Cream in the White House Coffee?

white is right

Hall of Famer
Feb 16, 2006
Well from the looks of this story Obama's kids could be more white than black....
Here is the BBC story....

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Page last updated at 16:07 GMT, Thursday, 8 October 2009 17:07 UK
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US first lady 'slave roots' found
Michelle Obama
The White House has not yet commented on the research

Research into the family of US First Lady Michelle Obama has revealed that her great-great-great-grandmother was a slave given away at the age of six.

According to genealogist Megan Smolenyak, the girl was described in papers only as "negro girl Melvinia".

In her early teens, working as a slave on a farm in Georgia, she was made pregnant by an unknown white man.

The son she gave birth to around the year 1859, Dolphus, was Michelle's great-great grandfather.

Megan Smolenyak, whose discoveries have been detailed in the New York Times newspaper, said she was not surprised by what she discovered.

"But the fact that just 15 years after the death of Dolphus, one of his descendants was born who would end up in the White House, that is startling," she said.


The circumstances of Melvinia's first pregnancy are unclear, according to Ms Smolenyak. On the 1870 census, she is listed as having three mixed-race children, one born four years after emancipation.

When you research a family, some call more loudly than others - it's like they want to be found
Megan Smolenyak

"If you do African-American research that is not surprising at all - a lot of people don't appreciate how intermingled we are," Ms Smolenyak said.

According to her 1938 death certificate, the identity of Melvinia's parents was "unknown".

The White House has yet to comment on the research but Ms Smolenyak said she hoped the details of great-great grandparents Michelle Obama had perhaps not even heard of would "resonate".

She described how the slave girl and the son she bore seemed to want to be discovered.

"When you research a family, some call more loudly than others - it's like they want to be found. It was Melvinia and her son, Dolphus, that clearly wanted to be found," she said.


Hall of Famer
Jan 19, 2007
Well, they're not pure blood negros as they're Dad is mixed. They definitely have a mixed/mulatto appearance.


Hall of Famer
Oct 15, 2004
These types of ancestry claims are so much bullsh*t that the only way they can have any credence is because people are so stupid in dumbed down amerika.

"The team from said they lacked definitive proof, but that evidence 'strongly suggests' the tie, which two independent genealogists told the New York Times was 'sound'."

Sure it is. A fairly tale constructed out of whole cloth served up to a unquestioning and compliant media.

The "first slave" was nothing of the sort, just another black criminal that history reports was treated poorly. This story has only gained traction because it might suggest that Obama was actually descended from a slave. And the funniest thing about it all is that the slave connection would be on his mothers side.

Obama's whole life story is a disgusting series of race mixing on a level that is so egregious that only a fully brainwashed cultmarxist would look at it and not wretch. From the absurd tale of the coupling of a CIA sponsored african commie (already married --so a bigamist) and a young white slut that screwed any non-white man she could entice, to a series of undocumented stops around the globe, continuing in somehow getting an affirmative action education and then morphing into a genuine Chicago nigga, ending in a free pass to the white house and leader of this decaying corpse of a failed empire.

What a sick depraved story is the life of Obama. How could anyone cast a vote for someone who developed from such chaos and subterfuge? If humanity ever returns to the decency of the golden age of White civilization it will surely look back on this era of amerika as the darkest chapter of mankind's history.

white is right

Hall of Famer
Feb 16, 2006
These types of ancestry claims are so much bullsh*t that the only way they can have any credence is because people are so stupid in dumbed down amerika.

"The team from said they lacked definitive proof, but that evidence 'strongly suggests' the tie, which two independent genealogists told the New York Times was 'sound'."

Sure it is. A fairly tale constructed out of whole cloth served up to a unquestioning and compliant media.

The "first slave" was nothing of the sort, just another black criminal that history reports was treated poorly. This story has only gained traction because it might suggest that Obama was actually descended from a slave. And the funniest thing about it all is that the slave connection would be on his mothers side.

Obama's whole life story is a disgusting series of race mixing on a level that is so egregious that only a fully brainwashed cultmarxist would look at it and not wretch. From the absurd tale of the coupling of a CIA sponsored african commie (already married --so a bigamist) and a young white slut that screwed any non-white man she could entice, to a series of undocumented stops around the globe, continuing in somehow getting an affirmative action education and then morphing into a genuine Chicago nigga, ending in a free pass to the white house and leader of this decaying corpse of a failed empire.

What a sick depraved story is the life of Obama. How could anyone cast a vote for someone who developed from such chaos and subterfuge? If humanity ever returns to the decency of the golden age of White civilization it will surely look back on this era of amerika as the darkest chapter of mankind's history.
And in related news George Bush was discovered to be related to Pocahontas... :biggrin: I hope I can go back 20 generations and find that that I am related to Charlemagne or Arminius...:scared: News stories must be slow in the summer.....