confused white people

Jimmy Chitwood

Hall of Famer
Aug 10, 2005
with all the kids here in the USA who need parents (i know there are white kids in orphanages), why do all these white people keep going to Africa to adopt little black kids?

Madonna did it. so did Angelina Jolie. now with much less fanfare, arguably the top Arena League quarterback John Dutton has done the same thing. he's brought a black kid into his white home. why?

A Very Special Father's Day

<TABLE cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=2 width=195 align=right>
<TD =photocopy>
<TD =photocopy> Courtesy: Arena Football League
By Nathan Boudreaux -- Colorado Crush quarterback John Dutton is not your average football player. <?:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:eek:ffice:eek:ffice" />

On the field, he's been one of the Arena Football League's top passers for the last five seasons for the Crush and is the only signal-caller in the 21-year history of the League to start and win an ArenaBowl championship for two different clubs. But, away from the gridiron, the 31-year old is a true family man in every sense of the word.

Dutton and his wife Terina have two young boys - Zachary and Drew - and just returned from Africa this week where they adopted their third son, Miki, a 10-year old Ethiopian child who had been living in an orphanage outside the country's capital city of <?:namespace prefix = st1 ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:eek:ffice:smarttags" /><st1:City w:st="on"><st1:place w:st="on">Addis Ababa</st1:place></st1:City>.

(story continued here: [url];ATCLID=92 5528&amp;DB_OEM_ID=3500[/url])

why do these people keep going halfway around the world to "help" children. if they are so kind-hearted, why don't they help the kids here in the USA?

for example, Dutton, who plays for the Colorado Crush, surely knows about the untimely death due to brain cancer of Utah Blaze wide receiver/defensive back Justin Skaggs.
[url];ATCLID=92 5207&amp;DB_OEM_ID=3500&amp;KEY=&amp;DB_OEM_ID=3500&amp;DB_L ANG=&amp;IN_SUBSCRIBER_CONTENT [/url]
ifDutton has so much love in his heart, enough money to do all this mission work in Africa, the desireto help children, why would he choose togo to Africa and bring home a localinstead of helping Skaggs' two young children (5 and 3)? it would certainly make more sense to me. the culture clash would only be one reason to point out.

almost as important, and certainly more logical, Skaggs' held a much closer relationship as a fellow Arena League athlete to Dutton than some kid in a nameless village in the butthole of the world. plus, Skagg's kids are white Americans who are suddenly without a father. why not help their suddenly single mom out if you've got the desire to show God's love.

i see this all the time with many Christians (of whom i am one), as they try to spread the word of God. they specifically target blacks in American ghettoes, and "the poor souls" in Africa. why don't they try to help out their fellow white people first rather than pointedly going after the "downtrodden" minorities?when all the white people have things taken care of, THEN if you still feel the need you can go help out the blacks who are so important.

i mean seriously, i've seen the countless hordes of blacks lining up to help white people when emergencies happen or devastation is wrought in a community. i guess it's only fair to pay them back. no wait. i've NEVER seen that. not once.

this behavior completely confuses me. and i'd like some help to understand what the hell is wrong with white people in this country.


Apr 6, 2007
Jimmy Chitwood said:
... this behavior completely confuses me. and i'd like some help to understand what the hell is wrong with white people in this country

Misplaced altruism would be my answer.


Hall of Famer
Jan 19, 2007
Great points Jimmy. I think this is a combination of "white guilt" meeting political correctness. It's mostly the bleeding-heart liberals that fall prey to this "condition", but there are some good Christians who mean well (and also fall into this catagory). It's just like all the emphasis on overseas missionary work in churches. I fully belief in the Great Commission, BUT I think more focus should be placed on America's poor regions (like Appalachia, the Ozarks, etc.) long before we fund missionary work in "turd world" countries in Africa & Central America. My prior church had gone so far as to put up flags from all their targeted & "reached" countries in the sanctuary (one of the many reasons I left). I'm a hardcore American nationalist, so I always think America first...2nd & 3rd!

Edited by: DixieDestroyer

White Shogun

Hall of Famer
Mar 2, 2005
Wouldn't it be the more honorable and Christian thing to do to try and teach them to raise the level of civilization for everyone in their own societies, instead of cherry-picking a few kids out of it? Like that old 'give a man a fish, feed him for a day, teach him to fish...' adage?


Oct 20, 2006
"with all the kids here in the USA who need parents (i know there are white
kids in orphanages), why do all these white people keep going to Africa to
adopt little black kids?"

They saw it on TV. TV is a brainwashing tool, primarily used by advertisers
and leftists.

Don Wassall

Staff member
Sep 30, 2004
I saw some commercial today where it twice very briefly showed a white couple and their Asian baby.

I think black-white miscegenation has leveled off and may even be declining according to a MSM story I read about a month ago. The percentage of white females who will "go black" just isn't going to rise much more imo. I don't see any more of it now than I did over 20 years ago. A certain percentage of young white girls will experiment but most eventually desire to bewith their own kind. There's just too many innate differences, mental and physical, between whites and Negroes. In my experience, just as many white women dislike or are afraid of blacks as white men.

The system isusing hispanics and especially Asians to overwhelm whites through miscegenation and sheer numbers. The biggestthreat to long-term white survival in Americais not black male/white female intermarriage, but white men/Asian women couples, whichare taking place on a noticeablyincreasing scale all the time. Asians are hard-working and law-abiding and many of the women are attractive and feminine. For white men they are an alternative to the poisonous atmosphere that Jewish dominated feminism has created between many white men and women.


What many of you do not understand is that white children are in demand and are quickly snapped up from orphanages all over the world. No one said anything about the mad rush to adopt poor children from fallen communist countries during the 1990's

If Madonna and Angelina and all the other stars wish to adopt little children of colour that is their business. You don't see them telling you to get a life and mind your own business do you?

"For white men they (Asian women) are an alternative to the poisonous atmosphere that Jewish dominated feminism has created between many white men and women."

Guys who didn't (or couldn't) get the girl would usually say something like that. Sorta like saying "I coulda won if the other guy didn't cheat"


Jun 13, 2007
New Jersey
i once knew a white woman that adopted a black (jamaican) teenage boy. she was a good christian and had very high moral codes (by her standards). she tried to raise him right. it was working for a while but not even a year after she adopted him he started separating himself from the whites and hanging out mostly with blacks. also, when he first came over here he had a jamaican accent and i watched it slowly turning into this ghetto slang that he started using within about a year and a half of being here. i think the saying "you can't take a brotha out of the ghetto" is correct. what makes those white think their adopted black kids will be good people? they're simply misled by hollywood and mtv. Edited by: LittleRebel

Don Wassall

Staff member
Sep 30, 2004
fairminded said:
What many of you do not understand is that white children are in demand and are quickly snapped up from orphanages all over the world. No one said anything about the mad rush to adopt poor children from fallen communist countries during the 1990's

If Madonna and Angelina and all the other stars wish to adopt little children of colour that is their business. You don't see them telling you to get a life and mind your own business do you?

"For white men they (Asian women) are an alternative to the poisonous atmosphere that Jewish dominated feminism has created between many white men and women."

Guys who didn't (or couldn't) get the girl would usually say something like that. Sorta like saying "I coulda won if the other guy didn't cheat"

You seem to want to personalize observations abouttrends. But don't worry oh-not-so-bright-one, you're not much longer for this board.
Sep 24, 2006
Don Wassall said:
I saw some commercial today where it twice very briefly showed a white couple and their Asian baby. 

The system is using hispanics and especially Asians to overwhelm whites through miscegenation and sheer numbers.  The biggest threat to long-term white survival in America is not black male/white female intermarriage, but white men/Asian women couples, which are taking place on a noticeably increasing scale all the time.  Asians are hard-working and law-abiding and many of the women are attractive and feminine.  For white men they are an alternative to the poisonous atmosphere that Jewish dominated feminism has created between many white men and women.


I fail to see the 'danger' there. Asians, unlike blacks, are like you said, hard-working, and what's more important, have the same sort of moral values as most whites. You're dead on about white women, too, because I wouldn't marry one raised in Western Europe or the US. I love my mother, but I couldn't marry a woman like her.

If they weren't such an attractive alternative, I wouldn't have married a half-Asian girl. Her mother met her father when he was stationed in Japan. Its nice to find a woman that'll treat me like a man, and knows how to be a woman. I'm not talking the subservient BS either. They seem to get that a woman is not just a man without a dick.

I am amused that my wife is considered a threat to white survival; even her asian friends termed her a banana, yellow on the outside, white inside.

Don Wassall

Staff member
Sep 30, 2004
Matt_Bowen_Fan said:
I fail to see the 'danger' there. Asians, unlike blacks, are like you said, hard-working, and what's more important, have the same sort of moral values as most whites. You're dead on about white women, too, because I wouldn't marry one raised in Western Europe or the US. I love my mother, but I couldn't marry a woman like her.

If they weren't such an attractive alternative, I wouldn't have married a half-Asian girl. Her mother met her father when he was stationed in Japan. Its nice to find a woman that'll treat me like a man, and knows how to be a woman. I'm not talking the subservient BS either. They seem to get that a woman is not just a man without a dick.

I am amused that my wife is considered a threat to white survival; even her asian friends termed her a banana, yellow on the outside, white inside.

I wasn't being critical of Asians; just the opposite. I understand why white men like Asian women. I'm not commenting on or judging anyone's personal situation, just pointing out where a trend is leading.

The danger is that by sheer numbers and miscegenation, whites will be subsumed in America by Asians, hispanics, and of course the black minority that isn't going anywhere. If you have no interest in seeing whites continue as a race, then obviously there's no danger to be perceived. A look at legal and illegal immigration demographics, relative birth rates of the races, and the increasing number of white men marrying Asians and hispanics, shows where the U.S. is headed. I like Asians, but I don't want hundreds of millions of them in the country. But that's where we're headed. Edited by: Don Wassall


Oct 20, 2006
There's a bout one billion people in Africa and 1.2-1.5 billion in China
(funny how rounding the chinese population estimate results in the same
number of people in the entire United States). They can take care of their

As far as Madonna is concerned, her whole adult life is one big publicity
stunt. Anybody who thinks that she doesn't want the press all over her
african adoptees is a fool. Madonna is a huge racist--she intentionally
plays the race card, first by publicly dating black NBA guys in the 90's and
now with her black kids, all to keep her ugly face in the media. You'll
notice when it came to settling down and having kids, she chose a white
guy. That's no accident. Angelina Jolie is the same way. They USE blacks
to try to create a certain public image. What horrid people!

BTW, its a myth that asian women are really much different than white
western women. I know a few guys who got royally screwed over by
material, seflish ones, and now are with white women. I don't think you
can stereotype aobut personalites. Plus, they had to worry about the race
issue. If you've found somebody good, that's your business, and best of
luck to you. You will notice though the split loyalites and race issue
comes up all the time. Just like white guys don't like seeing colored men
with white women, white women don't like seeing white men with colored
women. Same thing goes with other races too. Its just innate. That's one
thing you don't have to worry about if you marry someone of the same

BTW, I don't think asian women are a threat to white survival. Its funny
though, that at the place where I work, there are several asian women and
they all have white husbands.

Lance Alworth

Nov 18, 2004
Portland OR
This is a great thread. Being that I am a white person of Eastern European ancestry. I would much rather adopt a kid from Eastern Europe or if I was a missionary, I would try to spread the word of God in the Eastern Bloc which during the period of Soviet Communism, had their religious freedoms severely restricted. I would go there and help my own people before I would bother wasting time in Africa. God cursed Africa when he cursed Ham, the son of Noah. Only us white people would be suicidal enough to try to interfere when God does us a favor


Jun 13, 2007
New Jersey
granted, i wouldn't want to breed with anyone non- white, however if i was given a life or death choice to breed with white, asian, hispanic or black, i would breed with white (being number one), asian ( a weak two) and for hispanic and black, i would rather not breed.Edited by: LittleRebel
Sep 24, 2006
PitBull said:
Plus, they had to worry about the race
issue. If you've found somebody good, that's your business, and best of
luck to you. You will notice though the split loyalites and race issue
comes up all the time. Just like white guys don't like seeing colored men
with white women, white women don't like seeing white men with colored
women. Same thing goes with other races too. Its just innate. That's one
thing you don't have to worry about if you marry someone of the same

I don't know, we've not had much trouble with race coming up. I don't think we've had any, honestly. No trouble with split loyalties in six years, either. Why do you have to be one or the other, anyway?

As for what other people think, f**k 'em. I can't let them dictate my life to me.

Lance Alworth

Nov 18, 2004
Portland OR
This might be an unpopular decision around here, but I will admit to dating mostly hispanic women. See, I live in Miami, and most of the white women here are liberal, materialistic whores. Many of the hispanic women are too, but I notice it more among the whites. I like Cuban women the best because we both come from similar backgrounds. My family left Albania to escape communism, much like many of the Cubans that left Cuba. Combine that with our traditional values and I guess you could say that I match up with them the best. I could never date a black or an asian woman though. I just don't have anything in common with them, nor do I find them attractive.


Hall of Famer
Jan 19, 2007
PitBull said:
There's a bout one billion people in Africa and 1.2-1.5 billion in China
(funny how rounding the chinese population estimate results in the same
number of people in the entire United States). They can take care of their

As far as Madonna is concerned, her whole adult life is one big publicity
stunt. Anybody who thinks that she doesn't want the press all over her
african adoptees is a fool. Madonna is a huge racist--she intentionally
plays the race card, first by publicly dating black NBA guys in the 90's and
now with her black kids, all to keep her ugly face in the media. You'll
notice when it came to settling down and having kids, she chose a white
guy. That's no accident. Angelina Jolie is the same way. They USE blacks
to try to create a certain public image. What horrid people!

BTW, its a myth that asian women are really much different than white
western women. I know a few guys who got royally screwed over by
material, seflish ones, and now are with white women. I don't think you
can stereotype aobut personalites. Plus, they had to worry about the race
issue. If you've found somebody good, that's your business, and best of
luck to you. You will notice though the split loyalites and race issue
comes up all the time. Just like white guys don't like seeing colored men
with white women, white women don't like seeing white men with colored
women. Same thing goes with other races too. Its just innate. That's one
thing you don't have to worry about if you marry someone of the same

Great post Pitbull! Very accurate points on that harlot Madonna and the Hollyweird frauds like the overrated, overexposed, Angelina HOlie.

BTW, we had "mandatory" diversity training (aka - socialist indoctrination) about a month ago at work. There was an female Asian VP on the call basically bragging about all her great successes (against the "bamboo ceiling"). She was trying to dispel all the myths about Asian women (being submissive, etc.).What she failed to mention is that she was given a total leg-up/pass BECAUSE she is an Asian woman. Meanwhile, much more qualified white men were shafted in the name of meeting a Marxist quota/affirmative action policy (so they could brag about how "diverse" the company is). It's a total 100% crock of BS!
Edited by: DixieDestroyer


Oct 20, 2006
I agree with Don. I think its important to have national identity. I didn't
think so when I was younger, but I think so today. A few minorities won't
change that, but hundreds of millions will, and that's where we are now,
and it looks to be getting worse. I'm not so sure young people know the
difference anymore, having been raised in that interracial environment
since they were kids. They think that there is some kind of magical place
where all people are treated equally. That's nonsense, there's never been
anyplace like that, and that's why countries with highly homogeneous
populations came to be. Just look at how whites are treated here. People
think that just because white people aren't in abject poverty, they aren't
discrimnated against and that it doesn't affect them. How wrong that
notion is! We just have an illusion of falsely created "equality", and still
its not good enough for these minorities! They won't be happy until we
are in chains, and that's the truth.

Dixie--It's hard to escape that BS these days. I'm glad I've never had to
deal with it, but I do have to work with "diverse" companies. It galls me
that there are people whose job it is to make sure that as few white men
as possible are hired somewhere. And yes, asians are all over that
affirmative action BS. Model minorities my ass! They're nice to your face,
but not one of them will stand up for you in any substantive way. I see it
all the time. As far as I'm concerned, there's no neutral ground--either
you are pro-white or not, and we have the results of the not pro-white
right now for everybody to see. Don't listen to what they say, watch what
they do--all the non-whites are for AA.

With personal relationships, I don't want to comment except that I know
three guys who did it and it didn't work out in the end for any of them
(two divorces, one with a kid, and one broken engagement). The way I
see it is that the more you have in common, the easier it is, but its not my
business. I've noticed the interracial adoption thing more and more, and
its always white people, never minorities, ever. I never see any blacks
with adopted mexican or chinese kids, or chinese with black or hispanic
kids, etc, etc. Its a mental sickness encouraged by the media to destroy
whites, to get them to spend their resources on everybody else but
themselves and their own kids. There can be no other reason. They
never sell this to minorities.


Oct 21, 2004
Good topic. It is amazing how only white people do this kind of thing. Just imagine P Diddy or Queen Latifah adopting a bunch of Russian orphans and parading them proudly in front of the cameras. One of the many reasons I still admire John and Robert Kennedy is the fact that RFK was practically the only liberal in my lifetime to personally visit the poor white population in Appalachia and speak publicly about their plight. Later, his daughter continued this tradition, with a fine documentary about life in Appalachia, which I believe was aired on HBO a few years back.


Hall of Famer
Jan 19, 2007
Bigunreal, Appalachia is grossly overlooked as an impoverished area because it's mostly white (whereas the "inner city" areas receive most of the sympathy press, govt aid etc.). Look at all the (squandered) aid to majority black New Orleans (post Katrina). Those millions of dollars could have fed, sheltered thousands of good folks in Appalachia instead of being wasted on goldbricking Katrina "victims"!

Fyi...JFK was 86'd by the Globalist's international banking cartel because he was trying to undermind the private, crooked Fed with Executive Order 11110. by: DixieDestroyer


Aug 10, 2005
Many white women that live in city's have become "feminist materialistic whores". So what? Get a country girl or get their asses in line after you've been with them a little while. You're a man. Don't let them run things. My grandpa used to say, "Women are like blacks(synonym
) . Give them an inch and they'll take a mile". You have to be firm with them. You can be good and firm at the same time.Edited by: KG2422

Lance Alworth

Nov 18, 2004
Portland OR
KG2422 said:
Many white women that live in city's have become "feminist materialistic whores". So what? Get a country girl or get their asses in line after you've been with them a little while. You're a man. Don't let them run things. My grandpa used to say, "Women are like blacks(synonym
) . Give them an inch and they'll take a mile". You have to be firm with them. You can be good and firm at the same time.

I assume this post was directed towards me. Well, being that I dont live anywhere near the country thats kind of difficult. Anyway, it doesn't really matter. The Cuban women I date are mostly pretty light skinned, and a lot of them could pass for being white easily. I wouldn't be suprised if most of them were of pure European Spanish descent


Aug 10, 2005
My comment was directed at any white man who thinks they can't find a good white woman. Besides, all non-white women look too similar for me: brown hair, brown eyes, and brown skin. White women smell better than other races in my opinion. As for the light skinned Cubans you date, it wouldn't surprise me if they are mostly Spanish either.


Jun 13, 2007
New Jersey
KG2422 said:
Many white women that live in city's have become "feminist materialistic whores". So what? Get a country girl or get their asses in line after you've been with them a little while. You're a man. Don't let them run things. My grandpa used to say, "Women are like blacks(synonym
) . Give them an inch and they'll take a mile". You have to be firm with them. You can be good and firm at the same time.

this feminist stuff comes from the women that don't have any respect for men. and the reason they disrespect them is because these feminists themselves have taken away what makes men, men. in a relashionship where a woman always gets her way and screams at the man and he backs down, automatically she loses respect for him. that's just one of many examples. and if he retaliates in a way that a woman feels threatned, she immediately runs screaming to the police and the man gets detained, punished (very harshly mind you) and thinks he can never stand up to a woman again. the more women found out they can act like this, the more they will abuse the men they are with. i used to know a couple like that. she actually used to beat him and he took it...i'm not talking about a violent retaliation, either, just something that let's women know that the man is still in charge.
the same respect thing goes for white man not being able to stand up to blacks. every defensive thing done by the whites is considered as an act of racism.