Communist News Network... Defeated at LAST!!


Hall of Famer
Aug 2, 2007
North Carolina
They've really really (really) ramped-up their "poor blackie" agenda... so much so that even the DWFs can see what's going on.

Somehow, STEROIDS have been introduced into CNNs system, thus causing their (non-creative) propaganda to explode ala Ronnie Coleman! This is good! They now incessantly beat the same drum... They have been relegated to a one-trick pony, a plain old pocket knife, a virtually empty ammo clip, a car with no engine, a dwelling with no roof... the emperor has no clothes.

We "got it" CNN... You don't like White folk... Blacks don't like being black in America... Many blacks, especially the females, desire to be "light-skins"...

What's your point, CNN? Something tells me that you are deeply bothered by the mere existance of White folks? Some of your black "professors" give that impression as well. Where's their tolerance and understanding? Deep-down, they recognize that "their community" has imploded, so, instead of trying to "salvage" it via a Herculean effort, they have simply chosen the path of trying to tear us down. "Evil Whitey, Evil Whitey, Evil Whitey..." (CNN, of course, like much of the MSM, doesn't engage in anything resembling a real debate or exchange of ideas.)

I don't suggest that their agenda is something new, NO, but it's much clearer, and they don't seem to be operating with a full deck. That, I suggest, is what's new, or, at least, more recent... They (CNN) have handicapped themselves, and now engage in constant displays of self-mutilation.

In a back-handed way, they and their "guests" have admitted defeat. They have no ratings, and yet they push the same deception and lies ad nauseum. So, Thank You, CNN, for showing us that there's an agenda, but you are now obsolete and aren't needed anymore. Good Bye.

The ball is now in our court... We are the only one's that can have a full deck, a full arsenal, a full and complete message. We aren't one-dimensional; We are White and bright.


Hall of Famer
Sep 23, 2008
So Cal
Yeah while at the gym I saw the piece of what it means to be black in America or some crap title like that. Its always Solodad Obrian the bi racial announcer who looks more anglo than black but cleverly always sides with the negro in her. That network has always has pieces of blacks, hispanics against whites. F them. That Cooper guy is actually a good field reporter, but the network has a vice grip on his nads. Someone say he actually enjoys it if your a man!

I hope MSNBC implodes next.


Hall of Famer
Aug 2, 2007
North Carolina
Yeah, CNN is unabashedly "Afrocentric" these days.

When they "blame Whites" for the black desire to be light-skinned, they show themselves as HYPOCRITES... since they almost exclusively hire light-skins (Soledad O'brien, Fredrica Whitfield, Suzanne Malveaux, etc).

The "black magazines" also heavily push the "light-skinned ideal" -- so I don't need CNN "LECTURING" me and spreading BS! Multi-cult, itself, will mess with many people's heads as well.

About a week ago, the anti-White, Don "AA" Lemon, denied the existance of European-Americans. He said, "They're mixed now." That must be his wetdream.. that everyone be discolored and intellectually-challenged just like him.

I think Don Lemon is the one that has been having the famous "outbursts" -- and cutting guests off when he doesn't like what's being said on matters of race. Another colored with that "chip"...

Jimmy Chitwood

Hall of Famer
Aug 10, 2005
stories like this one are why CNN is suffering. but, judging from the idiot White woman in the video included at the link, CNN'sagenda has already done its damage.
White guilt like this just sickens me! i can only imagine what kind of crap that young White child will suffer now from her "enlightened" mother's teachings ... *puke*.

Kids' test answers on race brings mother to tears

(CNN)-- A 5-year-old girl in Georgia is being asked a series of questions in her school library. The girl, who is white, is looking at pictures of five cartoons of girls, all identical except for skin color ranging from light to dark.

<DIV =cnn_stryathrtmp>
<DIV =cnn_strytmstmp>

When asked who the smart child is, she points to a light-skinned doll. When asked who the mean child is she points to a dark-skinned doll. She says a white child is good because "I think she looks like me", and says the black child is ugly because "she's a lot darker."

As she answers her mother watches, and gently weeps.

Her daughter is taking part in a new CNN pilot study on children's attitudes on race and her answers actually reflect one of the major findings of the study, that white children have an overwhelming bias toward white, and that black children also have a bias toward white but not nearly as strong as the bias shown by the white children.

Full coverage: Kids on race

Renowned child psychologist and University of Chicago professor Margaret Beale Spencer, a leading researcher in the field of child development, was hired as a consultant by CNN. She designed the pilot study and used a team of three psychologists to implement it: two testers to execute the study and a statistician to help analyze the results.

Full doll study results

Her team tested 133 children from schools that met very specific economic and demographic requirements. In total, eight schools participated: four in the greater New York City area and four in Georgia.

The mother, whose name the study prohibits from being used, says her daughter has "never asked her about color" and that the results of the test were an eye opener, and she says she and her daughter "talked a long time about it"

Her daughter's perception on race and the fact that the issue was not taken up at home is in many ways typical.

Research and discussions with parents of the children who participated in this study, indicate that white parents as a whole do not talk to their kids about race as much as black parents.

A 2007 study in the Journal of Marriage and Family found that 75 percent of white families with kindergartners never, or almost never, talk about race. For black parents the number is reversed with 75 percent addressing race with their children.

Po Bronson, author of NurtureShock and an award-winning writer on parenting issues says white parents "want to give their kids this sort of post-racial future when they're very young and they're under the wrong conclusion that their kids are colorblind. ... It's in the absence of messages of tolerance that they will naturally ... develop these skin preferences."

Many African-American parents CNN spoke to during the study say they begin discussing race at a very early age because they say they feel they have to prepare their children for a society where their skin color will create obstacles for them.

iReport: Where do we go from here?

The study has generated thousands of comments to CNN. After seeing the report, iReporter Omekongo Dibinga said, "My daughters are 4 and 2 years old. I didn't realize that at 2 years old I'd have to start teaching them to be proud of their skin color."

Watch his reaction
The father of a black girl who took part in the CNN study says, "You can not get away from the fact that race is a factor but hopefully what we instill in them at home will help them to put that in its right place and move on"


Hall of Famer
Jun 4, 2007
Jimmy Chitwood said:
stories like this one are why CNN is suffering. but, judging from the idiot White woman in the video included at the link, CNN's agenda has already done its damage.
<div>White guilt like this just sickens me! i can only imagine what kind of crap that young White child will suffer now from her "enlightened" mother's teachings ... *puke*.</div>

Great find, JimmyC!

This contrived "study" is rather profound; however, not the in manner in which it's "merit" is being suggested by CNN. It confirms that white children under 5 years of age are indeed drastically more intelligent than white adults (that fact has been proven extensively for decades). The study establishes that racial loyalty, racial pride, and racial love remain as intrinsic traits in white human beings"¦these characteristics are fragile, and able to be shattered by your fellow man, your TV, your media, your church, your education, your government, your mother, and (despicably enough) your father.

All members of American society, every single person, perform their assigned function the way the Master Script intended. Any divergence or rebellion against the design is met with tremendous hostility, is fitted with the appropriate pariah-like labels (racist, bigot, fascist, skinhead, Nazi, you know the drill), and penalized in accordance with Neo Hate Crime legislation (which safeguards every single group and sub-group on planet earth, accept heterosexual white males).

A particularly perverted quote from the article"¦"She says a white child is good because ‘I think she looks like me.'" "¦.

The writer is clearly insinuating that this child's statement is a negative thing. Why? What thoughts are deemed "tolerable"Â (the elite are very intolerant) for white youths to think of themselves? Perhaps only that they are "bad"Â as opposed to "good?"Â Yes, that is without question the only acceptable manifestation of self-worth permitted among whites in a cultural Marxist utopia. Its interesting how "our"Â "leaders"Â are exclusively engrossed in preventing a negative self-image among non-whites. Another fantastic mystery, I suppose.

"As she answers her mother watches, and gently weeps."Â I wonder how hard mommy will "weep"Â when her daughter is experiencing the wonders (rape, murder, drugs, prostitution, molestation, spousal abuse, single-parent homes, unemployment, etc) so ubiquitous in a dark society? Archaic terms like "mother"Â and "father"Â went extinct decades ago in America.

They are barely even human, which is probably why they are so fascinated with young children...souls who've yet to be mentally, physically, and spiritually abducted.


Jul 29, 2008
CNN is a joke and that is why no one is watching. They are dead-last amongst the cable news outlets in ratings and it's for good reason.

Has anyone ever tuned in to CNN on the weekends? It's coverage is basically anchored by the disgraceful racist Don Lemon. Virtually all the so called analysts, guests, and others are black. It might as well switch to being called BNN for those 2 days. If you are a foreign tourist, and you had no idea about the demographics of this country, and you spent your first weekend watching CNN, you'll either think you're in Africa or somewhow, the US is a majority black country.

As for the most recent joke of a topic that's being covered on Anderson Cooper's show, that's the icing on the cake. If you cannot see their agenda thru that program, then you are truly an idiot brainwashed DWF.

Soledad O'Brien is an absolute embarrassment and is doing quite a good job of appeasing her masters and promoting the blatant anti-white direction CNN has embraced as of late. She's a special assignment reporter, and here are her last 5 "assignments":

1. Black in America 1
2. Black in America 2
3. Latino in America
4. Orphans in Haiti
5. Evil White Children and Their Evil, Bigoted, Racist White Parents Who Make Them This Way (this is the idiotic current story that's being covered with the dolls)

I couldn't bear to watch the whole thing as my blood started to boil real fast, but there was this one segment where some white expert was trying to defend the white kids for mostly identifying with their own kind (oh, the horror!) and O'Brien had this disgusted look on her face. I mean, how dare white kids are drawn to other white kids, and not who she thinks they should be drawn towards?

And of course, all the black children and their parents are being portrayed as wonderful, tolerant, and thoughtful people, who are constantly being victimized by whitey.

The one-sidedness of this latest story is quite unbelievable. There's no debate or any opportunity by the other side to refute all the garbage and drivel being spewed by O'Brien and the rest of the clowns.


Jun 12, 2006
Couldnt agree more with you guys. Its unreal what this so called "news" network has morphed into. A couple of years ago they did actually give brief coverage of the Christian/Newsom murders, but it was only to report that the murders have become "fodder for racist bloggers"
. Can anyone recall when the network transformed to its current state? I can't remember CNN ever being like this in the 80's and 90's.


Hall of Famer
Aug 2, 2007
North Carolina
foobar75 said:
CNN is a joke and that is why no one is watching. They are dead-last amongst the cable news outlets in ratings and it's for good reason.

Has anyone ever tuned in to CNN on the weekends? It's coverage is basically anchored by the disgraceful racist Don Lemon. Virtually all the so called analysts, guests, and others are black. It might as well switch to being called BNN for those 2 days. If you are a foreign tourist, and you had no idea about the demographics of this country, and you spent your first weekend watching CNN, you'll either think you're in Africa or somewhow, the US is a majority black country.

As for the most recent joke of a topic that's being covered on Anderson Cooper's show, that's the icing on the cake. If you cannot see their agenda thru that program, then you are truly an idiot brainwashed DWF.

Soledad O'Brien is an absolute embarrassment and is doing quite a good job of appeasing her masters and promoting the blatant anti-white direction CNN has embraced as of late. She's a special assignment reporter, and here are her last 5 "assignments":

1. Black in America 1
2. Black in America 2
3. Latino in America
4. Orphans in Haiti
5. Evil White Children and Their Evil, Bigoted, Racist White Parents Who Make Them This Way (this is the idiotic current story that's being covered with the dolls)

I couldn't bear to watch the whole thing as my blood started to boil real fast, but there was this one segment where some white expert was trying to defend the white kids for mostly identifying with their own kind (oh, the horror!) and O'Brien had this disgusted look on her face. I mean, how dare white kids are drawn to other white kids, and not who she thinks they should be drawn towards?

And of course, all the black children and their parents are being portrayed as wonderful, tolerant, and thoughtful people, who are constantly being victimized by whitey.

The one-sidedness of this latest story is quite unbelievable. There's no debate or any opportunity by the other side to refute all the garbage and drivel being spewed by O'Brien and the rest of the clowns.


If anyone thinks that black kids are being raised to be pro-White, then they are really living on another planet.. From what Jimmy posted, the black parent said - "I didn't know I had to teach my 2-year-old to be proud of their color."

NEWSFLASH to CNN: The average White person could care less if blacks teach their kids to be proud of their ancestry. No one is stopping them from doing that. What is the "White" conspiracy, I ask? If CNN would actually have a competent guest on, everything would easily be debunked.

And, just imagine what CNN would have said if a White parent said - "I didn't know I had to teach my 2-year-old to be proud of their color!" It "seems" like CNNs only aim is to deracinate White kids and make them self-hating. That is evil.


Hall of Famer
Jan 19, 2007
That 5 year old gal was just demonstrating good sense, & the cult-marx zombified Mom should be proud. CNN is just the "Left" part of the MSM to "Faux" News' (NeoCON) "Right"...fitting perfectly into the Left/Right control mechanism.


Edited by: DixieDestroyer
Oct 24, 2005
I am glad I do not have cable.