Craig James fired by Fox Sports for saying homosexuality is a ‘choice’ to be judged by God


Hall of Famer
Oct 15, 2004
[h=1]Craig James fired by Fox Sports for saying homosexuality is a ‘choice’ to be judged by God [/h]

Craig James, a former NFL player who unsuccessfully ran last year for a Senate seat in Texas, said during a campaign debate that gays would “have to answer to the Lord for their actions,†the Daily Mail reported. He also said, to applause, that being gay “is a choice†and those who “choose to do that†face accountability from God.

Fired by the "conservative" network. Comments made while running for office disqualify you from being a sports broadcaster for a conservative media outlet.

Another Fox spokesman told the Dallas Morning News, “We just asked ourselves how Craig’s statements would play in our human resources department. He couldn’t say those things here.â€

Free speech, it was good while it lasted? What gets me most about this is that all he said is that according to HIS God, it was a sin that they would be judged upon. Most pro-*** people don't even believe in God so what do they care if he makes comments about an imaginary deity?


Hall of Famer
Oct 30, 2004
United States
Craig James fired by Fox Sports for saying homosexuality is a ‘choice’ to be judged by God

Craig James, a former NFL player who unsuccessfully ran last year for a Senate seat in Texas, said during a campaign debate that gays would “have to answer to the Lord for their actions,” the Daily Mail reported. He also said, to applause, that being gay “is a choice” and those who “choose to do that” face accountability from God.

Fired by the "conservative" network. Comments made while running for office disqualify you from being a sports broadcaster for a conservative media outlet.

Another Fox spokesman told the Dallas Morning News, “We just asked ourselves how Craig’s statements would play in our human resources department. He couldn’t say those things here.”

Free speech, it was good while it lasted? What gets me most about this is that all he said is that according to HIS God, it was a sin that they would be judged upon. Most pro-*** people don't even believe in God so what do they care if he makes comments about an imaginary deity?

This is where we have come to in this pseudo free-speech, post-Christian, Zio-fascist, cultural-Marxist, demon-possessed illogical hate-controlled media-driven society formerly known as the United States. The double standard of these destructive, hate-filled, pieces of godless trash and despisers of all that is true and good is beyond any comprehension. And some poor souls actually STILL believe that Faux News is any different. What a pathetic joke! It will always be a joke because the Jew Murdoch is still part of The Tribe that controls the rest of our media long since past any hope of return to civility or even a shred of trustworthiness.

ALL journalists under these Kosher-controlled pigs will never say anything, write anything, and better not even think anything other than that which flows strong and forcefully from the Satanic cesspool from all the tentacles and and right down to capillaries of the Beast that is Babylon the Great, Mother of Harlots, and can be nothing less in order to stay "true" to it's very nature of diabolical evil. The Empire and the overarching "Thought-Police State" is here whether anyone likes it or not.

And furthermore, if you disagree with their evil empire and agenda even in your thoughts and beliefs, know for certain that they want you to end up like Craig James with your career being likely over, or worse.

I am looking forward to my front row seat on That DAY of the LORD to watch when this whole brood of vipers is cast one by one into the Lake of Fire. I will rejoice in it.
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Aug 15, 2013
I'm no fan of Craig James, but I find it interesting how the gay community preaches "tolerance", yet, is the least tolerant community in the world.

Wes Woodhead

Oct 23, 2011
I'm no fan of Craig James, but I find it interesting how the gay community preaches "tolerance", yet, is the least tolerant community in the world.

Thats the way everything has been since the civil wrongs movement. They preach equality, tolerance, fairness, freedom, and justice. Meanwhile none of these things apply to the white man.

Equality=black quarterbacks that force the hiring of unqualified non whites.

Freedom=Eliminate the White males freedom of association.

Tolerance=White males must tolerate the stink of the politically correct diarrhea.


Nov 24, 2012
So much for Fox being a bastion of conservative values, even if it's just a sports branch.

The right is just the cheap labor party anyway. They'll stand in line with the 'tolerance' movement against Whites like they do anti-White flooding of illegals for jobs.


Nov 7, 2004
The WashTimes had a misleading headline.

James wasn't at any of the national Fox Sports networks. He was at Fox Sports Southwest. Whatever Jews FSSW may take orders from are probably right there in the Metroplex, living alongside the holy rollers.

A more accurate headline is at . has a list of the regional Fox Sports Networks. is a thread on James at, which I often visit and sometimes post on (using my CF handle). In post #10 of that thread, "SamuraiScot" said

(F)olks in the news business are pretty much the same kind of folks wherever you go. At MSNBC, you can be sure they're not nearly as Lefty as the talking heads on the network—otherwise nothing would get done. At FOX, the grunts are not as conservative as the talking heads—some of whom are themselves more conservative in private than they appear in public.

But there are certain corporate functions that are guaranteed to attract poofs, which tend to push corporations toward a more panty-waist public stance. Those functions include HR and PR in a big way. Ordinary employees don't want to offend these people, because they work with them, and ordinary managers don't either, because both HR and PR are black boxes to them.

And it's really the poof sensibility itself, not socialism. Not all corporate poofs are liberals.

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Mar 2, 2008
Westwood, California
If gays want to go and be gay and say it's not a choice but they were born that way, then whatever, I don't give a flying f*ck what they do with their private lives as long as they don't go spreading disease.

What definitely IS under gays' control is deciding whether or not to act like an obnoxious, effeminate, whining, b!tchy little queen ****** who annoys the hell out of other people with their pervasive queerness.

I don't think most people object to gays in general, it's the gays' attitude and whole MO of throwing their filthy, degenerate lifestyle in your face and making you congratulate them for being perverts that gets on people's nerves.

Just because a man is gay, then whatever man, go and be a ***.

What people object to is when **** go on an attention whore spree because they just can't get over themselves.