Crime Thread

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How many women did they rape who didn't come forward because of fear?

They should be executed.

Every single liberal who supported them coming into the country bears responsibility for this crime.

Absolutely. And the executions should be public.

I need run for U.S. Dictator. What have I got to lose but an election where godless, anti-White frauds keep winning??
320 pound Negro woman kills child by sitting on her

Jurors heard evidence the victim, 9-year-old Dericka Lindsay, suffered horrific beatings from her adoptive parents, James and Grace Smith, and her cousin, Posey, when she misbehaved.

The abuse reached a head Oct. 14, 2017, when Posey sat on Dericka in an effort to get the girl under control. The approximately 320-pound woman sat on Dericka for more than five minutes, enough for the child to die from a lack of oxygen.


America has lost its soul and it is only going to get worse. It is my belief that 2020 will be a turning point in American history. I see either a civil war similar to the war between states or a race war that will lead to the total collapse of the U.S. Stock up, load up and wake up!
Former ND Running Back (and requisite mudshark gf) Charged After Death of Child

Negro charged with kidnapping and murder of University of South Carolina student

I am not blaming this beautiful white girl for her own death because it was caused by this animal. That being said going to Five Points in Columbia by your self is asking for trouble. It's a place of way over priced drinks and food. It has the smell of puke & pee and trouble. There is little parking places which I am sure why she called for a Uber driver just the waste of a young white life. My condolences to her parents. Reminds me a little bit of Hay Street in Fayetteville, N.C in the late '60s & '70s except without the strippers.
What could this be other than an Anti-White attacked? The (((media))) has done such a great job agitating blacks against Whites with bogus aggrievements that I wouldn’t be surprised if this was a “racial revenge attack”.
Guys, let’s help one of our own. The boy is alive but will need many surgeries according to the family friend. Here is Landen’s go fund me:

The black monster who did this needs to be put down, either legally or by a “shank of justice” in prison.
It took me a long while to understand this but as far as the negro is concerned, he did nothing wrong. The negro society thinks this as well. Everything and anything a negro does or doesn't do is fine with them. It makes no difference. The concept of "trial" with these creatures is absolutely ridiculous and brings down our culture every time one of them is brought into a court room and the powers that be go through the motions of a trial negroes have zero comprehension of.
Guys, let’s help one of our own. The boy is alive but will need many surgeries according to the family friend. Here is Landen’s go fund me:

The black monster who did this needs to be put down, either legally or by a “shank of justice” in prison.

I would be highly skeptical of funding any campaign based on a MSM “news” story. If this is a real story, I have no doubt the child will receive any and all necessary medical care without lining his parents’ pockets. I’ve represented many uninsured people involved in serious accidents, and there is no shortage of medical care. I don’t know anything about the story or the people involved. But, I know that legitimate people turn to family and friends for help in a time of need, not to gofundme.
Original tweet...since corrected to "thrown off", but still no mention of the race of the (White) victim nor the (black) perp. If the roles were reversed, they sure would.

I would be highly skeptical of funding any campaign based on a MSM “news” story. If this is a real story, I have no doubt the child will receive any and all necessary medical care without lining his parents’ pockets. I’ve represented many uninsured people involved in serious accidents, and there is no shortage of medical care. I don’t know anything about the story or the people involved. But, I know that legitimate people turn to family and friends for help in a time of need, not to gofundme.

So the white child thrown off a mall balcony is, according to you, a "false flag?"
A requisite for an event to be a FF is for the Fake News (((media))) to collectively and ubiquitously push and repeat the same narrative for days or weeks on end with the end result being more "gun control", demonization of Whites, Christians, etc. It's pretty discernible when that happens. It didn't happen in this case. The (((media))) either completely ignored it (except for the local media in Minneapolis), made a quick mention of it (but didn't mention the race of the victim or perp) or try to obfuscate the event, like with the CBS (Fake) News tweet from above..."child who plunged".
Negro slaughters his own family, CNN reports it but doesn't show his photo

Anybody remember the epic 7 game World Series between the New York Mets and the Boston Red Sox in 1986? The Sox skipper was a red-nosed, Keebler-elf look-a-like named John McNamara. Back in the 1990's his daughter and her two sons were murdered by her husband, who appeared to have a distinctly black name. Thanks to the Net, several years after, I was able to confirm that McNamara's daughter was a shark, who was murdered (along with her 2 ******* sons) by a long-time troubled and volatile black husband. These are not good stories. Too bad the diminutive and fiery McNamara, who will soon turn 87, couldn't steer his daughter in a better direction.

Negro charged with kidnapping and murder of University of South Carolina student

Didn't expect it at the time, as I felt the surname Josephson was likely English, perhaps Swedish? Figured her darker/non-Nordic features might've came from an Italian, Greek or Portuguese mother? Turns out the Jersey Girl in South Carolina was Jewish. Our globalist Kosher friends bombard us with race-mixing propaganda 24/7, hoping to ensnare as many feeble-minded shiksa's (non Jewish white woman) for purposes of white-genocide.....Occasionally some Jewish women get taken out blindly buying into this nonsense propaganda -- jumping into the car of a unknown negro at 2:00 AM? Why, even if it's a real uber-driver? This is devastating for them, considering Yids only number around 13 million world wide.
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Didn't expect it at the time, as I felt the surname Josephson was likely English, perhaps Swedish? Figured her darker/non-Nordic features might've came from an Italian, Greek or Portuguese mother? Turns out the Jersey Girl in South Carolina was Jewish. Our globalist Kosher friends bombard us with race-mixing propaganda 24/7, hoping to ensnare as many feeble-minded shiksa's (non Jewish white woman) for purposes of white-genocide.....Occasionally some Jewish women get taken out blindly buying into this nonsense propaganda -- jumping into the car of a unknown negro at 2:00 AM? Why, even if it's a real uber-driver? This is devastating for them, considering Yids only number around 13 million world wide.
Like I've been saying, Jews won't be any safer than other white people when whites become a minority in Western countries. The Negro didn't see Samantha Josephson as a Jewish girl, he saw her as a white girl to rape and murder.

Hundreds attend funeral for Jewish student murdered after ride-share mistake
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