Crime Thread

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14-year old (black) QB beaten savagely by other dindus on his football team in Mobile, Alabama; four arrested, none charged so far.

Perfect recruiting video for Saban, once those dindus serve their time.
14-year old (black) QB beaten savagely by other dindus on his football team in Mobile, Alabama; four arrested, none charged so far.

Perfect recruiting video for Saban, once those dindus serve their time.

That's ****** up. That program deserves to forfeit all their games for upcoming season and all of those pieces of **** deserve jail time including the coach.
Didn't watch the video. Don't want to. I very, very rarely watch any footage of violent incidents.

It's a reality: Blacks are mostly savage. Not saying Whites cannot be. But the overwhelming majority of violent things such as this are almost always committed by Blacks yet the media is always in blackout mode when it's even them against their own, much less perpetrating violence against us. Think of all these types of things we NEVER know of...
Filthy animals. We make comments about Euros standing up to Muslims when dindus do whatever the Hell they want here..
The Judge and these animals should be hung in public. Our nation needs a total overthrow and justice needs to be served very cold.
Two Negroes sentenced to just probation for gang-rape of 13-year-old white girl

A family in Colorado is outraged after two men, who were accused of gang-raping a 13-year-old girl with their brothers and cousins, were only sentenced to probation.

Tyron Williams, Clarence Williams and Jacolby Williams, and left to right in bottom row, James Williams and Tommy Williams, plus a juvenile relative were all accused of gang-raping a 13-year-old girl in December 2016.

The victim's grandmother said at a sentencing in February that her granddaughter was passed around the group of men "like a hand on a clock" during the attack. She added in court Tuesday that the 13-year-old may never be able to have children.

The other four will appear in court at later dates.

This is what I was trying to link to. Animals that deserve public execution, immediately.
ZERO sympathy for mudsharks. What white woman in her right mind can possibly get involved with such filthy animals?

Damn straight!
Ireland, led by Irish feminists, vote overwhelmingly to legalize abortion (suicide themselves). So sad to see what's happened to the West, particularly the women. The (((media))) brainwashing is just too strong to overcome. The Apostate Pope Frances is silent...which speaks volumes.
You summed it up well with the opening sentence. Ireland is led by feminists, and it's truly sad. The Irish are my direct ancestors, and it's sickening to my very soul what happened to that country in my lifetime.

Our Justice System will just send him to his room and make a four or five course dinner for him later. Any injuries on his person, we the tax payer will pay for fine first world medical care, any chipped or broken teeth in the scuffle, we'll take care of it. But no basketball until next week. You're grounded from that because you misbehaved.....

This is our crap coddling tax payer-funded JewSA justice system. Somebody wanna try to convince me we don't need a TOTAL overthrow of the PTB in every regard???
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