Creepy mom?


Hall of Famer
Feb 6, 2005
Awhite woman gave birth to her sixteenth child. San Fran Cisco writer makes mince meat of the white family. Would a black family ever suffer this kind of abuse? /2005/10/19/notes101905.DTL

Who are you to say that the more than slightly creepy 39-year-old woman from Arkansas who just gave birth to her 16th child yes that's right 16 kids and try not to cringe in phantom vaginal pain when you say it, who are you to say Michelle Duggar is not more than a little unhinged and sad and lost? Edited by: Bart
That article was the most hateful and unprofessional article I have ever read. Ever!
I like to see White parents have a lot of kids-feed them well-see they get a good solid education-know there heritage-be fit. We need more well trained White youth to preserve the American nation. The birth rate is very low for White children-all over the world, in fact the only 3 groups of people who have more then 3 kids are the Amish, Mormons and Homeschooled Evangelical Christians.
I wonder if this lady was black would they write a negative story about her?
Young White people should get the best education they can, raise lots of well trained, well behaved kids and never join the military. White males get nothing from serving in some useless war to make America safe for Affirmative Action, Open Borders, Gay Rights and Multi-culturalism
My advice to young White people-know your hertiage-have lots of kids [more white babies really drives the government nuts], get an education and be physically fit.
If this is how people in San Francisco think, no wonder there is such a cultural divide in our country. What's the problem with this story? The family looks like they can afford a large family and all of the kids know who their father is. I am still trying to figure out the author point of the article.
Guys I have six boys and you couldn't imagine the guff I get at
work. Most of my contemperaries are white and yet they ascribe to
the twisted logic that we should reduce our families because of growing
third world population. What nonsense! So we are supposed
to reduce our numbers in that darker races may increase, yeah that
sounds like a good idea... Every one of those third world types
would have our heads on sticks or in stew pots when given the
Spooge I agree, a relative of mine has seven kids and everybody in the family justs shakes there heads about it like it is some kind of tradjedy. I have defended them saying it is their business how many kids they want and whats wrong with a lot of kids, peopple love children right? Not white people. Another reason we are going extinct! it is not enough to have less kids yourself you have to pressure others to do it too!
SteveB, it is exactly how many folks in San Fran think. In fact, they think that way about almost everyone that doesn't inhabit Frisco, Manhattan or Hollywood. The saddest part is envisioning the Gates' readers nodding in agreement as they read such a rancorous attack on what seems to be a nice family. They have such an elevated sense of themselves and are so smug in their certitude about how the world should be that what to us is viciousness is to them a sensible assessment of obviously pathological behavior. The divide is becoming an abyss.

The reference to the old trope about over-population blah, blah, blah...betrays a total lack of familiarity with the most recent studies concerning population growth. Of course, reality isn't generally the forte of such culturally enlightened types.
betrays a total lack of familiarity with the most recent studies concerning population growth

What do those studies say? I admit I am unfamiliar with them but am interested in the summary of the results.

And by the way, Surfsider, wtf is that guy doing in your avatar??
Shogun: Basically, America is not over-populated, esp by Whites, and the areas dominated by Whites are are some of the most underpopulated areas of the country.

While I have no problem with big families and think Whites not even making replacement numbers is a huge problem, I dunno. I like elbow room. I'd like the pop of American as lower or lower than it is now, without people in it who threaten to outnumber and overpower us because they can't figure out complex technology, like condoms.
Nelson Waller wroteabout this nice family in his Dixie Diary column for The Nationalist Times a few years ago. Here's a snippet:

A Christian Israel newsletter brings to our attention a remarkable young (37) AR state rep, Jim Bob Duggar (R-Springdale). He's got 13 children, an agenda that includes "gutting" the IRS, a good rating from the NRA, and is running for U.S. Senate. He's seeking to unseat incumbent Tim Hutchinson. Many pols tell us what we want to hear, Duggar clearly means it and lives it.

Go Duggar family go!!

While I believe that eventually the World Population may be cleansed by Natural Disaster soon (possibly brought on by the enviromentally desructive nature of 'bottom line' capitalism) I also believe that Whites need to reproduce to survive the coming Tidal Wave.

Also: the creepy ones are the homosexuals in SF, not Heterosexuals!

(It is very interesting to look at recent natural disasters. There was an overflowing of the Danube River in Europe and almost no Whites were killed. Contrast this to the deaths of non-Whites from the Indonesia Tsunami, Hurricane Katrina and Rita, the Earthquake in Pakistan, and also it looks like Hurricane Wilma is targeting browns in the mexican yucatan as I write this! It is almost as if Nature is attempting to Ethnically Cleanse the Planet. Perhaps Nature is a Nazi! Indeed watchdog groups of hypocritical and self-contradictory 'hate' haters have been worried that others have seen this trend as well: - ADL: 'Bigots' gloat over New Orleans
The lad in the avatar is Valery Brumel who held the world record in the high jump for the greater part of the '60's. In that picture he is demonstrating the white man's lack of hip flexibility by touching a basketball rim...with his foot! Can you say groin pull?

A good article for an overview of world demographics is by Phillip Longman in Foreign Affairs. ongman/the-global-baby-bust.html Edited by: surfsider
Within days of Katrina striking the shores of the southern coast of the United States, muslim pundits and U.S. haters the world over preached that Allah was raining down destruction upon the United States, the Great Satan, for her tyranny.

Couple weeks later, 45,000 are dead in Pakistan because of another natural disaster.

No one is saying sh*t about God hating the muslims, huh.

Maybe God and Allah are both real and there is War in Heaven, with these two striving for dominance and wreaking havoc with each other's underlings.

Or maybe its population overgrowth, architecture, preparedness, and type of disaster instead?
Where to start with this guy. First of all, he twice criticizes the kids' haircuts, repeatedly calls Christians homophobes, and then makes a disgusting comment about the mom's "frighteningly capacious vaginal dimensions." And he's a San Franciscan. He's gotta be gay. Really gay.

And how funny is it that he criticizes the so-called "asexual Christian right" at one point? Huh? Asexual? They have sixteen kids, dumb*ss. I guess by "sexual" he means the kind of sex that he and strangers have in bathhouses. Meaningless, promiscuous, disease-spreading sex that doesn't lead to any babies (and when it does lead to pregnancy the fetus is unceremoniously aborted, of course.)

He is clearly fixated on this family because they're white, at one point calling them "uber-white." It's just so perverse that he complains about these white people having so many children when our birth rates have collapsed all over the world. He can't differentiate between the dwindling white population and the exploding non-white population. His ideology won't allow him to. Because, according to him, we're all the same. (Except that whites are worse than everyone else.)

This is where the naivete about race rears its ugly head, threatening to destroy all of Western Civilization. It underlines the point that white people need to have a clear understanding that races are different (aka racialism,) and that it's okay for us to prefer our own.

The silver lining is that he's scared. That's a good thing. There's so much pessimism among conservatives and racialists- not that it's not justified, it certainly is for the most part. I want them to share that feeling with us. He's right that we can out-number them if we keep having kids- because obviously they don't want to. This is something that conservatives can do themselves. Having children doesn't require lobbying, voting, marching, debating, government spending, etc. We can't force the politicians to halt immigration. Or abortion. Or anything else. But we don't need them to have kids.

What's most hypocritical is that he claims that these people are sick, when just about every sentence in his article is oozing with weirdness and irrationality. Edited by: JD074
I sent the creep the following short but to-the-pointe-mail:

"Could you be any more of a hate-filled, anti-white bigot? God are you pathetic."

His email address is at the end of his hate screed.
Don, I think guys like this writer enjoy receiving those types of emails. It makes him think he is "right" and pissing off those whom he detests the most.