Condi Rice

White Shogun

Hall of Famer
Mar 2, 2005
Well, its starting already.

The media is gearing up to push Condi Rice to run for President against the expected Democratic nomination of Hillary Clinton.

I predicted this several years ago. This is why our current system is so corrupted: we DO NOT have a 2-party system. We have a single totalitarian Government Party that is "divided" into 2 factions, both of which work hand-in-glove to expand and protect the totalitarian state.

If FedGov wants a woman president, they will nominate the chosen one (Hell-ary) and a completely unfathomable alternative (Congo-leeza). Thus, Hillary Clinton becomes the "popularly-elected" president of the US.

We just experienced this in the last election, where the FedGov picked John Kerry to "run" against George "I've-never-met-a-Mexican-or-Jew-that-I-didn't-suck-up-to" Bush. Of course, everybody knows that Kerry and Bush are fellow Bonesmen from their Yale days, and Kerry sleep-walked through the campaign to ensure Bush's re-election. Why? Because Bush is an ignorant puppet and, as such, he is especially useful as a lame-duck. (Get ready for a war against Iran, coming soon!)

Anyone who understands how our system is rigged knows that Hell-ary has already been anointed as President. All that's left is to have the American people do their part by participating in yet another sham election, so that we'll feel "free." We need a revolution.
This may be the perfect time for a third party to come along. Hopefully a party that represents what most americans believe. Democrats and Repulicans miss on nearly every issue. The main concern among informed voters is the Mexican border. I believe a third party candidate would win on this issue alone if HE vowed to close the borders down.
Most people would not vote for either of these two women. It's the republican Amarosa vs. well ... Hillary.
KP, you seem to be missing the forest due to all the trees. Under our current system, there is no such thing as a third-party. Any grassroots 3rd party movement will be crushed by the Government Party, i.e. the Republican and Democratic factions working together to maintain their monopoly. Consider this: Reps and Dems ALWAYS work in concert to keep 3rd party candidates off state ballots.

If the system is to change, it will change from without and NOT from within. The electoral system supports the current system -- If the Government Party controls all of the candidates on the ballot, they really don't care who wins. It's like the old adage of owning both horses in the race. Modern America is no different from the old USSR, which also held "elections" between candidates from a single party.
Southern Knight is Johnny on the Spot. Hell, this country is being
controlled by the same folks who were the real rulers of the old USSR.
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