confused white people

Jimmy Chitwood

Hall of Famer
Aug 10, 2005
i've only been in love one time. and when i started dating that girl, she liked to punch me in the arm when she got mad, or frustrated, or whatever. i got tired of this VERY quickly.

i told her "no more hitting, oryou won't like what happens." of course, she didn't listen. so the next time she got madand punched me in the arm, i punched her back. she got madder and hit me again. i smiled, and hit her in the arm again.


i then said, "we can continue this, but i don't think you'll like what will happen. do you?now why don't we talk about what's bothering you?"

she never, i repeat never lashed out physically in anger again. and from that point on, her respect and devotion towards me only grew.

edited to add: i'm not endorsing abuse of women in any way, i assure you, but you need to be strong to be the leader in a relationship. i think women respond favorably to that once you have established the ground rules and abide by them.Edited by: Jimmy Chitwood


Hall of Famer
Jan 9, 2005
The Deep South
I'll keep all this stuff in mind, as I am trying to start a new relationship. Jaxvid will be happy to know that my last one didn't work out.
I'm talking to a nice blond Yankee Irish girl now.
May 8, 2006
New Jersey
Oh goody, we're on the topic of "ballsy out of line women and relationships". I arrived just in With all the crap and b.s. that I've been through, please let me have the honor of putting on a clinic of everyone. So get a pen people, and takes notes.

My first incident occurred when I was about 17. I had just gotten my license and was seeing a few different girls, and life was good. Now, notice that I used the word "seeing" to describe my relationships with my female counterparts. That, to any normal person, would imply that I am NOT committed to any one of them and I am free to continue to see other people. Well gentlemen, one particular bi..., I mean, young lady, did not see it this way. The second she got wind of me talking to another girl, I ended up with some lovely key scratches (think Carrie Underwood's new song) in my MOM's car! The bitch had the balls to do it to my mother's property! Similar scratches were attempted to be made on MY FACE by this girl with her fingernails, but she was unsuccessful. Final Result: Restraining order filed.

My next incident happened at the age of 20. You guys are going ot love this one. My friends and I used to refer to this girl as "I dare ya", and in a second you'll understand why. This girl was a stark-raving bitch to begin with, so it was my own fault for even dating her. But, she was hot, so I took it on the chin like a man...literally. You see gentleman, she had these "mood swings"(or "bitch fits" , as my pals and I used to call them), which caused her to become quite hostile when she didn't get what she wanted. These mood swings would commonly aggrivate the crap out of me to the point of yelling at her, telling her to knock it off. This, would in turn, cause her to assault me physically, to which she would then "dare me" to hit her back, and then threaten to call the cops on me. Hence, she earned the nickname "I dare ya". She didn't last long. Final result: Restraining order filed.

Unfortunately, both of these morons were White, leading me to believe that it is predominantly White females who feel the need to prove something, and act overly aggressive with White men. I've dated hispanic girls in the past, and despite their passionate culture, they were actually quite good to me. I can't remember one incident with a hispanic girl even remotely close to ones like these. In fact, it almost seemed as if the hispanic girls I dated were almost conditioned to act like a "lady". They cooked for me, they did my laundry once in a while, and sexually I have no complaints with them what-so-ever
. I mean, we had arguments every now and then, but that was it. It never escalated any further than that or ever got physically violent. So, I can kind of understand people's feelings and why some of us are so fed up with hyper-feminist White women. I mean, lets face it guys, none of us want to hear any of that "I am woman hear me roar" crap that these hairy-legged she-men are spouting out.

Botton line: I want a "woman", who looks, acts and behaves like one.

By the way, I have a few more of these stories, so if anyone's interested, feel free to ask. I'd be glad to share them with you all.

Edited by: Ground Fighter


Aug 10, 2005
Bottom line is, if we want our race to survive, white men have to have white children with white women. If all we produce are a bunch of little mongrels it's no good.
May 8, 2006
New Jersey
KG2422 said:
Bottom line is, if we want our race to survive, white men have to have white children with white women. If all we produce are a bunch of little mongrels it's no good.

You're absolutely right, KG2422. I hope I didn't make it sound like it was acceptable to interbreed with other races (although I dated some hispanic girls when I was younger). I just wanted to explain how easy it is for White men to become fed up with the typical hyper-feminist and very aggressive White females that are out there. Honestly, there's nothing I can't stand more than a woman who feels she has to prove something (sometimes physically) against a man.


Aug 10, 2005
Ground Fighter said:
KG2422 said:
Bottom line is, if we want our race to survive, white men have to have white children with white women. If all we produce are a bunch of little mongrels it's no good.

You're absolutely right, KG2422. I hope I didn't make it sound like it was acceptable to interbreed with other races (although I dated some hispanic girls when I was younger). I just wanted to explain how easy it is for White men to become fed up with the typical hyper-feminist and very aggressive White females that are out there. Honestly, there's nothing I can't stand more than a woman who feels she has to prove something (sometimes physically) against a man.

We're on the same page then. I don't like that crap either. Funny story, my pops danced with this chick at a bar one night. He didn't know that she had a girlfriend. So this butch girlfiend tried to get tough with him so he knocked her ass out.
That was back in the 80's. That would probably be a hate crime now.

But seriously, I saw some garbage about lesbian gangs on the Oreilly Factor. They've been ganging up on wimpy men. One of the gangs even carries pink pistols. We've officially entered the twilight zone.
May 8, 2006
New Jersey
KG2422 said:
We're on the same page then. I don't like that crap either. Funny story, my pops danced with this chick at a bar one night. He didn't know that she had a girlfriend. So this butch girlfiend tried to get tough with him so he knocked her ass out.
That was back in the 80's. That would probably be a hate crime now.

But seriously, I saw some garbage about lesbian gangs on the Oreilly Factor. They've been ganging up on wimpy men. One of the gangs even carries pink pistols. We've officially entered the twilight zone.

LOL...You're pops is the man. Kudos to him for handling business against some bulldyke who got mouthy with him. I'd have done the same thing. If you're going to act like a man, then you have to be willing to get treated like one. If a "lesbian gang" ever approached me and threatened to attack me, I'd probably laugh my ass of hysterically first, and then proceed to start breaking necks and paralyzing people. Idiots like this are why I lift weights, wrestle, and train in BJJ. At 5' 9" and 200 lbs. solid, I laugh at situations like this.

On a lighter note, I just got back from a men's league game (ice hockey of course) a few hours ago. I scored four goals, and we got pretty drunk at Hooters afterwards while celebrating our 7 - 1 victory. Not only that, I walked out of there with this chick's phone number. It was a damn good night for how we roll in the "Dirty Jerzey" (NJ)
. Edited by: Ground Fighter


Hall of Famer
Jan 19, 2007
Funny story indeed. There was a time (when I was younger) that I'd have done the same thing. However, I'm older now (with a family), so I can't afford to be arrested and sued unless it's life-threatening or close to it**. Being a big 6'8 310-320lb country boy, I'd be villianized if I ever struck a female. The only time I'd hit a woman, is if she tried to seriously hurt my kids or Mom ( wife can handle herself pretty well having taken Krav Maga before).

** = A dude is a different story. If a fella gets in my face, physical or threatens me/my's open season on his @$$ and somebody better call LifeFlight!
Edited by: DixieDestroyer


Aug 8, 2006
Don Wassall said:
I saw some commercial today where it twice very briefly showed a white couple and their Asian baby. 

I think black-white miscegenation has leveled off and may even be declining according to a MSM story I read about a month ago.  The percentage of white females who will "go black" just isn't going to rise much more imo.  I don't see any more of it now than I did over 20 years ago.  .

I think you're right Dan. The nubmers of white girls who like the "exotic" idea of having sex with Black guys just to piss their dads off has fallen, I am sure. It's simply not as a renegade thing as it was even ten years ago.

personally, however, I could care less if two people of different races fall in love and marry and have kids. If you truly love someone, race is irrelevant in my opionion. I just don't think there'll ever be that many people who fall in love with other race people. I know it seems the white guys and Asian chicks are hooking up, but not in any significant numbers. Probably the same ratio as white girls with black guys.
What I can't stand is whites who then proceed to take on the culture of the other race. That's what pisses me off.

We're starting to see a bit of an emerging class of rich white kids in my area trying so hard to fit in with the "latino's" and basically throwing their own kind under the bus. That's what aggravates me.

It's shameful the lack of education that exists about the great things our people have accomplished. All we hear is how bad we are. And the rich kids fall for it, hook, line and sinker. That's annoys me.