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WA teen porn sentence could set precedent
The sentencing of a 16-year-old Perth boy who pressured girls to perform sex acts for filming on a webcam and posted the videos on Facebook has been delayed.
In the Perth Children's Court on Friday, Judge Denis Reynolds said the case could set a precedent and he wanted more information before sentencing.
The boy, who cannot be identified because of his age, previously pleaded guilty to several child exploitation offences committed between October 17, 2010, and January 24, 2011
The charges include encouraging a child over the age of 13 and under the age of 16 to do an indecent act, attempting to procure a child aged over 13 and under 16 to do an indecent act, and distributing child exploitation material, namely a digital file.
The court previously heard the boy created a Facebook account in the name of a known bully and used the account to threaten the girls into exposing themselves and performing sex acts on a webcam.
He posted the images on Facebook for the girls' friends to see.
Judge Reynolds said the case could set a precedent.
He said the amount of information provided to him for sentencing was "too scant to make such an important decision".
Judge Reynolds said he needed to know what violence had been threatened and whether the boy knew how old the girls were.
The teenager's lawyer, Annie O'Neill, previously told the court her client knew his actions were wrong based on his Baha'i faith, but he did not know they were illegal.
Ms O'Neill said her client was remorseful, especially because he had been bullied in the past and knew what it felt like.
He also had the support of his Iranian immigrant parents, who were ashamed and embarrassed by their son's behaviour, she said.
The teenager will be sentenced on July 10.

Strange stuff, indeed.Anyway, yet more evidence which shows that all Middle Easterners, regardlessof religious background (Muslim, "Christian", Zoroastrian, bloody "Baha'i", or whatever) should not be granted entry to our countries under any circumstances. They are degenerate scum who have no place in Western society.
Rebajlo, are there many Baha'i in Australia? I read about them occasionally and always wonder where they're concentrated.

Good call on middle eastern scourge. Like all "turd"worlders, they are inferior to our people and (indeed) have no business amongst White, Christian society & our lands. Like other usurpers, these untermenschen need to stay in their cesspool nations & out of ours.
DWFan said:
Rebajlo, are there many Baha'i in Australia? I read about them occasionally and always wonder where they're concentrated.

DWFan - Thereappear to be a fair few of them about and their numbers are on the rise considering the influx of Iranian "students" during recent years. These "students" (many of whom are in their mid-thirties) always seem to remain in Australia following the completion of their, er,"studies".

According to the Australian Baha'is website (, there are "more than 17,000registered Baha'is in Australia". Hell knows how many of the bludgers are "unregistered"...

Baha'is are forever blathering on about the need for "tolerance" and "understanding" in light of thepersecution they have suffered in Iran and other such sand-pits. Consequently, they are all for letting every so-called "refugee" into the country and are also big on "inter-faith" dialogue. Needless to say, I can't stand the mongrels

Just to top things off, have a guess at where their supreme governing institution is based? Why, that would be Israel, of course...

DixieDestroyer said:

Good call on middle eastern scourge. Like all "turd"worlders, they are inferior to our people and (indeed) have no business amongst White, Christian society & our lands. Like other usurpers, these untermenschen need to stay in their cesspool nations & out of ours.

Dixie - You're not wrong, mate. The Arabs, Turks, Persians, et cetera are beneath contempt. I am always infuriated when I seecertain "White Nationalists" claiming that Iranians are White.Such fellows have probably never been anywhere near an Iranian or Arab and naively believe thatsince the camel jockeyshate the Jews and (generally) aren't of ******* or Mongoloid appearance, then they must be worthy of some kind of respect. Well, bollocks to that."White Nationalists" ofsuch an "inclusive" persuasioncan feel free to take a ride around southwestern Sydney - that would disabuse them quickly enough...

Speaking of Muslims - here's a story from England:

Oldham father and son taxi drug barons jailed

A father and son team of gangsters who used taxi drivers to distribute millions of pounds worth of heroin, cocaine and cannabis have been jailed.

Fazal Hussain, 43, and son Faisal, 20, both of Cranbrook Street, Oldham, were given nine years 11 months and eight years four months respectively.

The men admitted several counts at Manchester Crown Court of supplying drugs and possessing criminal property.

Seven other gang members got sentences ranging from 15 months to seven years.

Police surveillance operations led to several taxis being found with significant quantities of drugs on their way to different locations.'The Godfather'

On five different occasions between March and August 2009 police either observed or stopped taxis carrying cocaine, heroin and cannabis in locations such as Birmingham, Bristol and Manchester.

The Hussains tried to distance themselves from the operation using pay-as-you-go mobile phones but an analysis of mobile phone traffic proved they headed the group.

Fingerprint evidence also connected Faisal Hussain to a package of cannabis and the boot lid of one car stopped by police.

Fazal Hussain, known locally as "The Godfather", admitted at an earlier hearing conspiracy to supply cocaine, two counts of supplying heroin and using criminal property.

His son also admitted at an earlier hearing possession of cannabis with intent to supply, conspiracy to supply cocaine, two counts of conspiracy to supply heroin, two counts of possession of criminal property and conspiracy to supply cannabis
Five gang members were convicted of supplying drugs. They were:

<LI>Afraq Ahmed, 31, of Grendon Avenue, Oldham, was jailed for seven years for supplying heroin </LI>
<LI>Ali Shan, 32, of Gainsborough Avenue, Oldham, got six years for supplying cocaine </LI>
<LI>Yasir Mahmood, 25, of Brompton Street, Oldham, also got six years for supplying heroin </LI>
<LI>Michael West, 21, of Gordons Avenue, Oldham, was sentenced to three-and-a-half years for supplying heroin</LI>
<LI>Habibur Rehman, 36, of Arborfield Clouse, Slough, received two years for conspiracy to supply cannabis. </LI>[/list]

Two others from Oldham also pleaded guilty to supplying drugs. Javid Iqbal, 41, of Glen Road, received five-and-a-half years for supplying heroin while Arfan Zahid, 27, of Ronald Street, was jailed for 15 months for supplying cannabis.
Ch Supt Tim Forber said that the pair "wreaked misery"

Police said the father and son team had controlled a drugs network of taxi drivers and couriers who collected and distributed drugs throughout Oldham and the UK.

A photograph of Faisal Hussain found on a mobile phone seized by police showed him posing beside a leased Lamborghini sports car - seen as a status symbol among drugs dealers and a sign of how lucrative their operation had become.

Hussain senior came out of prison in 2009 after serving half of a six-year sentence for drugs supply and began another supply racket soon after.

Officers seized 7kg (15.43lb) of heroin with a street value of £700,000, a 1kg (2.2lb) bag of cocaine with a street value of nearly £600,000 and 15kg (33.06lb) of cannabis valued at £150,000.

What a pair of noisome grubs:


Two more facesthat simply beg for a good brass-knuckle massage...

Finally, we have the good old Australian Abo contribution. This is a particularly subtle effort, obviouslyemphasising the powerful bonds of kinship which exist in "traditional indigenous society":

<H1 has="2">Man uses baby in NSW knife-robbery</H1>

NSW police are still hunting a man who held a knife to a baby's throat during an attempted robbery in the state's west.

The man was holding the baby when he flagged down a woman motorist on the Newell Highway, near Parkes, about 7.15pm (AEST) last Monday.
Police say he allegedly approached the driver's-side window and demanded money, while holding a knife to the infant's throat.
The woman immediately drove off and reported the incident to police a short time later.
The man is described as Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander in appearance, about 180cm-185cm tall, aged 30-35 years and of slim build with a shaved head and a rat's tail.
Police believe he was driving a white Holden Commodore which had large dents in the driver's and rear passenger doors.

It's deucedly difficult to find a classier specimen than an Abo. This particular prick has it all: shaved loaf, rat's tail, knife to a baby's throat. He's even driving a badly busted up car - which automatically makes him some kind of Aboriginal aristocrat...
Just viewed "Drudgereport" home page, and it appears that the usual suspects are rampaging and killing people. This time its at South Beach Miami. Negros, gotta hate them. Every where they go, they destroy or steal stuff that does not belong to them.

Fortuneatly, one of the negros was properly smoked and sent to met his maker by a 1/2 dozen Miami coppers. Its on YouTube, but for some "reason" YouTube won't allow comments. Guess they know who the culprits are as well. God, its sickening watching them anywhere.
My suspecions are confirmed. South Beach turned into "Souf Beach" with its annual "Urban Week". God, those dummys, don't they realize that this kind of crowd turns the city upside down. Now, the "respectable homosexual community" down there wants the Mayor to outlaw Urban Week. Good, next time I go there I'll make outside negros are nowhere in site for the most part as well.

Also, YouTube took down that video of that negro getting shot by Miami PD. It seems each month YouTube is turning more PC. I hope someone creates a real life Video Channel. Enough with trying to protect or cover up disgracefull TNB!!!
Take a look at the Drudge Report today.Lots ofarticles of rioting blacks in various areas of the country. Could be a long hot summer of continuing bad economic news combined with the one-sided race war against Whites heating up.
The sheer number of bank robberies is astounding, at least in the north jersey area. I can't remember a time when so many bank robberies were being committed. Not surprisingly, most of these robberies are being committed by blacks. With this "improving" economy it's exactly what we expected.
I make a good salary. I save alot of money for retirement. I have a little pocket change for trips in the US or local resort Islands. But I can never figure out how these unemployeed negros get the money to invade locales like South Beach and the like. They obviously can not afford to live there. A weekend at a Motel 6 with food costs and gas is easily 300 to 500 hundred dollars. Where in hell do these negros get that scratch if they have no means of honest work? I suspect they obtain a credit card through fraud, bust it out by cash withdrawals and exceeding the limit. Then do it all over again until they are redlined by all banks. F'ing critens.
Westside said:
I make a good salary. I save alot of money for retirement. I have a little pocket change for trips in the US or local resort Islands. But I can never figure out how these unemployeed negros get the money to invade locales like South Beach and the like. They obviously can not afford to live there. A weekend at a Motel 6 with food costs and gas is easily 300 to 500 hundred dollars. Where in hell do these negros get that scratch if they have no means of honest work? I suspect they obtain a credit card through fraud, bust it out by cash withdrawals and exceeding the limit. Then do it all over again until they are redlined by all banks. F'ing critens.

The ones that work have no problem shelling out their entire paycheck, or two, for a weekend getaway in these resorts. They love to show off and pretend they are "big pimpin". If you look at the bigger picture they have nothing, no house, a crappy car, and used furniture.
Been reading all the stories of the hell in South Beach this past weekend. The posters on all of these stories are pointing out the FACT that all of criminals and losers were BLACK. Finally respectable people from all colors are speaking the truth to the problem most young blacks represent when assembled or traveling as a mob.

If I had a successful business in South Beach, I would close it during Urban Weeekend, and pay my loyal employees for 3 days off. It is far better to protect ones life and business from harm and loss of profit thrue stealing and robbery.
Don Wassall said:
Take a look at the Drudge Report today.  Lots of articles of rioting blacks in various areas of the country.  Could be a long hot summer of continuing bad economic news combined with the one-sided race war against Whites heating up.

I remember the riots of the 60's. You had to have been alive at the time to know what a shock (to some people) they were. The 1964 civil rights act had been passed. It was though that blacks would move into the mainstream. The riots meant it was not happening.

The phrase "long hot summer" took on a new meaning.

I recall there was some surprise when the riots seemed to stop in 1969. Time magazine, I believe, quoted an anonymous Nixon administration official who said, "You riot against your friends. Mitchell (the attorney general) means business."

There probably is something to the idea that blacks considered it safer to riot against LBJ's administration. But would they stage big riots that could embarass Obama? Things will likely continue on the present scale, played down by the MSM.
sport historian said:
Don Wassall said:
Take a look at the Drudge Report today.  Lots of articles of rioting blacks in various areas of the country.  Could be a long hot summer of continuing bad economic news combined with the one-sided race war against Whites heating up.

I remember the riots of the 60's. You had to have been alive at the time to know what a shock (to some people) they were. The 1964 civil rights act had been passed. It was though that blacks would move into the mainstream. The riots meant it was not happening.

The phrase "long hot summer" took on a new meaning.

I recall there was some surprise when the riots seemed to stop in 1969. Time magazine, I believe, quoted an anonymous Nixon administration official who said, "You riot against your friends. Mitchell (the attorney general) means business."

There probably is something to the idea that blacks considered it safer to riot against LBJ's administration. But would they stage big riots that could embarass Obama? Things will likely continue on the present scale, played down by the MSM.

Sports Historian, today there is a big difference. Back in the 60s the blacks were rioting for real and perceived injustice. Today, negros just riot or behave like criminals becuase they were brought up bad without a father figure. The government has become a dyfunctional father to the 1000s of baby mamas for subsistence. The end result, a generation of good for nothing criminal negro mob(s).

For those of unfortuneate to live amoung or around them, buy some home protection or obtain a CCW permit and become proficient in the use of firearms.
Westside. I could not have said it any better myself. Im not fro abortion but maybe a law could be passed that anyone on Public Assistance should not be able to have more than one child. If they do they should be able to take it away.
mattharper said:
If they do they should be able to take it away.

Mattharper, who would want them? there are only so many Sandra Bullocks or Brad Pitts to go around.
Don Wassall said:
Take a look at the Drudge Report today.  Lots of articles of rioting blacks in various areas of the country.  Could be a long hot summer of continuing bad economic news combined with the one-sided race war against Whites heating up.

...Guess what "element" all these stories (from today) have in common?



Edited by: DixieDestroyer
Westside said:
Sports Historian, today there is a big difference. Back in the 60s the blacks were rioting for real and perceived injustice. Today, negros just riot or behave like criminals becuase they were brought up bad without a father figure.

Dude I was at ground zero of the Detroit riots, growing up a few blocks away from where they happened. There was no "real or perceived injustice" you must have picked that up in a (Cultural marxist) American History 101 class.

Blacks in Detroit enjoyed good solid middle class living due to plentiful and high paying jobs in the auto industy with virtually no discrimination. There was near full employment, and this was in the North, no Jim Crow, no Dixiecrats, no seperate but equal, and those a-holes started a riot for virtually no reason at all. Why? The "official story" is that the cops raided a blind pig, in other words they busted an illegal establishment. Same kind of thing that sets negroes off today. They just needed some small reason to act like savages. And that is what they did.

They burned and looted and ruined the good stores in their own neighborhoods. When the fireman came to put out the fires those retards shot at them. White people in Detroit saw that and left the city en masse. That is why Detroit is a deserted third world disaster. Because one day in 1967 black people acted like they do everywhere else and white people said "we don't want to be anywhere near people that act like that."

If anything the Detroit riots of 1967 were less understandable then one today. Today millions of them live like sh*t after generations of welfare de-evolution, back then there wasnt a whole lotta difference between middle and lower classes. Just wait til the govt checks stop, this country will burn to the ground.
Good post, jaxvid, and I agree with your assessment in your last sentence.
Jaxvid, I never attended a CM class in high school or college. I came up with that sentence you jumped on a couple of hours ago. FYI.

1964 Watts roits happened due to supposed police brutality by the LAPD. It may have been legit, because the CM forces had yet to gain traction and tie the hands of law enforcement. I was 1 year old at the time.

This upcoming October is when the latest round of free err unemployment checks run out. The Repubs will have to make a decision. Status quo or have degenerates actually work for the "free money", should be interesting.
What I love about the Watts Riots is most black rioters are so stupid they burn their own stores and communities down. Outside of the Rodney King riots where a few Korean Businesses were targeted most blacks destroy their own environment.
I feel bad for anyone who has no choice but to live in Detroit, Chicago, Los Angeles, Atlanta, Tucson, Miami, or anywhere in NJ, among others. This could indeed be an ugly summer with a toxic mix of lousy economy, rising crime, and out of control minorities all coming together to create some serious mayhem. I intend to limit my own travel, stock up on some more ammo and possibly buy another gun, and just be vigilant at all times.
I think it will continue to be more of these types of flash mob strikes rather than all-out riots. And the policeare respondingin far larger numbers and far more aggressively in recent years than previously, at least when the target is drunk White college kids or predominantly White protestors at G-20 type meetings. They won't hesitate to use "non-lethal" weapons and the rest of their high-tech repertoire if things aren't brought under control in a matter of hours, though it's possible they'll be much more reluctant to usesuch weapons and tacticsagainst the system's rampaging pet minorities.
I couldn't find anything substantial on youtube about these riots. It seems youtube and the Internet are becoming increasingly censored by the PTB. I did find this one from one of the links on Drudge's site that has an associated video on the link.

Of course, it was the "youths" that did it! Pathetic MSM.

<h1 ="storytitle"="">Mayor, Police Chief Promise Order at Beach</h1>

<div ="contributorscontainer"=""><div ="contributorssubcontainer"=""><div ="contributors"=""><div ="contributorname"="">
Reported by:

Rachel Barnhart

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Rochester, N.Y. â€" A busy Memorial Day evening at the beach ended abruptly when fights broke out among at least 100 youth.

County Sheriff's deputies shut down Ontario Beach Park, prompting a
traffic jam. Large crowds of youth ran south on Lake Ave. 

Sheriff's and Rochester police arrested 13 people on charges ranging from disorderly conduct to drug and alcohol offenses.

Blake, 34, allegedly assaulted a deputy who responded to the scene.
She's been charged with second-degree assault. Police say the deputy was
scratched on the face as he was pulled into the fracas. 

said there were many young children on the beach. When a large scramble
suddenly became more like a fight, parents feared the worst.

was scared for a minute. I started grabbing everybody...and making sure
they moved out of everybody's way," said beach-goer Catrina Davis.

was a group of young gentleman running through the parking lot, saying
something like someone's getting beat up, and next thing you know there
are 20 cops, ambulances, fire trucks," said Kelsey Davis.

people were at the beach to attend the city-organized Rib Festival.
Those already at the festival Monday were allowed to stay in the fenced
in area.  

This isn't the first time a local venue has shut down
because of fights on Memorial Day. Seabreeze made it a policy to close
on Memorial Day starting last year after rumors of violence. The city
has an ongoing issue with crowds of youth at the Liberty Pole downtown.

think what you saw at the beach is what we've been seeing in many of
our neighborhoods for two decades," said Councilman Adam Mcfadden. "It's
just that you had a lot of people there who are not used to that
culture and got to witness it personally."

"It's unfortunate
because that's not the kind of reputation we want in our community,"Â
said Michele Labigan of the Charlotte Community Association. "It's
frustrating for families that want to go down there to have to deal with

"That has to be a place people are comfortable going and
if we need to impose some order on it we're going to do exactly that,"Â
said Mayor Tom Richards.

Police Chief Jim Sheppard said he had already beefed up patrols in the area.

"We know that on good days we're going to need resources down there,"Â he said.

McFadden said additional officers won't solve the problem. He said the
mobs the city is experiencing are related to "gang culture."Â

do we do about these young people who don't respect life and make going
to an event miserable for the rest of the community?"Â McFadden said.
"That's really the issue."Â

Edited by: Highlander
From what I've read, it appears all of these incidents around the country were caused by blacks.

There was another article about some Hispanic representative of South Beach's "Gay Community" (that numbers about 350,000!), that wrote some blog about getting rid of these thugs from the community. He came under attack and was called a "racist" by some, even though he never mentioned any race. Also, many of the Puerto Ricans and other Hispanics down there are becoming increasingly critical of all of these black thugs running wild. One poster wrote that in 1961 South Beach = 90% White non-Hispanic and in 2010 South Beach = 90% non-White.

Increasingly it seems that one Cultural Marxist element of society is taking on another Cultural Marxist element of society, usually black (wow, go figure) against someone else. Ahhh, the "melting pot" of modern-day America and the "joys of diversity" in action.
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