Court overturns DC handgun ban


Hall of Famer
Oct 15, 2004
This news stunned me. I have become so used to bad decisions by the courts that I never saw this one coming. Geez it's a good decision for gun rights. Even the one dissenting judge only used the "DC not a state" rationale. Check out the judge talking about private ownership of guns tied to the "right to bear arms" something that the courts have tried to deny for years. I would expect the Supreme Court to overturn it but I don't see how. Most of the members are strict interpertation types and this decision is too clear on the facts for them to be able to side step it. I expect the court to not want to hear an appeal which would let this decision stand but not allow the concept to be applied anywhere else.

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - A U.S. appeals court on Friday struck down a 30-year-old Washington, D.C., law that bans handguns in homes, a precedent-setting ruling that dealt a setback to a city with one of America's highest crime rates.

By a 2-1 vote, the appeals court broadly interpreted an individual's constitutional right under the Second Amendment to bear arms, and concluded the law violated those rights.

"Once we have determined -- as we have done -- that handguns are 'arms' referred to in the Second Amendment, it is not open to the District to ban them," Judge Laurence Silberman wrote for the majority of a three-judge appeals court panel.

The Second Amendment says, "A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed."

City lawyers argued the amendment guarantees the right to bear arms only for members of a militia, like today's National Guard, and not for individuals.

Silberman embraced the position that the Bush administration has advocated -- that the Second Amendment protects an individual's right to keep and bear arms.

District of Columbia Mayor Adrian Fenty said the ruling only addressed handgun possession in the home, not whether the city can regulate handguns elsewhere.

He said the ruling also turned aside long-standing precedent and marked the first time in U.S. history that a federal appeals court has struck down a gun law on Second Amendment grounds.

"I am personally deeply disappointed and quite frankly outraged by today's decision. Today's decision flies in the face of laws that have helped decrease gun violence in the District of Columbia," he said during a televised news conference.

Fenty vowed to get the decision overturned, saying the city would likely ask all members of appeals court to review the case. In the meantime, he said the city will vigorously enforce its handgun law.

Sen. Frank Lautenberg (news, bio, voting record), a Democrat from New Jersey, criticized the ruling.

"On the same day a new report demonstrated a sharp rise in violent crime, a federal court handed down a decision that could pour even more guns onto the streets of our nation's capital. This decision is a major setback in the effort to make communities safer," he said.

The appeals court also struck down another provision that bans the moving of a handgun from room to room in one's own house. "Just as the District may not flatly ban the keeping of a handgun in the home, obviously it may not prevent it from being moved throughout one's house," Silberman wrote.

It also declared unconstitutional a third provision that all lawfully owned firearms be kept unloaded, disassembled or bound by a trigger lock.

Six residents had brought the challenge to the city's laws.

The National Rifle Association, which opposes gun control laws, hailed the decision. "Today's ruling should have a positive impact on the current D.C. gun ban the National Rifle Association is fighting to overcome," it said in a statement.

Judge Karen LeCraft Henderson dissented, saying the Second Amendment did not apply to the District of Columbia because it is not a state.


Aug 8, 2006
This is insane! Wonderfully insane! Sometimes the world takes a turn for the better and I am simply stunned.

jaxvid said:
Judge Karen LeCraft Henderson dissented, saying the Second Amendment did not apply to the District of Columbia because it is not a state.

So, the First Amendment doesn't apply either I am sure? How about the right of women to vote? I forget which that was? the 19th? freakin' moron.

Now, this is for all you Bush haters. I am willing to predict the judges on this were Repub appointees. So, while there are many, MANY things that tick me off about W and his GOP, the facts remain, the appointing of judges is the single most important role of a president. You elect Dems and you get crazy lefties. You elect a Repub and sometimes you get some quality people.Edited by: cslewis1


Hall of Famer
Oct 15, 2004
cslewis1 said:
This is insane! Wonderfully insane! Sometimes the world takes a turn for the better and I am simply stunned.

jaxvid said:
Judge Karen LeCraft Henderson dissented, saying the Second Amendment did not apply to the District of Columbia because it is not a state.

So, the First Amendment doesn't apply either I am sure? How about the right of women to vote? I forget which that was? the 19th? freakin' moron.

Now, this is for all you Bush haters. I am willing to predict the judges on this were Repub appointees. So, while there are many, MANY things that tick me off about W and his GOP, the facts remain, the appointing of judges is the single most important role of a president. You elect Dems and you get crazy lefties. You elect a Repub and sometimes you get some quality people.

Yes you are right about that. Although we frequently get lemons like Sandra Day O'Conner and Souter, Republican court appointees are MUCH better then Democratic appointees. Since all important issues end up in the courts because the other two branches have abdicated their responsibility to govern, the court may be the most powerful branch in the nation. It is the only thing that makes Republicans the lesser of two evils and only for the President in this case.

This case is especially interesting in that a judge of a major federal court specifically said that the 2nd amendment was meant by the framers to confer a private individual right to own firearms. Only in the bizzarro world in which we live can anyone realistically think that it means otherwise. Every signer of the Bill of Rights wrote that it did but despite the clear evidence of that modern day liberals continue to insist that the 2nd amendment only allows that the National Gaurd has a right to carry guns.

I can not see how a Court with 5 men that interpert the the Constitution literally could rule otherwise. Furthermore I have just read that since this decision clashes with other Federal Appeals decisions then it is likely the Supreme Court will have to decide the issue.

Interestingly I think this is a good time for it to hit the Court. Nearly all states have recently enacted right-to-carry laws which have been very popular (and a good source of revenue for some states) and since concealed carry permit owners are almost never involved in negligent acts there has been created an aura that this type of heavily restricted gun ownership is OK.

Years ago I would dread this going to the Supreme Court but not so much now.

And how about that provision in the law where you needed a licence to carry a weapon from one room to the other in your own house. Scary and ridiculous.


May 13, 2006
This landmark decision is getting next to no MSM exposure. I will be packing regardless.


Apr 16, 2005
If I am not mistaken, the city of New Orleans recently lost their court battle over gun confiscation during Katrina. These victory's would not be possible without the NRA. That is a lesson that should be learned from more Americans (organization and funding = victory ) The NRA is the only organization left that refuses to compromise and submit to the NWO types. My guess is that once the financial collapse begins the republicans will get cleaned up in the elections and the Dems will run the show. Once we get there the NWO will initiate their full court press on 2nd ammendment rights.

White Shogun

Hall of Famer
Mar 2, 2005
Lifetime member of the NRA. Support your right to keep and bear arms. It's the most important right we have.


Hall of Famer
Jan 7, 2006
Awesome news and hopefully it won't be below the mainstream new's media radar for long. The ramifications of this will affect gun-ban laws across the country.


May 13, 2006
Nbc did a story on it this morning, the radio guys were all over ityesterday. It will be several more years before we know what effect Bush's appointees have on the country.


Hall of Famer
Jan 19, 2007
I was very excited about this news! We need many more courts overturning & rejecting any undermining of the 2nd Amendment. Also, we need more courts to throw out the many bogus lawsuits filed against firearms manufacturer. All of us need to be very proactive in demanding our Congressmen & Senators (on the state & federal levels) protect our 2nd Amendment rights!

***Join the NRA &/or GOA today!


Aug 8, 2006
jaxvid said:
Although we frequently get lemons like Sandra Day O'Conner and Souter, Republican court appointees are MUCH better then Democratic appointees. Since all important issues end up in the courts because the other two branches have abdicated their responsibility to govern, the court may be the most powerful branch in the nation. It is the only thing that makes Republicans the lesser of two evils and only for the President in this case.

COuodn't agree more, Jaxvid. But whereas we KNOW the Dems will appoint loons, at least teh Repubs we expect them to appoint common sense folk. When a Souter slips by it's the exception and one that is very painful to swallow.

Be very interesting to see how Sam Alito and Roberts go on gun rights. I believe Alito is solid, little concerned with Roberts, but he has seemed quite good thus far. So, this could be a great time to bring it before the SC.

Remember it was John Ashcroft's Justice Department who made the determination that the 2nd does support an individual right to own. If Al Gore had won, that would have been a moot point. And, worst of all, we'd have two more libs on teh SC right now.

Elections DO matter.


Aug 8, 2006
White Shogun said:
Lifetime member of the NRA. Support your right to keep and bear arms. It's the most important right we have.

Lifetime member myself. Remember Gents you can become a lifetime member by having an automatic payment of $25 come out of your checking acct every quarter, for like 7 years. Then you're paid up. I couldn't afford it otherwise.

I'll never forget when Wayne LaPierre took said Clinton accepts a certain level of violence in order to push his gun control agenda. The media went off on him and I was worried he'd back down. But he didn't. He fought back...and he won. The NRA is much stronger now in every aspect because LaPierre had the guts to fight. Every single area of the media had him in their sights and yet, he stood firm. Now there is NOONE pushing for more gun bans, at least not openly, yet, only 6 years ago, Gore wanted to licenses ALL handguns!

Wayne Lapierre is an American hero in my mind.

The Republicans can learn a lot from him. Not holding my breath though.