Corey Dillon


Dec 17, 2004
Didn't he hit a cop? Drugs? Yet the Patriots saw so much
"character"in him. Yeah, that's what it was. However, he has become
the best all around back in the league.
Was arrested at age 15 for selling crack cocaine to undercover police and was sentenced to community service, 10 days in a youth center and probation
From 1987-92 he was charged with seven offenses in juvenile court and convicted of five, including obstructing a police officer, assault and theft.

Since he has been in the nfl in 1998 was arrested for DUI, negligent driving and driving with a suspended license (all charges were later dropped) and in 2000 he puched his wife in the mouth fourth-degree assault he agreed to donate $750 to a domestic violence center and to attend domestic violence treatment classes in order to have the charges against him dropped.
Sounds like a real role model!How many times has Peyton Manning been arrested?We need more postive white role models.
Corey Dillon is a thug. Period. I also don't believe he is the best
all-around RB in football, by any means. He's playing behind a great
offensive line, on a great team. Remember, the Patriots won two Super
Bowls with Antwain Smith and Kevin Faulk running the ball. In the "Pros
And Cons: The Criminals Who Play In The NFL" book by Jeff Benedict,
Dillon's criminal past is only gone over in a partial way, because the
author explains that much of it can't be revealed publicly due to the
fact he was a juvenile. It is distressing to see an otherwise pretty
decent organization like the Patriots go after an undesirable element
like Dillon, and lie about what a good "character" he has.
For those of you who are new and may have missed it here is an excerpt from JB Cash column 11/29/04 which explained how teams can tell if a prospect will make a good pro by using thier criminal history.

"Thus teams can use criminal history as a gauge of the type of player they are choosing to hire and act accordingly. Here is a guide to determining the value of an athlete by his criminal history. It is presented as an aid to General Managers and scouts to help them evaluate prospective black athletic talent.

OK prospect
Crimes against property: theft, vandalism, shoplifting, etc.
These are good convictions to have if you are a prospective college recruit. It shows at a young age you have little respect for other people's property and are willing to break the law and challenge "the man". It is essential for building a "curriculum vitae" for future professional athletic success.

GOOD prospect
Crimes of a sexual nature, rape and sexual assault.
Nothing says you are a man in the urban environment like mistreating women. Black athletes have a long history of abusing their female companions. An athlete that treats women badly is in good company. A significant number of NBA players have a conviction of some sort involving women so one of the keys to being an NBA player is to have a crime of this type on your resume. The best player in the NBA, Kobe Bryant is famous for this, as is Jason Kidd, among many others. Jim Brown, often referred to as "the greatest running back ever" and who is also a spokesman for the black community, is an abuser of women and collects arrests for the crime like some people rack up parking tickets.

Calvin Murphy, a former great with the Houston Rockets, is accused of sexually abusing many of the daughters that he fathered with various women. Having children with multiple females is also desireable as it shows a callous disregard for your own flesh and blood, which is a positive trait if you are a GM looking for a real "cold-blooded" competitor.

BETTER prospect
Drug use or substance abuse.
Only a real stud can abuse his own body with illegal drugs and still play at a high level. Also, someone willing to poison their own body with deadly chemicals probably has even less regard for someone else's body. Plus, many drugs give an advantage to an athlete by altering his mental state and making him a real animal.

Lawrence Taylor is the epitome of this type of player. He is a Hall of Fame player noted for his violent aggressive play, which he has admitted was fueled his whole career by "crack cocaine" use. Cocaine is the perfect performance enhancing drug as it is usually mixed with amphetamine's such as crystal meth and creates a mindless violent high along with the pain numbing qualities of cocaine. The list of cocaine abusers is too long to list of course but Taylor estimated over half the players in the NFL partook so one can imagine how important a drug it is to the NFL (and success in the NFL). Rickey Williams is an avid user of marijuana and also the best running back (not) in the NFL. There are many others just like him.

Crimes of violence against people â€â€￾ assault, murder.
This is the best type of crime for a black athlete to commit. It shows that he is basically a pathological monster and the only places in our society for those types of people are prison, city streets, and the NFL. Unfortunately many of these five-star type of prospects are caught and end up in prison. However, lucky for us sports fans, the criminal justice system is so incredibly inept and corrupt that many find themselves back out in society in short time or even get off free. While this is an unfortunate situation for white people and society as a whole it is great for fantasy football fans so it all balances out. The O.J. Simpson case is the best example but the Ray Lewis situation is another good one.

As long as sports fans continue to worship people that should be behind bars then the quality of athletes will continue to degenerate as teams fill their rosters with desperate psychopaths that will do anything to win one for the home team. Thuggish behavior is to be expected when only thugs are hired to play. Until the white fan base insists in ending the racial caste system and allowing white players to be fairly allowed to compete for positions and playing time, the only pool of players drawn from will continue to be the crime ridden ghettos of America. The ethics and culture of that group will continue to be the face of pro sports and in many ways the face of America. The incident at the Palace is just a small indication of what can be expected in the future unless the caste system is ended.
Great post, jaxvid. I recall the article, and it echoes my thoughts
exactly. I play in a couple of tantasy football leagues, and have been
doing so for a long time. The other guys in both leagues think I'm
crazy, because I won't take a Randy Moss or a Corey Dillon on my team
even if they are given to me. Even in something like fantasy football,
I can't find any fun in rooting for the likes of these guys, or even
apparent non-criminal idiots like Terrell Owens. I'd rather lose with
my bunch of non-criminals (at least that I know of; it is getting
harder every year to fill out a fantasy roster without some undesirable
elements). Most fans are front-runners, and if a player helps "their"
team win, then they simply don't care what he does off the field. This
is the same kind of logic that caused fans of the apparently about to
be defunct NHL to boo every other team's "goons," while cheering their
own team's "enforcers."
I remember that article. I think they go by
other factors too. Low grades are a must if you want to succeed
in pro sports. Another plus is if you cannot speak English.
People with good grammar just can't cut it in sports.

The old motto "give 110%" does not work
anymore. Today players need mottos like "an indictment is not a
conviction." That is Ray Lewis' motto.

Edited by: IceSpeed
Yeah, what a character guy. He has stopped commiting crimes now that
society has enabled him to make millions toting a ball around the field
while well-educated "journalists" kiss his butt and constantly gratify
his ego. Dillon is not only a thug who would probably be on death row
by now if not for the twisted sense of values in Don King's America, he
is also a fraud as a running back. He looks much better now, running
behind that great Patriot line. However, during his years with the
Bengals, he would put up gaudy stats simply because he bitched and
moaned and intimidated his wimpy white coach into giving him his 20-25
carries, even when the Bengals were way behind (which they almost
always were), thus enabling him to run through huge holes in the soft,
prevent defenses that teams with big leads invariably employ. Once
Marvin Lewis arrived on the scene, he wasn't about to be intimidated by
Dillon's selfishness, and thus Rudi Johnson emerged as the go- to
running back.

I'm actually amazed that the Patriots-an otherwise comparatively decent
organization-went after a sullen, selfish crimnal like Dillon. He has
behaved himself because the team won almost all their games, allowed
him to run the ball a lot, had great blocking so he put up good numbers
and now are in the Super Bowl. It would be hard for any player not to
behave in that situation.
I remember watching Corey Dillon being interviewed after the final regular season game of '03. The Bengals went into the game 8-7 and had a chance to make the playoffs for the first time in many years if things broke right. They lost, sealing their own fate. Immediately after the game, all Dillon could talk about was himself, his dissatisfaction with the organization, the city, etc., how he had played his last game as a Bengal, etc. Then he threw part of his uniform into the stands. There wasn't the least bit of interest in what had happened to the team that day. That was the most selfish interview I've ever seen, and that's saying a lot considering how many totally absorbed me-first athletes there are in football and basketball.
I don't see anything special in his running ability. He appears slow to me. RudiJohnson pretty much provedto be a better back and he is nothing special.Right nowdillionis just benefitting from a good team and offensive line. The hype over him will be at its peak Sunday.
In Pittsburgh recently,"The Pittsburgh Tribune Review" carried a full sized picture on the sports page of Dillon,and talked about how he was a changed man,so I guess all of those prior arrests can be forgiven!
After a couple of fluke games throughout his career, New England Patriots running back Corey Dillon was brought back to reality today with 19 rushes for 48 yards.
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