Commercial Castration


Apr 16, 2005
OK, so I stole this topic from GF.

Sitting at lunch today, a commerical for Justin Timberlake/Sharon Stones new movie came on. A major Bitc*slap session began. Some lady was smacking the crap out of some man who just stood there looking pathetic. Probably won't go to this one. Edited by: KJV1
KJV1 said:
OK, so I stole this topic from GF.

Sitting at lunch today, a commerical for Justin Timberlake/Sharon Stones new movie came on. A major Bitc*slap session began. Some lady was smacking the crap out of some man who just stood there looking pathetic. Probably won't go to this one.

lol...I came up with that term for all to use, you didn't steal it. As for the scene you saw in the commercial, it actually makes me want to go see the movie, and judge exactly how BAD it really is. As for movies that are at the bottom of the barrel in regards to race and making White males look pathetic, "Save the Last Dance" with Julia Styles, is currently in first place. This piece of horse-sh*t was about a White girl who moved back into the inner-city, and started dating a brutha. I was forced to sit through that nightmare by my ex-girlfriend. Not only that, but my local theatre was FULL of hispanic teenage girls who would not shut the hell up. Between this movie and them...i was truly in hell. This is why when I go on dates now, I don't offer "the movies" as a choice anymore. I advise the rest of you to do the same, as that movie scarred me permanently.

Edited by: Ground Fighter
The term "commercial castration" is an excellent, and highly accurate, descriptive. Thank you Ground Fighter for creating and encouraging its use.

For a time, I was frequenting the web-sites of commercial directors, directors of photography and editors. This was work-related (for a while I had to work as a temp-worker curator of a mining museum when I was laid off), but often I would watch showreels for entertainment purposes. But quickly that stopped. True, the overt, virulent anti-White male message is a more recent phenominon, but the promotion of the queer agenda, "feminism" (all real men want feminine women, yet "feminism" seeks to destroy the very thing it claims to champion), and miscegenation has rolled on for years now. That is why I am certain most of the directors are f*gs or p*ssy leftists (one immediately comes to mind - a director of some talent who was completely and irrevocably pwhipped by his blue-haired witch of a wife).

There is a part of me that desperately did not want to show all of you that hideous filth commercial on youtube from Italy. But like the attack on White children as evidenced in the other ad, you men need to know what is happening all over this world. Like a hydatid tapeworm, the parasites are trying to kill the host. Unless more Whites, especially women (who have the power to shun strong men for weaklings and non-Whites, which is what the young girls are being taught each and every day), awaken from their death-slumber this race may be doomed. "Commercial Castration" is one of the primary methods (the propaganda war finely honed by the Marxists) of destroying our strength and making the best of the best, the strong White Warrior, "unappealing" to our women. I am generally very skeptical of conspiracies, but make no mistake, this is an organized effort.
" save the last dance " is symbolic of cultural decay. In this film a white girl moves to the ghetto, at first shes a square, you know walking,talking and acting like a normal person, she also dances ballet or something.

Then she becomes "cool", ie starts to walk and talk like a black person, dances to hip hop etc.

My point? This film depicts the change from normal person to loudmouthed, ghetto style, hip hop moron, as an improvement.
What the hell!

Then in just about every film theres a girl kicking her ex in the balls ( you go girl!), pouring a drink over some ( white) guy who dared to hit on them and so forth.
I wonder what the world would think there was a film where a guy catches his girlfriend cheating and punched her in the breasts. Why that would be sexual assualt!!!

If a girl poured a drink over my head id simply order a big glass of beer and pour it on her. But then id have to deal with lots of sheeplike suckers attacking me. Because you cant do that to a girl

Finally, in most films, the white guy is the bad guy, the black guy is good. in "sleepers", the prison guards rape and beat the boys, all except one guard. One guard helps the boys and comforts them. (that would be the black guard).
chris371 said:
If a girl poured a drink over my head id simply order a big glass of beer and pour it on her. But then id have to deal with lots of sheeplike suckers attacking me. Because you cant do that to a girl

Oh yes you can. At least I have.Not to mention, the first "sheeplike creature" who decides to intervine in my business, is not only going to get a beer on the head, but the glass as well.
My ex spit in my face once, so what did I do you ask? I hocked a loogie right back in hers. Another time, some fat girl tried to kick me in the junk when we were in the 8th grade. Again, what did I do you ask? Lets just say that it didn't end well for her. About a year ago, I was coming out of a bar with my date (I know, a bar, surprise surprise, lol) and I saw some bahemoth of fat woman just wailing on this one skinny guy, and all the guy did was keep turning his back. She was punching, kicking, biting, you name it. Not once did he hit her back, even in self defense. Now, lets transfer me into this guy' situation, shall we. I would have been putting on the wrist wraps and the vaseline, and getting ready to bang with this pig. I mean seriously, how do you just stand there when some 225lb.+ slob is attacking you like that? I would have taught her a lesson, if that were me she attacked. Not only this, but everyone around it was either cheering her on or laughing at him!
If that were me, they wouldn't have been laughing...because her fat ass would be on the pavement, crying.

I have had a ton of instances where females have gotten ballsy and physical with me. I have a simple motto..."If you behave, act, and hit like men, then you will be treated as such." (And that goes double for all you feminists out there with itchy fists). These feminists all claim that they want "the same equal rights as men". Well, then that means if you start something with us physically, don't expect your little "feminist dyke-squad" to rush in and save you. Now, I'm NOT advocating violence against women, but there are times when you have to do something. The media in this country is great at demonizing White males as the aggressors, and then emasculating us so we can't defend ourselves. The laws in this country are also one-sided when it comes to domestic violence, so you really have to watch what you say and do now-a-days. However, when it comes to self defense, if I'm attacked, I do what I have to to, regardless of who it is.
Gentlemen, I can't say it enough.....the Globalist controlled Government/Media complex pushes this type of socialist propaganda to destroy traditional American values, morals & corrupt our youth. It's ALL by design.....destroy American culture while simultaneously destroying our sovereignty (ie - SPP's North American Union) & economy/middle class (ie - NASCO Corridor, NAFTA, CAFTA, WTO, IMF, etc.).To be successful at this agenda, the Globalists know they must aggressively target white kids through mass marketing of mindless fluff & other assorted filth.
One of the most popular scenarios on televison and in the movies is the hot, skinny supermodel female beating up the hapless white male. This was always there in some form, but really began to blossom in the 1980s, when actresses like Whoopi Goldberg began punching out white males in every movie she made. In the 1960s, you would normally have the women use judo or karate to flip and defeat larger white males. Or they might smash something over the head of the white male. By the 1970s, you might see women kick men in the groin as a method of physically defeating them. At any rate, up until that point, women won fights with white males, but at least they had some kind of secret weapon or advantage on the male. However, we all have watched in recent years as 100 lb females routinely overpower and punch out much larger, often muscular white males. Notice that I always refer to white males; this is because no black male will ever be punched out a white supermodel. Black supermodel, maybe, but never a white one. It's the one kind of racial diversity the media will never show.

What is really sad about the media's anti-white male bias is the way even children are portrayed. White boys often bear the brunt of physical attacks from white girls, and even from their older sisters. Imagine an older brother beating up his little sister. You won't see that on television or in the movies. But then again, you won't see a little brother beating up an older sister, either. As long as the child is male, the crudest humor is permitted. For instance, shows like "South Park" can devote an entire episode to the fourth grade boys being courted by pedophiles from NAMBLA. It was very funny, but can you imagine the protests if they made a show about fourth grade girls being courted by pedophiles? It would never air, and if it did, no one would laugh at the exact same premise. This is also why Bart Simpson, Stewie Griffin ("Family Guy"), and all the male kids from "South Park" (not to mention Homer Simpson and any male adult character from any of those shows) can constantly have their animated bare butts revealed to the audience, always to laughter, but not Lisa Simpson or any other female character on those shows. But then, this goes back to the days of "The Little Rascals" and other movies from that era, where it was okay to have a young boy's pants fall down, to the laughter of all onscreen and in the audience, whereas no one would dare have a young girl's dress fall off or pants fall down, and certainly no self- respecting man or woman would have laughed at that situation.

Anyhow, the females punching out the males onscreen is one of my real pet peeves, and I'm glad some others out there are starting to notice it. I don't watch many current films, but just seeing the trailers for them on television reveals that many, many of them have at least one requisite scene where the supermodel (never a fat or large boned female who might theoretically be able to beat up a male) punches out the always white male character.
All very solid posts above,and my hat is off to the folks who post here,because more and more of us are "getting it"!The marxist war against our sons and grandsons is being ratcheted up every day.The only way to combat same is to educate people that it is happening.

To bring this nation to its knees,the globalists and social engineers realize that the White American male will have to be minimalized and marginalized.This is being accomplished from within by planting White guilt and self loathing into the current group,and the next two generations of our men.

In another thread,I wrote about the fine patriotic newspaper,The Nationalist Times,{please see},and related the disturbing fact that as I distributed this paper,at least seven White males were told by their wives that they "were not allowed to read same"!Why,because the paper is not politically correct,and each edition carries the "truth"!.Something that is missing from most all mainstream media sources.

If the American male will give up his rights to read and believe anything that he chooses to our women,then he is fair game to all others who wish to bring him down.

SonofRadovan has stated many of the same thoughts in his solid posts,and I hope we will see many more from him.All of us here realize that if the coming generations of our young men are stripped of their confidence,and self esteem,the future is indeed bleak.
LabMan said:
In another thread,I wrote about the fine patriotic newspaper,The Nationalist Times,{please see},and related the disturbing fact that as I distributed this paper,at least seven White males were told by their wives that they "were not allowed to read same"!Why,because the paper is not politically correct,and each edition carries the "truth"!.Something that is missing from most all mainstream media sources.

Yeah, thats very true about the women dictating what their men can and cannot do. Unfortunately, most men will just do whatever they say, but not me. I was raised properly by my father, who taught me that no one controls what I do, except me. And that goes double for all those "empowered" women out there, who think they can control a man's life.

On a lighter note, I met a young lady who is basically the opposite of all that, and she shares the same beliefs that I do
. I know I said in the past how I was fed up with women, but for some reason, I think I got lucky this time, so I'm going to give it a shot. She doesn't try to control me in any way. In fact, she prefers that I maintain control of the relationship. And its not often that you meet a girl who is on "our side of the fence" politically. I mean, we were walking past a group of "bruthas" on the street not too long ago, and she just looked at me and just went, "Ughh, gross". Sounds like marriage qualities to me as far as I'm concerned.
Edited by: Ground Fighter
haha yeah there are actually alot more girls like that than u think...u just gotta get it out of them...
Ground Fighter said:
Sounds like marriage qualities to me as far as I'm concerned.

If so ..... have a lot of healthy white kids and raise them to think like you!
I have, no kidding here, seen an MTV show where they had a childs voice saying " white people". This was then followed by images of war, poverty, and generally disturbing pictures and sounds. This is absolutely insane.
chris371 said:
I have, no kidding here, seen an MTV show where they had a childs voice saying " white people". This was then followed by images of war, poverty, and generally disturbing pictures and sounds. This is absolutely insane.

Are you bullsh*tin' us partner?! I hope you're kidding, but I have a sinking feeling you're not.
Evidentially, the outright demonization & attempted marginalization of the white race (especially WASP males) is at full throttle. We need to be active & vocal in being proud of who we are & not bowing down to socialist PC pressure. Also, being politically vigilant is a must. Get involved in grassroot efforts to defend Constitutional rights & freedoms from the Globalist agenda. These are scary times for the white man gentlemen!Edited by: DixieDestroyer
Im afraid im not kidding.

Definition of Racism:

When a white man discriminates against a man or woman of a different colour. And Vice versa, you ask? Vice Versa is impossible.

Definition of Sexism:

When a man discriminates against a woman. The reverse isnt possible.
Kevin Tuma said:
It is time to introduce a new term into the political lexicon: Black Supremacy. This is what large portions of the US Civil Rights movement have become---a black supremacy movement. The anger is undisguised. Racism, to a black supremacist, means anything that stands in opposition to the economic and political interests of black Americans. If the economic and political interests of black people are better served by robbing white people, anyone who stands in the way of robbing white people is a racist. And that, by the way, is the entire philosophical base for affirmative action and the 'reparations' movement.

To End Racism...
bigunreal said:
One of the most popular scenarios on televison and in the movies is the hot, skinny supermodel female beating up the hapless white male. This was always there in some form, but really began to blossom in the 1980s, when actresses like Whoopi Goldberg began punching out white males in every movie she made. In the 1960s, you would normally have the women use judo or karate to flip and defeat larger white males. Or they might smash something over the head of the white male. By the 1970s, you might see women kick men in the groin as a method of physically defeating them. At any rate, up until that point, women won fights with white males, but at least they had some kind of secret weapon or advantage on the male. However, we all have watched in recent years as 100 lb females routinely overpower and punch out much larger, often muscular white males. Notice that I always refer to white males; this is because no black male will ever be punched out a white supermodel. Black supermodel, maybe, but never a white one. It's the one kind of racial diversity the media will never show.

What is really sad about the media's anti-white male bias is the way even children are portrayed. White boys often bear the brunt of physical attacks from white girls, and even from their older sisters. Imagine an older brother beating up his little sister. You won't see that on television or in the movies. But then again, you won't see a little brother beating up an older sister, either. As long as the child is male, the crudest humor is permitted. For instance, shows like "South Park" can devote an entire episode to the fourth grade boys being courted by pedophiles from NAMBLA. It was very funny, but can you imagine the protests if they made a show about fourth grade girls being courted by pedophiles? It would never air, and if it did, no one would laugh at the exact same premise. This is also why Bart Simpson, Stewie Griffin ("Family Guy"), and all the male kids from "South Park" (not to mention Homer Simpson and any male adult character from any of those shows) can constantly have their animated bare butts revealed to the audience, always to laughter, but not Lisa Simpson or any other female character on those shows. But then, this goes back to the days of "The Little Rascals" and other movies from that era, where it was okay to have a young boy's pants fall down, to the laughter of all onscreen and in the audience, whereas no one would dare have a young girl's dress fall off or pants fall down, and certainly no self- respecting man or woman would have laughed at that situation.

Anyhow, the females punching out the males onscreen is one of my real pet peeves, and I'm glad some others out there are starting to notice it. I don't watch many current films, but just seeing the trailers for them on television reveals that many, many of them have at least one requisite scene where the supermodel (never a fat or large boned female who might theoretically be able to beat up a male) punches out the always white male character.

I meant to give you an AMEN brother on this one. I notice this CONSTANTLY to the aggravation of my wife, but it is so frequent it drives me nuts. Same stupid scenario, 110 lb model throws a punch at a 300 lb biker and he collapses like a house of cards. Not even a small bruise on her size extra small petite hand.

As I always tell my wife, in real life all that punch would get her is a rotten tooth grin, a quick smack down backhand and the ass pounding of her life.

The fierce fightin' model has replaced the evil white capitalist as my major movie pet peeve.

What pisses me off even more is that the thing that tiny honey SHOULD do is buy herself a handgun and if she really needs to take down a biker cap his ass, but of course the anti-gun zealots can't bear the idea of a pistol packing woman. Too bad! I guess they'll just have to be deal with several million rapes annually.
Jaxvid, outstanding points. Hollyweird just loves selling the rough n' tough woman (enpowerment) angle (Charlie's Angels, Alias, GI Jane etc.). In actuality, the stuff portrayed in those movies & TV shows is complete hogwash! While it's great for women to know self-defense 101, they need to be VERY realistic about the use & practicality of self-defense techniques.In the end, the best defenses are street smarts/awareness & a good handgun (with the knowledge, skill & reaction to use it when needed). OF COURSE, the Globalist financed (ie - George Soros) anti-2nd Amendment crowd constantly attempts to demonize the possession & use of firearms through their pinko mouthpieces like "Blowsme" O'Donnell, etc. Hollyweird is about 99.99% total excrement in my estimation!Edited by: DixieDestroyer
C Darwin said:
Kevin Tuma said:
It is time to introduce a new term into the political lexicon: Black Supremacy.
I don't think it's all about black supremacy so to speak. It's another group's supremacy that is the goal - blacks are tool being used to destroy white self confidence. As an overall group, they don't have the capability to be in charge and create what you are seeing. So there's "black supremacy" - but it's a myth created to hammer the psyche of whites. The myth has helped create the generally s**tty, arrogant attitude most blacks have today.
I had a friend (big 2nd amendment guy) that made it a habit to go to "Take Back the Night" rallies and hand out his homemade pamphlets with a solution to the rape "crisis". Which can be summed up quickly as: Stop rape: buy a gun you dumb dyke.

He got all kinds of negative flack from the lesbo's and their black male friends (there for protection of course) as a gun toting white male violence lover. They prefered to use their car keys and the ultimate rape stopper: yelling NO MEANS NO!
DixieDestroyer said:
chris371 said:
I have, no kidding here, seen an MTV show where they had a childs voice saying " white people". This was then followed by images of war, poverty, and generally disturbing pictures and sounds. This is absolutely insane.

Are you bullsh*tin' us partner?! I hope you're kidding, but I have a sinking feeling you're not.

It's called "Wonder Showzen." It's perhaps the weirdest show ever.
jaxvid said:
I meant to give you an AMEN brother on this one. I notice this CONSTANTLY to the aggravation of my wife, but it is so frequent it drives me nuts. Same stupid scenario, 110 lb model throws a punch at a 300 lb biker and he collapses like a house of cards. Not even a small bruise on her size extra small petite hand.

As I always tell my wife, in real life all that punch would get her is a rotten tooth grin, a quick smack down backhand and the ass pounding of her life.

The fierce fightin' model has replaced the evil white capitalist as my major movie pet peeve.

What pisses me off even more is that the thing that tiny honey SHOULD do is buy herself a handgun and if she really needs to take down a biker cap his ass, but of course the anti-gun zealots can't bear the idea of a pistol packing woman. Too bad! I guess they'll just have to be deal with several million rapes annually.

Jax, I like your style. And for some reason, I just can't seem to get the whole "fierce fightin model" concept out of my head, because it always seems to come up in conversation every time I get into a discussion about a movie. Its almost as if it were Hollyweird's intention to piss us all off, by shoving that mystical creature down our throats. What makes the whole "tough model" concept even more ridiculous, is the fact that there is an entire genenration of women who actually believe that, they too, can knock out a grown man.Unfortunately, many of them are probably going to start a fight with the wrong guy, and he is going to punch their teeth down their throats. And I shall be lurking in the shadows each time, and laughing hysterically as it happens.
Edited by: Ground Fighter
Ground Fighter said:
And I shall be lurking in the shadows each time, and laughing hysterically as it happens.

Me and a friend saw a girl slap a guy in a club a while back. He slapped her back, she stormed off. We laughed.
chris371 said:
Ground Fighter said:
And I shall be lurking in the shadows each time, and laughing hysterically as it happens.

Me and a friend saw a girl slap a guy in a club a while back. He slapped her back, she stormed off. We laughed.

If women want "equal rights/protection," then they should expect to be equally disciplined when necessary.
"(Charlie's Angels, Alias, GI Jane etc)"

Kill Bill, Ultraviolet, Dark Angel, Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Eon Flux, My Super Ex-girfriend, etc etc etc.
For every legitimate "badass" woman (ie - female MMA fighters, etc.) out there who can actually hold her own against the average man, there's 100+ women who'd fold like a bad poker hand with one straight jab to the jaw. By no means do I advocate open violence against women (unless in a legit self-defense scenario, OR if some woman attacked/hurt my kids, etc.). However, women indeed need to know/understand and accept physical barriers/limitations between themselves & men.They should also realize the crap that Hollyweird peddles (***see Cutty's list above) is complete Fantasyland BS!

BTW - xc1427, great point about women wanting "equal rights".Edited by: DixieDestroyer
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