Commercial Castration

See, here's the thing about women wanting "equal rights" and equal pay and all that crap; theydon't want to give up allthe priveledges that go with being a woman! What am I talking about? Here's what I'm talking about:

If a boat is sinking, it's save women and children first. Ladies nights at clubs, they get free food, free drinks. We're still expected to open doors for them, and pay for most everything (that is, if you want to keep dating her). They can have jobs that they can capitalize off their sexuality, ex. hooter's waitress, stripper, model, Foxnews anchor. Theyaren't expected to serve in combat. They can have multiple orgasms.

Women get all kinds of brakes men don't get.That more than makes up for whateverunfairnesses they think theyface in society as far as I'm concerned.

Edited by: cutty
As long as the Establishment continues to gloat about "women's empowerment", then there is no need to continue to play chivalry games, which are hopelessly outdated. I am no longer eager to let a woman go ahead of me in something or put her coat on for her or any other custom. If empowerment is the name of the game, let her do it herself.
xc1427 said:
If women want "equal rights/protection," then they should expect to be equally disciplined when necessary.

Thats what I've been saying for years. My motto is: If they want to play the game, then they have to play by the rules.
cutty said:
See, here's the thing about women wanting "equal rights" and equal pay and all that crap; they don't want to give up all the priveledges that go with being a woman!  What am I talking about?  Here's what I'm talking about:

If a boat is sinking, it's save women and children first.   Ladies nights at clubs, they get free food, free drinks.   We're still expected to open doors for them, and pay for most everything (that is, if you want to keep dating her).  They can have jobs that they can capitalize off their sexuality, ex. hooter's waitress, stripper, model, Foxnews anchor.  They aren't expected to serve in combat.  They can have multiple orgasms.

Women get all kinds of brakes men don't get.  That more than makes up for whatever unfairnesses they think they face in society as far as I'm concerned. 


Very well put. You just summed up the last ten years of my dating experiences into a few short paragraphs.
Edited by: Ground Fighter
cutty said:
See, here's the thing about women wanting "equal rights" and equal pay and all that crap; they don't want to give up all the priveledges that go with being a woman! 

gentlemen, once again we are confronted with a double standard. these double standards are the biggest problem i have with American society today. no matter how tough the rules/standards are, i could live with them if they were the same for everyone. but they're not.

they claim to be fair for everyone, but they're more fair for some. i have a HUGE problem with that. whether it be the so-called "women's rights" movement, the so-called "black history" month, or the caste system which permeates American sport(the list could go on ad infinitum), the playing field has become increasingly tilted in favor of select groups.

double standards are complete BS.
American Freedom News