?

We should feel guilty for cheering for white players. *Bows head in shame*
personally, I could care less what this NoctisEqui
says. I really don't need to engage in dialogue about what only a fool would deny. The fact is that whites, or light skinned, or however you refer to it, are the most discriminated people in all of society, and not just in sports.

WE ALL KNOW THIS! yet it is our own people, due to years of being bludgeoned with self-hatred and guilt, who are the main source for this. College presidents, and admissions councils, football coaches, journalists etc. are all to blzme.

It's an insane world out there for white folk. Yet along comes Castefootball and for those few remaining sane people, i.e., those of us on this sight, what a breath of fresh air it is.
"people like me, who share my DNA code and thus have similar social and moral values"

Really? Do I have to tell you that your social and moral values are not the product of your genetics? Do you really need someone to tell you that?

Look at what you've said there! Aren't you ashamed simply to have said that?? Doesn't it sound incredibly stupid, when you hear yourself actually state that "social and moral values" are the product of genetics? But you're not stupid! I know you're intelligent, and it's for you to look at your own statement and question what exactly caused you to say something so beneath you!

Bro, I myself prefer athletes with moral and social values that resemble my own! That's completely the opposite of preferring athletes based on their ethnic background!

Moving on to some of the other comprehensible responses, I haven't by any means posited that "race does not exist", rather that it is "inimitably complex". There seems to be disagreement among you as to whether "white" is a race: it's not.

And lastly the "double standard" theory... African Americans have a very distinct history. *igger is not the same as cracker, and there is no double standard about that fact. One casts aspersions of subhumanity, and one is playful.

If your ancestors were hung from trees for being crackers, if your history was erased and your women imprisoned in cages for centuries, I'd obscure the term with an asterisk. But Isaac Woodard was black; and if you hypersensitive types were black, you would be even more sensitive about your blackness than you are your whiteness. Is it not a tragedy that all Donovan McNabb knows of his family history is that his grandfather's father was apparently owned by a McAnglo?

And no, you're not to feel guilty about that! You didn't wrong Mr. McNabb or his ancestors! You weren't there, you are not accountable for the crimes of other "whites"! Anyone who says otherwise is either a racist wacko or kooky leftist! (I often have trouble telling the two character types apart! You're all so erratic, passionate, superstitious and misinformed!)

Someone mentioned that I'd failed to condemn "hispanics who cheer for hispanics, blacks who cheer for blacks"; inasmuch as these people are more interested in cheering for skin color than individuals, these people would be as sad and pathetic as you.

But I'd have hope for them, too. If they'd calm down, free themselves from preconceptions, and attempt to link cause with effect on historical and societal levels, they'd ultimately be fine.

Also, it'd be nice if they could organically define their own identities: too many people need to claim membership in a group to define themselves, rather than finding themselves within themselves.
NoctisEqui said:
African Americans have a very distinct history.  *igger is not the same as cracker, and there is no double standard about that fact.  One casts aspersions of subhumanity, and one is playful.

If that's the case, then why do blacks call each other "*igger". I don't go around calling my white friends "cracker".
NoctisEqui said:
And lastly the "double standard" theory... African Americans have a very distinct history. *igger is not the same as cracker, and there is no double standard about that fact. One casts aspersions of subhumanity, and one is playful.

[url] es_861.htmlprint/[/url]

Oh yeah!! Cracker is a playful term often used by blacks before having fun! Remember this story/?

by James Buchanan

A truly horrendous attack against four White girls took place in Marine Park in New York state. An article in a local paper reports "Invoking the name 'Martin Luther King' and screaming 'Black Power!' a gang of up to 30 black teens attacked four white girls in Marine Park in what police are saying is not a bias crime. According to witnesses and parents of the victims, four young girls from St. Edmund's had the day off from school due to Easter recess. They were playing basketball during dismissal from nearby Marine Park Junior High School, when several Marine Park students demanded to use the court. After adults intervened and asked them to wait their turn, the teens left - but returned in a pack of up to 30, both boys and girls, and stormed into the park. Witnesses say the attackers were all black and called their victims 'white crackers' during the bloody mêlée, which raged for almost 20 minutes. 'This is not being looked at as a bias crime,'Edited by: Bart
"There seems to be disagreement among you as to whether "white" is a race: it's not. "

Race can be define in many different ways. Please explain how you define race.

"too many people need to claim membership in a group to define themselves, rather than finding themselves within themselves."

Man is answerable for his life both to his past and the future. I am my grandfather, my father, or the person who lives after me and is still "me". I don't claim membership to a group, I'm rooted in one. I'm certain the meaning of my life is not to deny my heritage or the community I was brought up in. To do this would be the exact opposite. I'd be becoming someone I'm not.
<center>Your Ancestors Matter!</font></center>
<center>Stephen A. McNallen</center>

There is a widespread belief in the modern Western world that ancestors don't matter very much. This is particularly true of the ancestors of European-Americans; among some writers and academics, "dead White male" is synonymous with irrelevance.

Luckily for us (and for the generations to come), a healthy interest in genealogy and family history defies this rootless, alienated worldview. Why do we care about our ancestors in a world that values self-satisfaction above all else? What does the deeper wisdom of our soul say about this? And just what is our relationship to those who have gone before us? Why does it all matter?

Native cultures in every part of the world revere their forebears. The American Indians, the Australian natives, African tribes, Asian peoples - all give special place to their kin who preceded them. Only in so-called modern societies, those most locked into the pursuit of material things and most distanced from the world of nature, have we forgotten the importance of the ancestral connection.

In Europe before the coming of Christianity, it was different. We saw the ancestors and ourselves as part of a continuity, and this unity was impossible to break into parts based on time or space. Kinship bonds extended over the centuries and across the oceans. The ancestors were still a part of that community, and it was possible to call on them for inspiration, guidance, and strength.

In fact, it was often believed that the individual was eventually reborn into the family or clan line. In a sense, following this logic, we are our own ancestors reborn into the present. (It also implies that it is in our interest to make the world a better place - since we'll be back here again!) This idea of reincarnation within the ancestral line is found almost universally among native cultures; the idea that one might come back among an alien people (a Norwegian returning as a Polynesian princess, for example) is a very recent concept
We can recapture that state of communion with the ancestors. Genealogy is a good place to start. Tracing your family tree, learning about your forebears, and coming to understand what they have contributed to your own appearance and personality can only draw you nearer to them. Contemplating the trials they overcame can inspire you to rise above the challenges in your own life.

By ancient tradition, the barrier between the dead and the living is thinner at certain times of the year: Yule is one of these occasions, and the old Celtic festival of Samhain (popularly known as Halloween) is another. At these times, watch your dreams, and listen with your inner ear for the whispers of those of your line who have gone before.

There is much to be gained from the ancestors, and we have barely touched the possibilities in this short essay. Of course, they gave us the greatest gift of all, life itself - for if that golden chain of generations had been broken at any point, we would not be here! But we have our responsibilities, too. Above all, the family honor must be kept intact and the ancestors themselves must be given the high status they deserve. Obviously, we should do all we can to ensure that we have healthy children to continue the line into the future.

Once we understand the bond extending down the generations, we know that we can never truly be without family. Always there are the unseen ones, affecting events and reminding us that we are a part of a great stream of lives, seeking ever to express who and what we are.

Honoring the ancestors (who are, after all, us as we were before) is one of the three key principles to the European soul. The other ones are, respectively, the living of a life of courage and truth, and the right relationship with the Mighty Powers themselves.

The spiritual wisdom of the bold and free European tribes did not die out. It was suppressed - but it cannot be hidden forever, for it exists within us, the people who share this noble heritage!
Bro, I myself prefer athletes with moral and social values that resemble my own!  That's completely the opposite of preferring athletes based on their ethnic background!

You're entitled to that. But this site is about celebrating white athletes. If you have a problem with that, this site is not for you.

Moving on to some of the other comprehensible responses, I haven't by any means posited that "race does not exist", rather that it is "inimitably complex".  There seems to be disagreement among you as to whether "white" is a race:  it's not.

Oh, so you're not saying that race doesn't exist, you're just saying that the white race doesn't exist? Wow, that's brilliant. And what "disagreement" among us are you referring to? As far as I know, all the regular CF posters agree that the white race is a race.

And lastly the "double standard" theory...  African Americans have a very distinct history.  *igger is not the same as cracker, and there is no double standard about that fact.  One casts aspersions of subhumanity, and one is playful.

Only a deracinated white boy like you could say that using the word "cracker" is just playful. I bet you wouldn't think that if three or four brothas were calling you a cracker while stomping on your head.

But Isaac Woodard was black; and if you hypersensitive types were black, you would be even more sensitive about your blackness than you are your whiteness. 

We're not hypersensitive, we're simply sick and tired of the double standard that you're trying to downplay. We're aware, you're not.

Is it not a tragedy that all Donovan McNabb knows of his family history is that his grandfather's father was apparently owned by a McAnglo?

I couldn't care less.
"I am my grandfather, my father"

Ah, precisely that: how you've betrayed them. How you've forgotten them, forsaken them for a cult, the religiosity of "white".

It's not for me to lecture you about who you are, who your family is: you know better than I, brother. But I suspect this message board of fools doesn't care to hear that you've left the fold of your noble family because you decided there are greener pastures in the ignobility of forgetting who you are.

That is, afterall, the difference between black and white in America: one had his past taken from him, one merely abandoned his own identity. Well, some of us are still holding out. Some of us know what our great grandfathers did for a living, and we value this knowledge. Some of us are interested in humanity, the human mind and the human soul, not merely the distinctions we can employ to harass those most vulnerable among us.

I'm sorry that JD704 was "stomped" by "three or four brothas". I remember a moron on a bridge outside PNC Park, carrying on about the "white boys" who "beat mah a$$" calling him "*igger": he too believed that it was because of his skin.

I have a secret for you. I've been stomped, and I've also altered the landscape of a human face in a way that no doctor could ever restore to its natural shape. When they called me *aggot and *itch, that didn't bother me: but I'll tell you, a good beating makes you mad for a long time. That's when you become the guy who throws the first punch for a year, as if you were carrying some evil virus. But one day, you realize, it wasn't about you. It wasn't about "white" or "black" or your own identity, it was about a base and pathetic lust for some nebulous empowerment. The words they said when I got mine, the words I spoke when I did damage, they were not words to describe why, rather pathetic and childish attempts to obscure</span> why.

Yes, part of human life is taking knocks. Most among us simply file them away without ever creating a support group to sustain our fantasies of persecution.

The truth: I am more like Joey Porter than I am like you. And Farrior reminds me of the silent toughguy who had my back out on the field, and without ever speaking we busted them all open. Now Porter's mouth runs and he doesn't even know what he's saying, and that's how I played football and rugby.

But now my brother Joey carries the cross of my youth, and all I've got to do is drink and yap, and I like where I am.
NoctisEqui said:
it's not for me to lecture you about who you are

That says it all right there. You should have quit while you were ahead.

NoctisEqui said:
the difference between black and white in America: one had his past taken from him, one merely abandoned his own identity.

The truth: I am more like Joey Porter than I am like you.

And you accuse the members of this board of having abandoned their identity?


Do you think yourself some kind of Longfellow, or Keats? You're suffering from a bad case of prolixity, and your pleonasm is showing. Maybe you should see a doctor.
NoctisEqui said:
The truth: I am more like Joey Porter than I am like you.
Maybe, until you apply for a job, seek a promotion, apply to a college,compare financial aid benifits, or seek a political organization that acknowledges your race and looks out for your best interests based on your race. Or you could just walk through a ghetto. Then you might realize how white you really are.

My sir-name is Alsace-Lorraineian. After WW I, a large number of inhabitants of A-L and of German decent immigrated to the US after France began to occupy the area. Many of them settled in an upstate neighborhood now referred to as "Kiser town". 6 of my 8 great grand parents are from this neighborhood. I think it is cool that I know this about myself.
Edited by: C Darwin
NoctisEqui said:
That is, afterall, the difference between black and white in America: one had his past taken from him, one merely abandoned his own identity.

Why do you sing this sad song for America's blacks? Do you really believe they are concerned about ancestors in Africa? Many blacks don't have a clue who their natural fathers are today in America, why would they care about relaltives who lived ages ago in Africa? If they cared so much about family why do the men impregnate anythingand everything within striking distance then move on leaving the offspring to fend for themselves? As a rule they don't plan for the future and don't give a rip about the past. The concern expressed today is for political purposes only. What was the past that was taken? Thousands of years of primitive conditions, starvation, depravity, total ineptitude and futility in comparison to other races.Let's not romanticise truth.
Bart said:
NoctisEqui said:
That is, afterall, the difference between black and white in America:  one had his past taken from him, one merely abandoned his own identity. 

Why do you sing this sad song for America's blacks?  Do you really believe they are concerned about ancestors in Africa? Many blacks don't have a clue who their natural fathers are today in America, why would they care about relaltives who lived ages ago in Africa? If they cared so much about family why do the men impregnate anything and everything within striking distance then move on leaving the offspring to fend for themselves? As a rule they don't plan for the future and don't give a rip about the past.  The concern expressed today is for political purposes only. What was the past that was taken? Thousands of years of primitive conditions, starvation,  depravity,  total ineptitude and futility in comparison to other races. Let's not romanticise truth.

DAMN Bart! That was good.
That was great, Bart. So were the other replies. There's nothing better than when pretentious anti-white pseudo-intellectuals deem to allow us to view their brilliance, only to get their ass kicked every time!
American Freedom News